Game life my anchor system

Chapter 143 128 What is this battle called?

Chapter 143 128 What is this battle called?

The time reached 28 minutes, and the head ratio was 26:30. Zhang Fengfang's so-called disadvantage has been completely reversed, and he even has a slight advantage in momentum.

28 minutes and 12 seconds, very critical, the void condensed in this second, the poodle that had reached level 16 trembled all over, and began to roar wildly—"Blind my eyes, despicable creature, inferior species."

"You want an honorable death, and I'm going to kill you."

League of Legends system prompt - "Fate of Destiny" - "The hunt has begun"

Kha'Zix VS Rengar duel formed!

Love and kill each other in the alliance, a pair of high-level assassin creatures, this is the biggest Easter egg in the whole game!

A lion's roar seemed to vent, and at the same time, the little lion in Zhang Feng's mind "swipe" opened his eyes!
A strong hunting atmosphere spread in Summoner's Valley.


Pushing the tower, the offense and defense have changed. Zhang Feng's poodle's ambush and attack have never stopped. The opportunity comes from the single murloc on the opposite side clearing the line and defending the tower. At this time, the purple side has already won the dragon, but the blue side's The murlocs seemed to ignore it, and he even sent out tower clearing soldiers to push a wave of soldiers!
So Zhang Fengfang moved.The card that activates the ultimate move, the old tree behind it, and Zhang Feng's lion are all in action. The yellow card, the old tree W binds people, and the team battle is imminent. However, the policewoman at this time is not a side dish that has been cut down all the time. , his output exploded until dawn.

Crit 724, murlocs are on the run.

The battle line stretched very long, and at this moment, Zhang Feng moved. Rengar, who had activated the big move R Hunting Rhythm, smelled the smell of prey in the air, and stood in the grass behind the blue road tower. Remember the ambush, "bang" "bang", the powerful heartbeat is beating.It's him, it's him, it's him, that's right, I'm only looking for the strongest.

"Heh" when that familiar frequency appeared, when a praying mantis with vibrating wings appeared in front of his eyes, his whole body became cheerful, Youmeng, bloodthirsty attack!

"The head of a monster can be used to scare people."

"The weak eat the strong, and the overlord survives forever."

With a tiger pounce, he just jumped up, and what's scary is that this is the range between the enemy's first tower and the second tower, "Roar, cut off your head."

Kazik and poodle, whose outbreak will be higher?
At this moment, the incisive performance is displayed in front of us.

The angry 5-star Q of "Landing Second" is cruel and ruthless + W + E + hydra, thunder strikes, blood, the factory manager is blood, sneak attacks, really come and go more briskly, especially purposeful sneak attacks.

The factory manager was forced to turn invisible with an R, and flew out with an E, but he didn't want anyone to be faster than him, and he seemed to have counted everything.

It was the blue side on the road, the open space in front of the second tower, where the mantis was ambushed by a lion, and after eating a set of skills, he turned into blood. He flew out, and in the next second, he saw the white awn on the right side In a flash, the poodle also appeared! ! !
What he entered was no other place but the piece of grass in front of the second tower. With a "roar", Kazik jumped to the ground, and the poodle's leaping knife happened to be stuck in his neck. 300 floats!

"呲" the blood flowed horizontally, the green blood, the hand knife fell, turned around, Rengar cut off the head he dreamed of, and the bone-tooth necklace was completely transformed, and the head of an unknown creature shrank in the position of the jewelry bar .

Exclamation point - "mission accomplished"

No one would know that at that time, the little lion in Zhang Feng's mind was on its neck.There was a necklace with bone teeth, and the shape of a praying mantis skull was faintly outlined on it, and then slowly solidified.

This is something that Zhang Feng has never discovered for a long time.

Zhang Feng, who landed, did not end his killing, but aimed at the target plane next to him. This plane hurriedly rescued a W and wanted to provide output to save his teammates from fire and water. This second became a bonus, and he just I want to be a pilot in the front line, but the fate is not so good, we give him a very funny evaluation!

5-star E, grabbing Q, anti-tower A and A again, explosive like this! -330, -531. -270, -194, to zero! ! !
double kill
The lion turned around and entered the grass again. The enemy's mid laner Yasuo was in place. He glanced at the grass and didn't pass. Go to the front to support, but dare not, and can't go alone!
Because—he knew going through it meant death—he would be killed!

The power of the lion is terrifying!
One cuts a way, a life-supply line.

One comment: Three people in a mere area are worthless!
One man guards the gate, ten thousand men can't open it, so what's the point of this 1V3 battle?It is called - Slaying the Dragon in the Wild! ! !
At that second, the Galaxy of Summoner Canyon turned backwards, and the glory was reversed!

At that second, you are majestic and majestic, guarding the Xiongguan alone, even if you have thousands of troops, I will block it with my own sword!

