Game life my anchor system

Chapter 236 Chapter 230

Chapter 236 Chapter 230

After the first blood and the second blood reported, the rhythm of the game suddenly accelerated!

The third blood, this is one-handed anti-squatting, it happened on the top road, the blind man's gank, Rambo's flank attack, Poppy's escape, and the widow's support, it unfolded before our eyes in an instant, this is a battle of blood and fire, all Everything is here!And which side has stronger hard power or which side has higher intelligence will gain an advantage.

As a result, the signal marked by Zhang Feng's blind monk began to change, from the original target "Flesh Bobby" to a widow maker who specializes in destroying other people's families!
I have to boast: "Brother Feng is nice."

The instant change of the fire target made the opponent's reaction a little slower. The girl with the ponytail who was attacked first was still busy turning around and fleeing, while the child who rushed to support thought that his teammates were still rushing forward to attract firepower, and he was in luck!
She was a middle-aged woman named "Evelyn of Furuteba." He was forced to stay, and then lost his fresh life.


"The blind monk of Douyu 331566 has been killed!"

The warrior has a wild knife and a long sword with an attack of 60+.

Isn't the blind man's QRQ outbreak scary?Don't ask me, look at the output, seconds!The widow of death turned around and lay on the ground with a resentful expression on her face, and the blind man kicked her foot, dead, this is the explanation!
The third head is credited!
When the game time came to 10 minutes, the blind man was already level 8, with 3 kills and 1 assist, and he almost completely grasped the rhythm of the game!

The head ratio between the blue and purple sides even reached 1-5!The purple Zhang Fengfang took the lead by a large margin.

Except for Zhang Feng who sent a head in the bottom lane, the jungle, top lane, and mid lane are all great!

Of course, the bottom lane is not because he was blown up, but the murloc "Little Horse" in the middle lane took advantage of Zhang Feng's side to get the red buff, and when the mid laner ice girl + blind monk and widow entangled and killed people, he went to the bottom lane to gank There was a wave.

The murlocs played ADC and also used their ult, so you can't blame the bottom lane!
But there is a saying that goes, "Fortune comes with misfortune, and misfortune rests with blessing."

This may be the fate of Zhang Feng's ADC, because of this wave, because of the actions of the mid laner pony, Zhang Feng's eyes "huh" shifted.

Is it off the road, "Betta Fish Pony" you are making our family's off the road, right?

Then I'll do it too, let's see who kills who!

That's right, another wave, Zhang Feng's gank route is down, which is their own disadvantaged route!
This way of playing and why, I need a little explanation.

Someone asked, is it because Zhang Feng is swollen and always wants to fuck others, and even the "hardest", "tightest" and "hardest to conquer" parts!

Some people also asked, didn't you say that you help the good and not the bad, why are you still going to download it?

Okay, let me explain to you concisely, whether to help the strong or not to help the bad is based on the basic balance of power, and when your online hero has the upper hand, this is the premise of this routine.

But the difference in the current situation is that with Zhang Feng's three heads in hand, he is the great superiority, the sharp weapon that affects the battle situation, the murderous soldier, and the benefit of the spear, so where he strikes must be the weak point!
As for another reason to help the bot lane.

Although the disadvantage of his own bot lane did not make Zhang Feng very interested, he felt that it is not good for the enemy to gain an advantage all the way, and then suddenly have the feeling of "we can still fight like this", which will boost the morale of the opponent.

To fight lol, you still have to be more cruel, you must completely defeat, defeat, let the opponent lose confidence, and then wait to be slaughtered, this is the ultimate goal!Because it looks good when you show it that way, hehe!I'm playing live!

So Zhang Feng said in his live broadcast room: "Get off the road, hehe, what I like the most is challenges. Let's do it this time!"

I said the words first, and I thought a lot in my heart, but Zhang Feng's actions were still unhurried. This is a calm player. He maintains the demeanor of a king's carry-level jungler. First brush F4, and then engage in red BUFF , and then there are two stones, economy is more important than everything else, unless the gank opportunity in his eyes is extremely good, otherwise he will not act rashly!

You must know that the advantage is not when you engage in "fighting for a shot", but to attribute the initiative of the game rhythm, and then take your time.It's like tasting tea. Although you drink it slowly, in the end, it must be the person who tastes it carefully, who will taste the most and enjoy the process the most.


Farming wild monsters is not purely for farming monsters and economy, but also for waiting for CD at some point!

Zhang Feng looked at the CD of the Summoner's skill that was 30 seconds away from flashing, and felt that it was almost time to act!

He looked at the map and found a speed crab on the next road, but the other side didn't take it, so the blind monk is willing to help!

