My host knocks cute

Chapter 325 Ace Broker VS Little Milk Dog Superstar

Chapter 325 Ace Broker VS Little Milk Dog Superstar (57)

"I don't think you're young, it's just that you're just an adult. It's too early to talk about feelings now. Let's talk about it when you're older." Su Qingyu looked at Chu Yixuan seriously with star-like eyes.

Su Qingyu chose neither to agree nor to refuse this task.

"Ding! The main mission has been completed, forty points are rewarded, and the remaining points are 820 points."

"Sister Su, you mean..."

Su Qingyu interrupted Chu Yixuan, "Yes, when you get older, maybe I will agree to your confession. But now, you have to film well, go to school, and do what you should do well. You don't have to think about it all day long. There are some of these. Also, let me tell you clearly, I just like boys like you, so you have to work hard, if you can't meet my expectations, then I have no choice but to find someone else. "

"Okay, sister Su, don't worry, I will definitely work hard!"


From that day on, Chu Yixuan devoted himself wholeheartedly to filming, listened carefully to the director's explanation, and worked harder than anyone else.

Even Qi Yun, who came to play a guest role, felt the vitality of youth in him.

It's good to be young, with such a strong self-motivation.

Qi Yun only stayed on the set for five or six days before leaving, so Su Qingyu was not disturbed at all.

But before Qi Yun left, he stuffed the dog into Su Qingyu's arms and told her that if she didn't want the dog, he would kill the dog and eat it.

There is no way, Su Qingyu can only accept it.

Such a cute dog, Su Qingyu didn't want to see it killed and served on the table.

Before, Chu Yixuan looked at this dog quite pleasing to the eye, since Qi Yun handed the dog to Su Qingyu himself, he can no longer face this dog formally.

In his heart, he already regarded this dog as Qi Yun. It occupied Su Qingyu's arms, her room, and her bed.

Chu Yixuan looked at the dog with hostility in his eyes, wishing he could stew him on the spot.

On this day, Chu Yixuan's scene was filmed early, he ate, took a shower, and ran to Su Qingyu's room in a bathrobe.

As soon as he entered the door, Chu Yixuan saw Su Qingyu half lying on the bed, with that hateful dog lying on her belly.

Even he had never touched that place, but now it was preempted by a dog!
Chu Yixuan appeared in front of Su Qingyu with a gloomy face, she quickly sat up and tidied up her messy clothes.

"Yixuan, why are you here?"

I didn't even knock on the door. Is there something urgent?
Both of them trust each other very much, so they both have the key cards of each other's room.

"I'm fine, come and take a look." Chu Yixuan answered Su Qingyu's question, but his eyes kept staring at the dog in Su Qingyu's arms.

The dog felt murderous, and was also staring at Chu Yixuan.

One person and one dog are confronting each other silently, and the surroundings are full of gunpowder.

Su Qingyu saw Chu Yixuan's eyes full of hostility, and quickly put the dog in his arms on the ground: "Go and play by yourself."

As soon as the dog walked away, Chu Yixuan's eyes softened a little.

He sat by the bed, opened his mouth, and suddenly realized that he had nothing to talk to Su Qingyu about except work.

"Yixuan, have you finished memorizing the script?" It was Su Qingyu who spoke first.

"I'm done memorizing, I'm a little about we watch a movie." Chu Yixuan suddenly thought of a good idea.

It's only eight o'clock now, and it's only 10:30 at most after watching the movie, neither too early nor too late.

(End of this chapter)

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