National Hand Medicine

Chapter 362 Transformation

Chapter 362 Transformation
In fact, Su He's life didn't seem to have any special changes after dating Fu Mo.

It's just that every day Fu Mo would find time to come to Su He's house, stay with her for a while, and go back after dinner.At this time, Fu Mo always had a smile on his face. Even the people in his company noticed that the BOSS seemed to be in a good mood recently, so those who asked for leave, asked for a salary increase, and other miscellaneous reasons, all asked for help. They kept coming over.

The gloomy boss they thought did not appear. Instead, there was a faint smile on his face, as if a spring breeze was blowing on his face. He just gently asked "Really?" and then kindly agreed to the subordinates' request.

Fu Mo was in a good mood for a long, long time.

And those of his subordinates simply felt that they lived in heaven during that period of time!
And Fu Mo's first special assistant is a handsome man on the surface, but he is also a gossip behind his back. The real reason why the boss's mood improved within two days is because the boss has a girlfriend.

As soon as this news came out, the audience was shocked.

Not for other reasons, but because almost all of Fu Mo's subordinates in those days had the thought "our boss is not gay", no matter if they were gossipers or honest people.

Because Fu Mo's emotional life is too scarce, as long as he is a man, who doesn't care about liking beautiful women?Especially their BOSS, who is young, wealthy, and has a deep background, is simply the sweet spot in the eyes of women!
But their BOSS is able to sit still, face many "turbulent waves", without changing face, fight a bloody way, leave countless beauties behind, and make those women with other thoughts feel sad.

At first everyone thought it was nothing, but as time passed, they couldn't help wondering if their boss was gay?

During that period of time, men who were a little crooked in their hearts would start to "scratch their heads and pose" in front of Fu Mo, and a large number of dismissals from Fu Mo's company were caused by this.

After the proof of time, everyone understands—it turns out that BOSS is just a workaholic with a lack of love life!

This conclusion they came to proved more and more with the passage of time.But also because of Fu Mo's strict attitude towards work, the people under him are tense at any time, the working hours are very tight, and there is almost no time for rest!Although they work in the capital, they feel as if they are working in Wall Street!
This is clearly the tight rhythm of life for Americans!What the Chinese want is leisure!

Of course, accompanied by such a tight working rhythm, there are still eye-opening benefits. It is estimated that there are not many companies in the country whose salary level and benefits can match Fu Mo’s. This is why these people are under such oppression. reasons to stay.

I don't know how many people want to squeeze into Fu Mo's company!

You know, this kind of work is also a great opportunity to train people!

Just when all the members of Fu Mo Company expressed unanimous approval for the label of "no love life, only work" posted by the BOSS, a news suddenly popped up. It turned out that their great and omnipotent BOSS actually had a daughter. Friends?
Shock—shock, but shock.

They don't know what language to use to describe their feelings, say they don't believe it, they can see the change of the boss recently, say believe it, why is the feeling of awkwardness in their hearts so strong?

It was as if, before, above their heads, the BOSS who held high the sword, leveled everything, was omnipotent, and was as perfect as a god suddenly fell from the high clouds to the mortal world, came to them, and became just like them. Humans are just more capable than them.

Although there is a little bit of melancholy, but more of it is happiness—their BOSS is a little more humane, and it is no longer the working machine it used to be. What could make people happier than this?
Then, they could only cry endlessly in their hearts - which warrior took down their godlike boss!
Fu Mo's entire company was filled with curiosity and curiosity, and he couldn't help guessing and discussing, who was the female warrior who took down their boss and saved them all from fire and water?

Fu Mo didn't notice the commotion of his subordinates. Recently, he has turned into a "girlfriend fool", and his whole day's schedule revolves around Su He's. For this reason, he has pushed countless orders.

At this time, it was a sunny afternoon, just after lunch time, in the past, it was already time for Fu Mo to start working, but he did not go to the company, but stayed beside Su He, asking her if she would like to go on vacation recently .

"Going to the Maldives this season should be very good." Fu Mo rubbed his chin and thought about it.

Su He laughed: "Where can I go like this? I'd better stay in the capital!"

Fu Mo frowned, thinking that it would be very inconvenient for Su He to travel in a wheelchair, so he reluctantly said: "Then go after you recover."

Su He looked at him who was a little disappointed, and remembered that he had been planning their travel plan with great interest before, so he felt a little guilty, and took his hand: "Okay, don't worry, my leg will be healed in less than a month Woke up!"

