Vampire Babies: Daddy's Grinding His Teeth

Chapter 217 Xu Wanwan's Strange Transformation 5

Chapter 217 Xu Wanwan's Strange Transformation 5
Xu Wanwan listened to Li Zhen's words, with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth. "You know, sometimes I really want to get angry with him, have a cold war with him, and then ignore him. But he always has a way to break through my defenses and make me helpless against him. Such a man, you say he is too shrewd , he is silly and cute sometimes. Call him stupid, but you always love him so much that you can’t extricate yourself. But it is because of him that my life is not so dull and boring. Sometimes I always think, what if What would my life be like if I hadn’t walked into that room this time and met him. Married to a random man and had children, and then worked hard for a living. Or being a full-time housewife at home, working all day long I was worried and frightened, afraid that I would not be able to keep my husband, and that he would cheat and betray me outside. It was that kind of thinking, so I cherished what I had today even more. I was afraid that this was just a dream. After waking up from the dream, everything would be nothing. .”

"You have been dependent on him for life and death, what are you afraid of? He is real, we all see it, and it is true that he loves you, more than anyone else. Sister Wanwan, you are lucky and happy Yes, you have to believe in yourself, you have such charm." Li Zhen patted Xu Wanwan's hand, signaling her to be confident.

"I do. I'm the universe's most invincible and beautiful mommy. Otherwise, how could I have given birth to my lovely son? It's also his blessing that Luo Teling can get me." Xu Wanwan listened to Li Zhen's words, deliberately Confidently raised his head and chest, he blew in a self-changing way, but after he blew, he felt funny again, so he pulled Li Zhen into a ball of laughter.

Xiao Hei flew over, brought two flower crowns, gave them to Xu Wanwan and Li Zhen, and then flew towards Xu Bao.Xu Bao looked at them from a distance, and motioned for them to put the flower crowns on their heads, and then went to pick flowers together with Xiao Bao.

"You must accept it as a gift from the handsome guy." Xu Wanwan smiled, and put the flower crown on his head, and Li Zhen also put it on.

Just as the two were putting on the corolla, Luo Teling and Cheng Ao walked over with a rose in their hands, but Luo Te Ling stopped in front of Li Zhen, and Cheng Ao stopped in front of Xu Wanwan.

Luo Teling and Cheng Ao reached out their hands at the same time, Xu Wanwan and Li Zhen reached out to pick up what they wanted to pick up at the same time, but they were stopped by the two of them. "No!"

The two waved their hands at the same time, Luo Teling sent the flowers to Li Zhen's hands, and Cheng Ao sent the flowers to Xu Wanwan's hands, making Xu Wanwan and Li Zhen stunned at the same time.Then the two funny men spoke at the same time, and they couldn't laugh or cry. "Beautiful lady, can you return my dear wife to me? I heard that you have a saying that if you are too close, you will become a husband and wife. Don't be so dear, if you two become a husband and wife, let us two men What a shame!"

"Fuck you..." Xu Wanwan and Li Zhen looked at each other with a smile, threw the flower back to them, then got up and walked in the opposite direction.

"Hey, there is no one who blatantly steals other people's wives. You two young ladies, you are so s***ing!" The two continued to talk, but they were already chasing after each other.

"Miss Wanwan? Wife? Kiss? Don't ignore me, do you want to watch me become a resentful man?" Luotling chased Xu Wanwan, and at the same time said witty words behind Xu Wanwan. I couldn't help it, and finally burst out laughing, turning my head and glaring at him slightly angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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