Your husband's daughter-in-law is reborn

Chapter 329 Some people always like to add drama to themselves

Chapter 329 Some people always like to add drama to themselves (Fourth update)

Chapter 329 Some people always like to add drama to themselves (Fourth update)

They went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and these people didn't know where they got the news. They were still talking about Miss Ouyang's family, but the next moment, the wind vane changed.

"Auntie, how do you sell this vegetable?" Lu Sanniang pointed at the juicy vegetables, but the other party didn't hear her at all, and was still talking about the rumors she heard in the morning.

Lu Sanniang frowned, and was about to shout again when she heard the vegetable seller's aunt discussing with the stall next door.

"Have you heard? Eight corpses were thrown at the gate of the Wen Mansion, eight concrete bodies, a total of eight! And all of them were dressed in black, with broken swords beside them!"

"I heard, tell me, what is this?"

"Master Wen is a high-ranking official, who dares to make things difficult for them?"

"Yes yes yes, I am puzzled, Wen Mansion is a high-ranking official, yet someone dares to throw eight corpses at the gate of Wen Mansion."

"I've heard that the steward of the Wen Mansion opened the door in the morning and saw the corpses of eight men in black lying outside the door. He was so frightened that his face turned pale."

"Uh, I heard it was urine."

"Don't laugh, if you find eight corpses of men in black at your door, you won't even have time to cry!"

"Did Master Wen cause any trouble?"

"That's not what I know. I heard that Master Wen wanted to kill someone. In the end, the person he sent was killed, and then sent to the gate of his house as a warning!"

"I heard that the Wen Mansion has entered the official post and is investigating this matter."

Listening to them talking, Lu Sanniang's heart arose suddenly, her pupils shrank suddenly, thinking of the men in black who broke into her room last night, she counted them... Isn't it eight? ? !
Lu Sanniang was a little flustered, her eyes were rolling, her heart was even more flustered, and her palms were sweating coldly. The deaths of those eight people...could it be Qiao Zhen who killed them? ? !


Lu Sanniang was not educated about killing people, only murdering and breaking the law. She grew up in the countryside and never thought about killing people. However, she saw too much life and death, and saw too many corpses. Although he is afraid now, although he has palpitations, he is not so frightened that he loses his feet.

——They don't die, she is the one who dies!
At this time, Lu Sanniang thought of this, and the moment she wanted to understand this point, she suddenly calmed down, gasped, and clearly realized that this is a matter of life and death, and those people deserve to die!What's more damning is the person who sent those eight men in black!

Lu Sanniang's eyes were on fire. If it wasn't for Qiao Zhen, she and her son might have turned into cold corpses!

Why? !

It was Wen Haoxuan who wanted to like her, and it was not she who seduced Wen Haoxuan to like her. Why should Wen Haoxuan take the blame for Wen Haoxuan's happiness? !

Why? !Why? !Why? !

Lu Sanniang refused to accept it, she clenched her back molars, punched with both hands, and the veins on her forehead burst out.

Her mentality is changing step by step. The mentality does not change for no reason. It is always after experiencing some things that some subtle or self-aware changes will follow.

"Ah, grocery shopping, right?"

Only then did the aunt selling vegetables realize that someone wanted to buy vegetables. She blushed and was very embarrassed: "This dish costs six cents a bundle."

Lu Sanniang spent money to buy vegetables and continued to buy vegetables in the next place. She had cooked too much food that got angry before, and now she was thinking of eating more vegetables, which could also reduce the fire or something.

However, when she was shopping for vegetables, she met a person, and that person also spotted her and stopped in front of her.

Some people always like to add drama to themselves, even if the other party ignores her, they are still adding drama to themselves!
(End of this chapter)

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