Chapter 449
The old man Li and his wife had a joke in front of their house, while Li Shou's house was still holding a happy event in a splendid manner.

Witnessed by relatives and friends, Li Mingzhi and Cheng Mulian worshiped heaven and earth and tied the knot.

After worshiping heaven and earth, the bride and groom are sent into the bridal chamber for the next ceremony.

First of all, you have to sit on the tent, also known as "sitting blessing". The bride and groom sit on the edge of the kang in the bridal chamber, and the groom presses his left skirt on the bride's right skirt, indicating that a man should overwhelm a woman.Then we have to sprinkle happy fruits in the tent, which is called "sprinkling the tent". Generally, the items sprinkled include jujube, peanuts, longan, lotus seeds, etc., implying the birth of a precious child early.

After the series of ceremonies were over, Li Mingzhi was pulled out to accompany the drink, while Li Mingyue and Li Minglan stayed in the new house to talk with Cheng Mulian.

The three girls were close to each other on weekdays, but now they have become a family, and they are even more intimate.

Li Mingyue brought a plate of snacks, and handed them to Cheng Mulian, "Sister-in-law, here are some snacks, you can fill your belly first, and the hot noodle soup will be here in a while."

Cheng Mulian blushed when she called sister-in-law, but fortunately she still had a red hijab on her head, so no one else could see her.

The scent of snacks went straight into her nose, she swallowed hard, and then said: "Er... my aunt and the others said that you can't eat before the bridal chamber, and you will make jokes..."

Although she was very hungry, she still had to keep in mind the advice of her elders, she didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of Li Mingzhi.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, her little stomach began to growl.

Li Mingyue's eyes were full of smiles, but she was concerned about Cheng Mulian's feelings, so she didn't laugh out loud.

"Don't worry, with us here, we won't make you laugh. Eat quickly. I heard that you drank a bowl of brown sugar water today. You must be very hungry."

Li Minglan also persuaded: "Eat quickly, don't wait for my brother to come back later, your stomach is still growling, that's a joke."

The scene she described made Cheng Mulian feel ashamed just thinking about it, she quickly changed her words: "I eat, I eat."

The matchmaker also smiled and said: "The girl is really lucky, to marry such a good family, and to have such two sensible and understanding sister-in-laws."

The two sisters talked with Cheng Mulian for a while, and when it was almost time, they went out to greet the guests.

At this time, the banquets in the outer room had also been set up, with sixty tables open, forty tables in the outer courtyard, and twenty tables in the inner courtyard, and there was a happy and lively scene everywhere.

The [-] or so people from the Cheng family who came to see off their relatives were today's honored guests. They were arranged to sit at the top table, accompanied by several uncles and aunts from the Liu family, who took good care of them.

The ostentation and the banquet were all admirable. The aunts and aunts of the Cheng family were all happy, and they all praised Cheng Mulian for being blessed and well married.

Sitting by the side with a smile on her face, Mrs. Wang couldn't help feeling sour when she thought of her useless daughter... Why do other girls marry so well, but hers... oh...

A banquet didn't end until Xushi.

Li Shou was drunk like mud, but Li Mingzhi was still sober because someone helped to block the drink, so he staggered back to the Xikua courtyard. Those who wanted to follow him to the bridal chamber were stopped by Li Mingyue in the front yard.

At this time, only Cheng Mulian was left sitting alone on the edge of the kang in the new room. She nervously twisted the silk handkerchief in her hand, hoping that Li Mingzhi would come back soon, but also afraid that he would come too soon, and she was not ready yet.

(End of this chapter)

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