My host knocks cute

Chapter 336 Cute Bunny VS Cute Tiger

Chapter 336 Cute Bunny VS Cute Tiger (4)

"Don't worry, little female, with me here in the future, no beast will bully you again." Xuan patted his chest to assure her.

The little rabbit was finally willing to look up at him, but the way he looked at him was like looking at a "crazy person".

He talked to himself with great enthusiasm, but she was not at all happy.

She just wanted to eat big mouthfuls, not such small mouthfuls.

woo woo woo...

Fortunately, the rabbit's appetite is not large, she is already full after eating three fruits.

The wild fruit is somewhat like a modern apple, bright red, but twice the size of an apple, and there are small yellow dots on the peel. It tastes sweet and sour. Let's call it a rose fruit first.

Su Qingyu didn't move the wild vegetables next to Meiguo.

It's okay to eat wild fruits, but she has stayed in several planes anyway, so this kind of wild vegetables can't be eaten raw, okay?

This wild vegetable is somewhat like Chinese cabbage, but its leaves are not tightly wrapped together, but very loose.

Although rabbits are herbivores, she is not, she still prefers to eat cooked dishes.

After staying in this cave for so long, she has adapted to the smell of blood inside.

It's just that if you take a big breath, you still feel uncomfortable and pungent.

Seeing that she only ate three fruits, Xuan moved the remaining ones to her mouth: "Little female, why don't you eat it?"

In his opinion, three fruits are not enough for him to stick between his teeth.Su Qingyu only ate so much, do you think this is not tasty?

No, the rabbit orcs have always liked to eat these kinds of wild vegetables and fruits.

The wild fruit moved, but she didn't touch the wild vegetables.

Su Qingyu is now in the shape of a beast and cannot speak, and the two of them are not of the same race, so he can't understand the language of beasts.

Xuan kept pushing wild fruits and vegetables in front of her to urge her to eat, but she was already full and really didn't want to eat any more.

When a female turns back into a beast shape, her appetite will become smaller. After all, the beast shape stomach is only so big.

"Cuckoo..." Su Qingyu let out a dissatisfied voice in her throat, which made Xuan, who was squatting in front of her, lower his head in frustration.

How could this person be so easily influenced by her? She just expressed her dissatisfaction.

Such a lost look is not at all what a tiger should look like.

Su Qingyu has seen tigers in the zoo. Although they are not as fierce as those on TV, they walk like a king.

But the tiger in front of her didn't have the majesty of a tiger at all.

Forget it, seeing how lost he is, she'd better comfort him.

She ran and jumped in front of Xuan, stretched out her short, white paws and lightly poked Xuan's hand beside him.

Xuan looked up at her, those dark eyes were full of sadness, and the eye sockets were red.

No, as for this?
Suddenly, Xuan hugged her, held her to his chest, and rubbed her face against her rabbit head.

"Little female, I thought you were angry and ignored me!"

Su Qingyu: "..."

At this time, Xuan was like a child who had been abandoned and returned to his mother's arms.

Xuan hugged Su Qingyu for a long time before putting her on his lap.

The soft fleshy pads stuck to Xuan's smooth legs, making Su Qingyu a little uneasy.

Because the nails of cats can be retracted into the pads, but the nails of rabbits cannot.

What would she do if she cut someone's skin?
Soon, Su Qingyu realized that her worries were completely unnecessary.

Although Xuan's skin is smooth, but his flesh is very thick, Su Qingyu's sharp claws can't hurt him.

Only when Su Qingyu tried his best could he cut Xuan's skin and bleed.

(End of this chapter)

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