Yasuo under the second tower of the blue square did not move, for one second, two seconds, three seconds.Finally, the bull's head behind them was in place, and now the savior came, and they dared to go up, but it was a pity that Zhang Feng's teammates were also in place.

Forward means death, backward means endless retreat.

They are very wise, they chose to withdraw!


Push, break the tower, break the high ground, keep pushing, break the top!

After a wave, the high ground on the opposite road collapsed!

Is it game over?

Yes, it's coming to an end!

but not now!
We also have to watch the last wave of wonderful super shows.

He is a lion, his name is Rengar, he is good at hunting, he likes dangerous, tall and temperamental prey, he likes to collect, and he walks on the road of killer.

The 6 god lions in the middle lane, the biggest contributor to the headwind comeback - the lion, with 6 squares of equipment, he started the team first, this is an attack from the shadow of the side, the details are in place, and the target is AD.

"There is no end to fighting violence with violence."

Q+W+E+Hydra, the operation is in place! ! !

Seckill seems so natural and irresistible, so experience the joy it brings, death is also a kind of joy, right?

The purple side, AD is dead!The plane crashed!
The murloc in the top lane threw a big fish over and Yasuo also came up, the lion's blood volume rapidly dropped by half, but his teammates gathered together, Zhang Feng didn't retreat half a step, claw after claw ruthlessly grabbed Yasuo's On his body, there are bright red numbers one after another, -650, -470,...

The fierce battle between the female policeman and the praying mantis in the rear had a result, and the female policeman was killed in battle!
When the policewoman died, she was smiling when she was constantly being hunted down. This is a dedicated LOL player, because she knew—"We won."

All the people on the purple side protect the lion, and it provides the biggest, strongest and most powerful output, just like a perpetual motion machine, as long as you don’t stop, it doesn’t stop, and the wind girl’s shield is widened—under the lion’s paw, There is no life at all - Yasuo is dead!
If mirror image
Doublekill double double cut!

The next target, the most fleshy murloc, a small support, endless violence, bloodshed.

There is no need for mercy, the last flying praying mantis, with a leap, Q tastes fear and wants to kill the lion with less than 400 residual blood in seconds, unfortunately, very unfortunately, the bloody hand triggers!I'm an upstart, I'm rich!

Can fight again.

quadralkill quad kill? pentalk kill penta kill?
When the bloody number 5 appears, it's over, really over!
No matter who it is, whether it is blue or purple, the moment the central crystal is gone with the wind, no matter how painful it is, you must accept the punishment!

The EDG club has been silent for a long time!The factory manager was defeated, this comeback, this lion! ! !


At this moment.

The winner, Zhang Feng, enjoyed the whole process. He sat on the computer chair and thought about it endlessly. This is not just what has been accomplished, but many important things have appeared.

Then this battle!

Slay the three dragons and prove the truth!

One cut——Wolong——Director Ao
Two cuts - Flood Dragon - a nest of ghosts, ghosts and snake gods
Three cuts - ugly dragon - Baron Nash!

This is called—fighting the dragon in the wild—slaying the dragon in the wild!

Now is the moment to accept the glory and brilliance, but Zhang Feng did not stop his battle, qualifying - he clicked this button again!His eyes were filled with flames of war.

Zhang Feng's live broadcast on this day started at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and continued until 24 o'clock in the morning. He only lost one defeat to the factory manager, but then he avenged his shame, and in the 9 consecutive games, three encounters Factory director, cut him off three times!
This night Zhang Feng's state is irresistible. He has a record of 10 wins and one loss in a day, 5 occasional encounters, and 4 consecutive beheads of the factory director. It was at this moment, from this moment, that his Rengar became famous Head - domestic lion!
Then—sword down Nanshan, crown my king tonight!Carnival! ! !

…………………………split line…………………………

Introduce the easter eggs of League of Legends
Kha'Zix and Poodle "Fate Showdown"

Conditions for formation:

1. Kha'Zix and Rengar are in hostile teams. 2. The requirement for activating the easter egg is that both parties have reached level 16. Kha'Zix's third evolution point has been used up, and Rengar has the exclusive bone tooth necklace on his body (minimum 5 floors). After meeting the conditions, the upper right corner of the screen will display An optional quest dialog called "The Hunt Has Begun" appears like in the tutorial. 3. The person who kills the opponent first can get rewards, and assists are also counted. 3.1. After Ka'Zix kills Rengar, he can get the fourth evolution point. 3.2. After Rengar kills Ka'Zix, his exclusive item becomes Kha'Zix's head, which is Rengar's exclusive item. The Bonetooth Necklace will not drop on death when it is fully stacked. (Now this necklace will not drop anyway, so in terms of cost performance, Kazik's benefits will be even greater.)
4. After the introduction, for the sake of my hard work, please ask for a small recommendation and subscription support, hehehe.

(End of this chapter)

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