Chapter 628 Bringing It Out (3)

It is undeniable that Meng Qianqian's complaints are understandable, so after hearing her daughter's cry, Mrs. Meng was also extremely tormented and contradictory.Is there any mother in the world who doesn't want her daughter to be happy?But in this society, women have no status at all. It is only right and proper to obey their father at home and their husband after marriage.

Knowing that her daughter fell in love with her adopted son Puyang, she had no choice but to obey her husband's wishes and do the thing of beating mandarin ducks, breaking the two apart abruptly, just to fulfill her husband's ambition.

Forcing herself to ignore the wavering and weakness in her heart, Mrs. Meng said sternly: "Qianqian, I don't care how much you and Puyang are in love with each other, and now the situation is imminent. How much effort your father has put in for this great cause, secretly I believe you know a thing or two about how much work you have put in. Your father also promised that as long as you can successfully give birth to a son, the future great career will definitely belong to your child. At that time, did you and Puyang worry about not being rich and prosperous? ? That is a wealth that cannot be spent in several lifetimes! The top priority, you still have to hurry up to let your stomach move, I brought an experienced doctor into the palace, and I will take your pulse later."

Seeing that her daughter seemed expressionless, but her eyes were full of disdain and self-mockery, Mrs. Meng couldn't help sighing, and put her hands on her shoulders, "From the moment you were born, you were destined to be different from ordinary people. Everything is involuntary, just like your father, if it wasn't forced by the situation, he wouldn't be able to get to where he is today... Anyway, it's useless to talk, mother will tell you a little bit, if you can complete the task your father ordered , do you still worry about not being able to fly together with Puyang in the future? You should carefully consider it yourself, is this the reason?"

Knowing it with reason and moving it with emotion, this earnest persuasion finally worked, and Meng Qianqian seemed to be a little shaken.All the glory and wealth are just a fleeting moment to her, who cares?
In the past ten years, has she enjoyed less?

But she always felt like that canary trapped in a cage, unable to go anywhere, but also like a puppet at the mercy of others—and the instigator was none other than her biological father.What an ironic fact!

As a member of the Meng family, Meng Qianqian also knew that she could not escape such a fate, and she had to work hard for it, otherwise, her father's scolding and mother's complaints would accompany her for life.At this time, it is almost impossible to think about getting out of the body.

Gently closing her eyes, she felt as if her heart was being weighed down by a huge boulder, so heavy that it was hard to breathe. This was her life!If she doesn't obey her father's order, it's likely that neither she nor Puyang will have good fruit.

When she opened her eyes again, Meng Qianqian had regained her former arrogance and coldness, and said expressionlessly, "Got it, I will follow your orders."

Temporary forbearance is nothing more than staying together for future happiness. Since you are unable to resist, you can only obey others.I hope that I can help my father complete his great cause as soon as possible, then they can retire and live a happy life of their own.

(End of this chapter)

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