Chapter 173
At this time, the gongs and drums suddenly sounded, and it turned out that the highlight of the Cuju competition, the women's Cuju competition, was finally about to start!Those court ladies entered the arena one after another, their pretty dresses and vigor made people feel relaxed and happy. For some reason, Yang Yu felt that Nongyu's nerves became tense in an instant. Somewhat similar, Yang Yu thought, could Nongyu be for this person?
I saw the woman kicked the cuju hard, and the cuju rolled far away, very lightly, and everyone started chasing it on the field.

The earliest Ju was made of hair tangled into a ball and stuffed in the skin. It is not easy to kick, and the elasticity is limited, so it is not easy to kick far.In the Tang Dynasty, the inflatable Ju appeared.Inflation inside can make the ball lighter, and increase the elasticity of the ball, making the ball lighter and more interesting to play.The key to the inflatable Yuanju is the inner gas bladder, which is estimated to have been filled with animal urine at that time.After slaughtering the pig, the freshly taken out pig piss is wet and soft. After blowing enough air, the mouth is tightly tied. It looks a bit round like a balloon, but it is thicker than a balloon.After the swollen urine was dried, the overall color was gray-yellow, and there seemed to be some dark red blood streaks on it, which were zigzag and extremely ugly.The skin feels thick and hard, which is very uncomfortable.Its elasticity is not as good as a balloon, but it is much stronger than a balloon skin and will not break easily.In the Tang Dynasty, urine was used as a leather ball for courage, and its elasticity was a big step forward compared to the solid round ball stuffed with hair.Outside the air bladder is a leather shell, which is first divided into petals, and then they are sewn together to form a smooth transition ball.

The arena was very lively and colorful, although it was not as intense as the man's, but it was interesting.This game was described by the good-natured people, who said: "When you come out of the red building, you will have a beautiful look, and you will have a new look when you face the day. It has not been done in ancient times, but it has begun to be old today. It is concealed by all tricks, and it is unmatched in its ability. So he raised his sleeves and folded his feet, wandering and wandering; although he advances and retreats with evidence, he is always cautious. The ball is like a pearl, and the human face is like jade; below is the turning of thunder and wind, and above is the end of gods. There is no habit of oblique The flow is always a straight swim; the ball never leaves the foot, the foot never leaves the ball. Playing the gold plate makes the gods want to come down, dances the sword and makes the barbarians come to throw... Doubt the ground, do not follow the ground, doubt the emptiness, but practice the truth. When it is At that time, the Huating admired it, and thousands of people looked up to it; Luoshen met and was ashamed to ride on the stream, and flying swallows met and felt ashamed in the palm..."

The content of the prose is naturally a bit exaggerated, but the beauty in the palace plays with the ball, the skill of "the ball never leaves the foot, the foot never leaves the ball" is really obsessed.They are light in figure, quick in coming and going, "walking on the ground with doubts but not on the ground, and practicing the truth when doubting the emptiness", and they have superb ball skills.

In the Tang Dynasty, it was said that all the people played football and played Cuju, from the emperor, princes and nobles, down to the common people, pawns and porters all loved to play Cuju.And this is the most exciting scene in the women's Cuju room!

Everyone was running and scrambling on the field, kicking and turning, dust was flying, and sweat was pouring like rain.After kicking a fierce Cuju match, my heart was full of heart and joy, and the emperor personally rewarded the winning team, led by a woman similar to Nongyu!
Although her appearance is somewhat similar to Nongyu's, the heroic spirit between her eyebrows is completely different from Nongyu's weak Liu Fufeng. She is full of energy, her cheeks are full of charming vitality because of running, and the bright red color makes everything eclipsed. , because of the victory, the unstoppable smile was even more joyful.

The emperor glanced at her, couldn't help laughing, and said: "Today I finally know what Xiaohe is, so I can show my sharp horns!" The maid didn't know what the emperor meant, and followed the emperor's gaze, and looked down at the pair of shoes under her feet , has bared his teeth and exposed his toes.

She was very embarrassed at that time, and the blush on her face became more and more obvious, and she said: "The materials used to make shoes by slaves are so vulgar, that's why they can't be used like this.|"

The emperor frowned. Since when did his harem be so poor that even the material used to make shoes is so rough?It turned out that the noble concubine Wang needed a lot of money to plan for Li Yan in the future, so she withheld money everywhere, often subsidizing the good ones. She dared not touch the imperial concubine's things, so she used the worst things for such a lowly court lady. Those ones.Everyone complained, but there was nothing to say.The emperor took a closer look, and found that the shoes of the court ladies were all the same. Although the clothes on their bodies were new, the color was very dull, and they looked like inferior goods.

The look in Wang Guifei's eyes became a bit fierce, Wang Guifei was startled, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty! My concubine also wants to be more diligent and thrifty!" Could it be that the imperial concubine is filling her own pockets?"

Concubine Wang Gui was terrified, and hurriedly knelt down and said: "I am wronged, the expenses for the past few months are very huge. In winter, both the concubine and the maid in the palace have to cut clothes, and there are also supplements for the whole palace. There are more pregnant concubines, and these are all silver! If the concubine is not frugal, the money is not enough to spend! The concubine has done her best. If the emperor does not trust the concubine, I will hand it over to the concubine or concubine Shu. Reason it!"

Seeing that Wang Guifei spoke eloquently, the emperor's face softened a little, and said: "It's best if you don't have one, I just ask, why are you so flustered!" , Within a few days, he was complaining endlessly, and the emperor was still willing to hand over the management of the harem to the noble concubine.

Only then did Wang Guifei get up, and said: "The concubine is really trying to save money, and I don't want to be used by some people!" Looking at the palace maid, there could only be a trace of cruelty in her eyes.The palace maid hastily bowed her head, knowing that she offended the concubine Wang Gui, and she might not have a good life in the future.

At this time, Nongyu came over excitedly, looked at the maid, and said, "Are you playing the piano?" The maid suddenly raised her head, looked at Nongyu who was dressed in gorgeous clothes, and asked hesitantly, "Sister?"

With tears streaming down her face, Nongyu stepped forward and hugged her. The two of them wept bitterly. The emperor was very surprised. Just as he was about to ask about it, Nongyu suddenly knelt on the ground and said, "This concubine is guilty! This concubine deserves to die!" The emperor His complexion changed slightly, and he said: "What is the crime of loving the concubine?" "The last time I saw Mrs. Chu proposed to hold this cuju competition, I said in front of the emperor that I would hold a women's cuju match. This is my selfish desire! The younger sister Fuqin entered the palace together, she was assigned to the Clothes Bureau, and the concubine was assigned to the Weaving Bureau, and then by chance, she came to Xiao Zhaorong's side, but I don't know what happened, the concubine couldn't find it when she went to the Clothes Bureau. When it came to my younger sister, the courtiers and concubines inquired about it, but there was no result. Later, I thought that my younger sister loved Cuju since she was a child, and she would definitely come to participate in this Cuju competition. As expected, I finally found her!"

(End of this chapter)

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