Game life my anchor system

Chapter 297 310, The correct way to open the new poodle

Chapter 297 310, The correct way to open the new poodle
Both lineups!

There are many new ideas.

Purple Zhang Fengfang: The top laner chose a new hero—Ivern, who just came out, the mid laner was Zed, the master of the shadow stream, the jungler was Xiao Zhang’s poodle Rengar, and the bottom lane combination was Ashe + Stormrage

The blue enemy lineup: the top laner is the male sword after the revision, the mid laner is also the assassin and the famous trick enchantress, the jungle hero is the blind monk, and the bottom lane combination is the flexible Vayne + the son of the stars nanny
Flexible ranking, Zhang Feng's first battle ranking after going through all kinds of things has started to read!

Here we can easily see that the era of the League of Assassins has arrived, not to mention others, but the choice of heroes is very interesting, and the revised heroes occupy a very important position. ——Naka Ueno, this is really unusual!

Of course, there is an episode that needs to be told!
That is, before entering the league, Zhang Feng's top laner 5th brother ID "Gucheng" said a word: "Lion, are you really Teacher Feng?"

Seeing that Zhang Feng didn't answer, he turned around and said again: "Brother Feng, let me help you play with black technology!" Zhang Feng still didn't answer, and the man didn't ask any more questions, and directly chose the hero Cui Shen Ai Weng!
For his question, of course Zhang Feng didn’t see it, but he pretended not to see it. A person must have a B personality, especially a big anchor, you have to pay attention to maintaining your image at all times, so he skipped it, at least It is the truth to say that doing more and not making mistakes!

In fact, in Zhang Feng's estimate, this person is probably either a popular anchor who wants to rub against him, or a true fan of himself, because the biggest and most NB feature of the hero Irving is "planting grass"!
What the poodle needs most is the grass!
It is very likely that he wants to help himself to carry, so Zhang Feng can only say in his heart: Thank you.

Then think about going in and see how it goes!
In this battle of blood and fire, the new version will be revealed in front of our eyes in the next second.

Jungle knife, 3 bottles of red, blue BUFF to start with, these are the starting outfits that Zhang Feng has tried, the new version of the wild area is very interesting, the jungler CJ epic monsters have blood recovery, blue BUFF and red BUFF has been revised into a single boss! F4 becomes 6 chicks, and the Golem will split!

Therefore, the jungle route also needs to be changed.

The routine of double BUFF in the opening hand is obviously not suitable.

Zhang Feng was teaching, and he said: "This version, the poodle, I personally think it has been strengthened, and I think the fist will definitely reduce the passiveness of the poodle's bone teeth after a while. Come and see it now, this bone tooth, Now, after killing all 5 enemies, the extra attack power will be increased by 30%, and there is no cooldown. What kind of concept is this? If a wave of 5 kills is just a passive, then how much attack will be increased directly, 30% , Damn 30%, don't you believe me, wait a minute, I'll let you observe, if you add 300 attack, then the extra is 100, then that TM means you are invincible."

His explanation with a cruel smile did not lose the characteristics of Brother Feng.

"It's B again."

"The poodle has been changed and scrapped, there is no original NB."

"There are no seconds to hit the ground, how to play."

"That's right, that's right, it's not fun anymore."

"The Asian tie is gone, the three-Q dunk is gone, the maximum damage is gone, the three special skills are gone, hey, rubbish fist."


Looking at the bullet screen, Zhang Feng smiled in his heart, his fists are not fake, but your comments, this clamor is definitely because his sister asked me to slap you in the face-the poodle is weakened?This TM is called weakening, if you call this weakening, I don't even know how other junglers will play!
Zhang Feng is no longer BB. Facts speak louder than words. He fights wild monsters dedicatedly. As the purple side, he takes over the half-wild area first. BUFF has teammates to help him fight. It doesn’t hurt blood at all. He kills the big toad. Toad, three wolves, 2 Bottle Red is done, and the third-level poodle leads CJ's him to the upper half of the field!

Red buff, his CJ is reserved for red buff.

"Look, when this W skill hits wild monsters, don't be in a hurry to release it. Did you see the attribute introduction? The damage caused to wild monsters is 100% recovered, 100%. Brothers, what the hell does this mean? No damage. , No damage within 1.5 seconds, this is definitely a sharp weapon in the lion's jungle, just like me, you know, first A awakens the wild monster, then Q, in A, then W."

On the screen, Zhang Feng operated in detail, and then taught.

