Chapter 559

"Holding? Of course! But the question is how should we distribute it?"

Hearing Liang Bing's words, Snow, the true god from the Styx Galaxy, suddenly smiled darkly and said.

"How to distribute, it's very simple, we demons hold 70.00% of the shares, and you share the rest!"

Liang Bing also smiled and said.

"Leng Bing, what do you mean? Do you hold this theocracy for the purpose of dividing up the earth in front of me? The earth belongs to the people of the earth, and it should belong to the people of the earth, not you!"

Looking at the cold ice, Du Qiangwei said angrily.

"Qiangwei, you don't understand now, but you will understand in the future. As for our business talk today, you can just listen to it, okay?"

Liang Bing shook and said softly.

"No, there's something I don't understand, and I'll understand later. If you're really good to me, then I need to know now!"

Du Qiangwei rejected the cold ice bluntly, and said.

"Morgana, did you bring this human girl? If you don't understand the rules, I really doubt the ability of your demons!"

When Du Qiangwei interrupted the meeting, Snow said very unhappy.

"Be careful, Snow of the Styx Civilization!"

Glancing at Snow, he said coldly.

"Qiangwei, there are some things you still don't understand. We don't control the earth to conquer your earth like Taotie. We just want to assert our power, as the power of gods."

Liang Bing said slowly.

"What is the power of a god? We also have gods on Earth, such as the Star-Casting Dragon King, Fighting the Buddha, the power of the Milky Way, the Nuoxing God of War...why do you give gods from other planets to come to Earth to exercise your power!"

Du Qiangwei said coldly.

"You don't understand... Rose..."

"What I don't understand!"

"Qiangwei, listen to me, your earth does have gods, I know, but your gods can't protect your earth, at least not yet, let me introduce to you, this is the general of Lieyang star in the Tiandao galaxy Pan Zhen, he can easily drive the Chiwu star, that is, your sun away from the earth, and this is Snow of the Styx galaxy, he can initiate biochemical and geological cataclysms, and he can also easily destroy your earth."

Looking at Du Qiangwei, Liang Bing said slowly.

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, I just want to ask you, after hearing this, do you think Lieyang civilization is stronger or Styx civilization is stronger..."

Liang Bing said slowly.

"Is it the Lieyang civilization?"

Qiangwei Du was a little uncertain.

"Hehe, Qiangwei, you guessed wrong. Maybe after listening to me, you think that Pan Zhen's strength is stronger, so you think that Lieyang civilization is also stronger, but in fact you guessed wrong. If you compare it purely in terms of destructive power , Even when Kesha was still alive, he would bow down to Pan Zhen, but among civilizations, although the strength of gods is indispensable, the technical level and background of civilization itself are also crucial, so in the known universe, is Angels are respected, followed by Styx, then us demons, and finally Lieyang, but because of some changes in Styx recently, Styx’s position was replaced by us demons.”

Liang Bing shook his head and said.

"Although there are gods on your earth, most of your gods and warriors have not yet grown up, that is, your foundation is not enough, and technology is far inferior to ours, even compared to the entire known universe. On an average level, just cast Star Dragon King and Fight against Buddha, can they really protect your earth? And the main reason is that your earth supports them?"

Looking at Du Qiangwei, Liang Bing asked.

"I support……"

Du Qiangwei's face was very determined, but her heart felt a little sad. She really wanted to say her support, but in the end she was the only one who said it.

What Liang Bing said is indeed true, even if Baihe and Sun Wukong are willing to be the gods of the earth and protect the earth, the earth will not support them, because the earth is not unified, and even if it is unified, based on what she knows, all countries It is also impossible for the high-level to say that they will lift two real gods above their heads, even if these two gods are really selfless to protect their earth, they will not, at least not now, unless violence is used, but if violence is used , is that still what she wants to see?

This made Du Qiangwei feel a little sad.

"Don't be sad, Qiangwei, do you know why your earth attracts us?"

Looking at Du Qiangwei, Liang Bing asked softly.

But Du Qiangwei only responded with puzzled eyes, which made Liang Bing laugh and said.

"Do you think it is diamonds, oil, cars, houses? No, there are no such places in the universe, you can find them on any planet, and if it is only for ordinary people, there are also planets like Frazier next to us. Quite a few, we can find people if we want, and there is no need to offend the gods of your earth, but we have chosen the earth, what do you think it is for?"

"for what?"

"Don't you know that there is something special about your earth and civilizations of the same level? Then let me change the question. It is impossible for your earth's technology to defeat Taotie, but you defeated Taotie. What do you think? what reason?"

Liang Bing asked.

"Is it because our earth has a company of heroes and a god?"

Du Qiangwei said with some hesitation.

"Yes, to be precise, it is because your earth has super warriors, or super god genes. Your father Ducao brought the super god genes of the Deno galaxy to the earth thousands of years ago, and then spread them to the human beings on the earth. Although there were only Chinese people at the beginning, gradually, your super god genes have spread to the entire earth human civilization through reproduction, and what we are looking at is the super god genes of your earth!"

Liang Bing said in a low voice.

"We won't touch the power of your galaxy, Nuoxing God of War, and you won't give us a chance to touch it, but there are many other super god genes on your earth, and many of these super god genes have not yet awakened. Earth is not capable of awakening them either, but we can.

They have the right to choose their own future, which you are not qualified to intervene, and Hua Ye has already come to the earth, according to my guess, the coordinates of your earth will be spread to the entire known universe soon, known by countless civilizations, And the news that there are super god genes on your earth will also be known by countless civilizations.

As the saying goes, it is a crime to conceive a jade, your earth has inherited the heritage of the Deno civilization, but you have no ability to protect it. If there is no powerful force to intervene, it is estimated that in a few years, or decades, your earth will usher in countless people. Interstellar pirates, the fate of various civilizations with ulterior motives.

Even if there are gods on your earth, even if your gods have been sitting on the earth all the time, but facing these many interstellar jackals, can they manage it?Without sufficient scientific and technological strength, the average combat power of soldiers is not strong, even if there is a god, it is useless, so we are actually protecting your earth. "

Liang Bing said slowly.

"Then I should thank you all?"

Du Qiangwei sneered.

"In a sense, you should really thank us. Although we have selfishness, we can at least guarantee the peace of your earth. And if we have no selfishness, would you dare to accept it?"

Looking at Du Qiangwei, Liang Bing asked back.

Hearing Liang Bing's words, Du Qiangwei fell silent.

"Okay, now let's continue discussing the issue of the distribution of shares in the earth. First of all, we, the devil, ask for 70.00% of the shares!"

Averting her eyes from Du Qiangwei, she looked at Pan Zhen and Snow, and said in a cold voice.

(End of this chapter)

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