Three punches and two kicks, then scan overhead and enter the opposite wild area!
Eye platoon, one, and his own assistant Niutou also followed, and platoon, second eye.

The auxiliary AD on the opposite side retreated, obviously seeing that this side was warding off.

Zhang Feng retreated with a smile!Don't do anything in vain!

His steps are calm, except for the summoner skills, he has all the skills, and he is fearless!

For a successful gank, there must be countless preparations before it, such as the first trial, such as the competition for vision, such as the strength of support!

So Zhang Feng is still in no hurry!
According to his guess, the widow on the opposite side was almost there at this time, and there must be a great risk in jumping the tower!Moreover, the middle road on the opposite side has disappeared from the known field of vision. The signal of the single ice girl in my house is frequent, and I have touched a tower. The murlocs have not yet appeared.
At this time, gank is stupid!


Waiting is like the grass under the snow. When the snow melts in the coming year, it will break through the ground in one fell swoop, and the mountains will be full of spring flowers.

Zhang Feng is in such a state at the moment, he is like Goujian, the king of Wu in history, secretly guarding his armour, with three thousand Yue soldiers, ready to attack with his sword.

Until game time: 12 minutes, 33 seconds!
Wait for a full minute and a half.

Zhang Feng entered the opposite wild area again, the cooldown of the flash was over, and the opposite widow appeared in the middle once.

This means that the safety of bot lane gank is greatly improved!
He didn't relax, and the route of action was quite strange. He stepped into the opposite wild area with his eyes in the Xiaolongkeng, and then stood still, waiting for W's CD again. This is patience!
Because he knows that the triangle grass on the opposite side has eyes, and his position of touching the eyes is a card perspective!Now it is possible to complete this gank by crossing a wall.

Too much effort has been done before, all this time can't be wasted, and it must be killed with one blow!

He typed, "No rush."

Signal to teammates, wait!

The opposing support Bud, AD Jhin, came into view after 7 seconds!

My support is Niutau, and AD is Jinx!

These are the hottest heroes in the current version. When you get to the game of kings, you will find more and more that the version is king, and the strongest weapon is really a "patch."

The next second of the signal, it exploded, especially when Zhang Feng W passed another wall with his eyes.

The rhythm of the audience was up.

Zhang Feng led the radical tower jumping, this wave is coming!
At that second, straight through, Zhang Feng's blind monk Q came over. In the case of Niutou's first move, this Q must hit!
Bull head carrying the tower, ADC Jinx output, blind monk Q, second-stage Q, hitting the floor, nothing fancy, the first death of this wave of gank was born, the death of the life master!
It's not that there is no resistance, but that the effect is too small.

Look at Sky's original TP, and then the thin line that was canceled is simply evidence of this wave of gank!
So fast, just two seconds!

Zhang Feng's blind monk didn't even use his big move, the AD on the opposite side took a control, and then he Q came over, slapped the floor, A, the head was so easy to get!
Bud trembling under the tower, Zhang Feng walked up to A, although he was hanged weak, but he was not the one who resisted the tower, he didn't have any fear!


Thanks Jinx for the rocket!

After just a few hits of A, the head was taken away by AD.

Sparks from the explosion flew everywhere, and the chubby body hit Bud's body, and then he fell down!
This wave has no tricks, the opposite duo is so simple to die, Migrant Worker Company, Bull's Head flashes WQ first, Zhang Feng blind monk Q in this situation is the life master, Jinx deals damage, the ending is so happy.

Double death on the opposite side!

Heads 7:1, Zhang Feng Fang Dayu!

The blind monk's gank once again won one head and one assist!

Taiyuan Ma Chao, who is the "No. 66666 national server" in the middle, hit "[-]" to show that his buddies serve you.

Sincere evaluation: If Zhang Feng was a sword in the last wave, he was a spear in this wave of "a sword coming to the west", "straight through" and went forward, killing everything in seconds with hard damage, this is "the bravery of war. "

Of course, we can't forget the many careful preparations before this gank, such as: line of sight, such as card perspective, such as: requesting assistance for coordination, everything is foreshadowing, and it is done to perfection! ! !

But is this the case?

This is the end?I feel nothing!No show!Although the barrage is all 666.There were even rockets floating in the room, and many people said that the anchor's consciousness exploded. Unfortunately, my reader grandpa still thinks it's too small a case. BB, these things are gone!Tiantianshui, Tiantianshui, are you retarded?old wood.

Then this next scene will definitely satisfy you!

Because this scene is called the black and hard of wood!
(ps: Those who recruit code writers in the book review area, everyone must not believe it, all Taobao QQ is fake, brothers, I delete and ban every day, it is really speechless, I have no code words from him It’s a lot of money, if it’s true, I’m going too!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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