"4-star W, inherits the blood recovery of normal W, and the new effect is immune to all controls within 1.5, you can see it clearly, it is immune, this is also a magic skill, of course, the most NB skill of the poodle after the revision is this Q, two-stage Q, one When you can hit people, you can see how terrible the output is, as for the wild monsters now, they have a lot of blood, and the effect is not obvious!"

Zhang Feng said and released another Q.

Red BUFF 750 HP!One Q down becomes 512!It's about to reach CJ's damage value of 440!

But at this moment, a bright silver cursor flew out of the grass.

"Dig a trough, ambush me, blind man, damn it, wait a while." Zhang Feng shouted in front of the camera.

It was too late, but it was fast, the cursor hit the red BUFF with a crisp snap, 512, and immediately changed to 446, Zhang Feng trembled in his heart, and quickly pointed at the red BUFF, it was an A, and in the next second it was in the second stage of the blind man Kick the flying air!
In an instant, Zhang Feng's hand speed soared to the limit, it was the button—the letter D on the keyboard—the Summoner Skill Punishment!
Bass - a white awn!
The speed of life and death, the struggle between life and death!

Rings lit up under Zhang Feng's poodle's feet!
The audience may not be clear, or they may be watching the excitement, but Zhang Feng is very clear in his heart. If he loses this BUFF, he may die from it.

It's a pity, blind man, you are unlucky, you met Lao Tzu, hehe!
At this moment—the bright ring—the red buff burned under Zhang Feng's feet.

Ping A has burning, the blind man has no Q, Zhang Feng has no Q, and the blind man on the other side is to ambush Zhang Feng after hitting the blue buff, he doesn't have burning, it's really hurt!

This deceleration + real damage is very cool for the blind!

Flash wants to run, but it's not that easy!

At this moment, a blind man with half a tube of blood flashed—Come on!

flew out.

Zhang Feng also flashed in an instant, his three skill CDs have been turned up, and there are two points of anger under the blood bar, it can be said that within seconds, it will be 4 stars full of anger!
This is in Zhang Feng's heart, if you don't kill anyone!Play wild in my wild area, don't you know that I am the overlord!
Two flashes that shuttled across the wall like sharp swords!

I saw the blue Fang jungler Lingbo stepping forward, reaching the wall in a moment, he had a small pause!

The situation is that the blind blind monk by the wall seems to turn around and smile - I can come and go freely, he inserted his eyes into the dragon pit, and he is about to escape and ascend to heaven!

Behind him, a startled shout "Roar"

Half a tube of blood, W is about to make a shot, at this moment, "Roar" - the screen goes black!
The lion landed on him.

Hunting - No matter how many changes - Heart of the Lion King, never back down!
There was a clear "click"!
The head that was cut off by the hunting blade was still smiling, but his eyes could no longer be closed!
With a slight smile, a bend was added to Rengar the Great Dog's bone teeth - the extra attack power increased by 2%!

Blind monk, die in action!
First, blood, the first drop of blood!

Rengar, like a legend from another generation - fight on the battlefield again!
"Hold the grass, what kind of output is this TM, so it's only seconds? Isn't the blind monk half-pipe blood?"

"I don't understand, damn it, a wax gourd rind, why did it take just a second?"

"Please explain, Brother Feng, why is it not like this when I play?"

"That's right, I don't understand. Hasn't the poodle become weaker? What's going on with you?"

"My God, I'm going crazy, this is a lion, this is a lion!"

"Excellent, Teacher Feng, definitely the number one lion in China."

"Damn damage explodes, show fly."


The climax of the bullet screen was set off at this moment, flying, flying again!

In front of the camera, Zhang Feng's unhurried voice also came at the right time. Zhang Feng grasped this point and this speed very well, and his voice was moderately far and near. As for me, I flashed to the past with all three skills full. At that moment I took off and used a total of 4 skills. The combo sequence is like this q+w+e+full anger 4-star Q, which is how I reached the instant kill Effect."

"Amazing, this hand speed."

"Damn, how fast are these four skills?"

"NB, the world of the Great God is really powerful."

"I am convinced of this wave, I am sincerely convinced."

Zhang Feng continued:

"Let me tell you, the talent must be like this, ferocious - "fresh blood + double-edged sword", deceitful - "assassin + ruthless + Emerald God's gift + precision + Lord of Thunder"

"Yes, that's it. If this doesn't go away in a second, you can come to me." During the live broadcast, the confidence on Zhang Feng's face made people confused, so handsome, so handsome, he was so handsome!

(End of this chapter)

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