"Really!" Fu Mo was pleasantly surprised.

At present, the most important thing is naturally Su He's body!Every time he sees Su He in a wheelchair, Fu Mo's heart aches unceasingly. It's a little hard to accept that the sunny girl from before is actually facing the cruel fact that she can't walk!
The news of Su He immediately wiped away some of the disappointment in his heart!

"That's great! But don't you need to do rehabilitation?" Fu Mo hurriedly asked, looking at Su He with concern.

Su He stretched out his hand and patted his head amusedly: "No need! I'm a Chinese medicine doctor, and I know more than you!"

Fu Mo grabbed Su He's hand and held it tightly, unable to hide his excitement: "That's really great..."

At this time, Su He suddenly thought of something: "By the way, you won't come here tomorrow. I'm going to Yunmo's place in the afternoon. There is a patient there. I treated him before, and he said that he feels a little uncomfortable recently. Let me go and have a look. I will go tomorrow and probably come back after dinner."

"Yunmo? Song Yunmo?" Fu Mo raised his eyebrows in surprise, he didn't expect Su He to say this name, "Do you know him?"

"Oh? Didn't I tell you?" Su He thought for a while, as if he had never mentioned it to Fu Mo, "Ah, I forgot to tell you, Song Yunmo is my friend, we have known each other for a long time. "

As she said that, Su He couldn't help but think of the scene when she came to Song Yunmo's ward window by accident and cured his heart disease when she just came to this world.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help smiling knowingly.

Fu Mo looked at Su He's expression and smile, and felt a little blocked in his heart, but his face was still very angry, and he didn't ask too much.

"Then you call me after tomorrow night, and I'll come pick you up." Fu Mo said hastily.

Su Ho thought for a while, then agreed.

The next day, she called Song Yunmo after lunch, and Song Yunmo offered to drive to pick him up, so Su He waited for him at home.

"How's your health?" Song Yunmo asked Su He the first sentence when he saw Su He, and his eyes were full of concern.

Su He couldn't help laughing: "Why do you all ask me that when you meet me recently?"

Song Yunmo rolled his eyes: "I just want to care if your legs are getting better."

"Don't worry, you'll be fully recovered in less than a month!"

"That's really great!" Song Yunmo smiled sincerely. At this time, there was a bright smile on his usually calm face, and there was a thrilling beauty, as if the thin snow was melting under the early sun. Blooming the most beautiful side of life.

In fact, the patient that Su He mentioned to Fu Mo before was Uncle Long. Song Yunmo called her yesterday and said that Uncle Long was not feeling well.

Originally, after Su He's treatment, Uncle Long has improved a little bit, but the speed is a bit slow, but Uncle Long has an old problem buried for many years, and it is absolutely impossible for him to recover in a short while. Yes, that also takes time to recuperate.

Uncle Long has already moved to Mr. Gu's place. For his old brother, Mr. Gu even invited someone to take care of him, and Song Yunmo is also very concerned about his elder.

According to Song Yunmo, Uncle Long was cutting flowers in the yard that day, but he suddenly fainted. At that time, he immediately called the family doctor to come and see him. But he was bedridden for the next few days.

In fact, Mr. Gu and Song Yunmo both knew about Su He's current physical condition, and they were unwilling to bother her, but Uncle Long's situation was already like this, so they had to decide to let Su He come over to have a look.

These were all in the car they were going to, and Song Yunmo said it while driving.

"Hey, I'm really bothering you. You are not in good health." Song Yunmo really felt very guilty about this, and didn't know what to say.

Su He was sitting in the passenger seat, and in the back seat was Su Huang sitting upright.

She heard Song Yunmo say this, shook her head with a smile, and said in a relaxed tone: "Why are you so polite, aren't we friends!"

Soon, they arrived in front of Mr. Gu's house.

After parking the car, Song Yunmo carefully carried Su He from the car to the wheelchair.

They walked towards the inside, and saw Mr. Gu who was waiting at the door at some point, and looked at Su He who came, smiling all over his face.

"Come?" Mr. Gu asked with a smile on his face.

Song Yunmo raised his head, a little surprised: "Grandpa, why did you come out?"

"Aren't you here to welcome our Miracle Doctor Su too?" Mr. Gu waved his hand and said, telling Song Yunmo not to worry about his body.

"The old man is very healthy, I can tell!" Su He said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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