Game life my anchor system

Chapter 140 125, fake 5 kills!

Chapter 140 125, fake 5 kills!

No matter what others say, I have a red line in my heart. To some extent, the factory director and Zhang Feng are the same kind of people, especially when it comes to games and work, their faces will never show. It’s simple, just play casually This is a group of people destined to be extraordinary from birth. Because of their attitude, they will not be ordinary unless the nature of this era changes.

Of course, their ability to have this attitude is also based on their interests. If you like a line of work, you will be particularly powerful when you start a line of work.

Ming Kai's reflection was carried out during the process of progress: "This lion is wrong. I feel that he has changed players, and the rhythm has completely changed." This is a big doubt in the factory director's mind. He almost understands the lion who is obedient, Simba is the strongest one, but now this person is not like, so unlike!It won't be him!

Who else has a lion?there is none left!If his rhythm was similar to Simba before, but now this lion's rhythm is weird and fast. If you don't pay attention, you may pay a heavy price. Be careful!The factory manager was very concerned.

The enemy's bottom lane has been broken, and the two-player lane is replaced by the outer tower, breaking the attack and then gathering in the middle lane to break through!This is the command of the factory manager.Everything was thought out perfectly.

It's a pity that the shadows are clustered, and the lion roars again.

Level 17 in 10 minutes, a real eye landed on the triangular grass on the top road where I was, the lion with the CD of the ultimate move was about to move, the plane was moving forward, and the bull head ran over to insert the eye, this is the second!
A fake eye fell to the ground, and the bull head saw the real eye in the grass. Before he had time to think about it, his hero, the bull head chief, raised his elbow standardly, and a common attack A, and the real eye dropped a block of blood.

An exclamation mark appeared on his body at this time, he hadn't reacted yet, and he couldn't possibly know that right now, in the bushes, a figure was already out of place and walked over his body, he made an A again, suddenly The awakened, dangerous, poodle.But at this time the life of the plane has gone far!

Too late, too late, even though he realized that ADC was in danger, it was too late when the poodle jumped out!

Seconds to the ground!See also landing seconds!
Youmeng, Tiamat, CJ Hanbing's jungle knife!

Q, 5-star Q full of anger, cruel and ruthless, 532! ! !The blood-red numbers jump again, E Lasso Strike + W War Roar, Tiamat + Frost CJ, basic attack A, return to 0, instant kill, the burst of hand speed is terrible, the buttons are almost in no particular order, So messy that you can only see afterimages, the person who can complete such an operation in such a short time at this moment has an APM of at least 800+! ! !

"Puff!" When the blade hit, the heart shattered.Hahahaha, the roar of the madman. "Remember every hunt, it will make my walls more stylish" "When you're ready, go!"

Gold coin 432, it's the end again, the plane was killed!

At this moment, there was silence, the plane was silent, he thought about being hit by a second, he thought about the possibility of a landing second, but he never thought that he saw only an afterimage, and before he could see the clear body of the lion, there was It's black and white!

The instant drop in the blood bar was simply unimaginable.

Death does not feel at all, it does not hurt, and there is no need to struggle. It only takes a few tenths of a second, the head is split, and your thoughts are still in the previous moment-I want to tear down the tower, what is this like? Thriller!
Eat alone - when the bull's head and the plane's position are separated a little, the lion will move, and there is no need to replay, because only the audience in Zhang Feng's live broadcast room saw this scene.

As for the factory manager, Jianhao, and murlocs, they are currently in the middle, entangled with the other four people from Zhang Fengfang.

One side wants to support, and the other side desperately blocks it!
You slay Taurean Arista.

double kill
The bull head who has activated the big move can't stop the lion with a high desire to kill, "In the jungle, only I am the king."

"dong" the bull-headed chief's stout body fell to the ground, and the heavyweight "boom" started flakes of dust, such a big man, maybe Paodingjieniu should be dragged away to eat beef, ha ha!
Double kill, is such a wonderful picture!

At the same time, the war in the middle road also broke out in chaos, with 3 people from the blue factory director side and 4 people from the purple Zhang Feng side!
Roaring approaching!

This is the open space in front of the first tower of the blue square. Seeing the crisis on the road, the Murloc's ult was directly fed to the tree. In order to prevent the tree man from being opened, the card moved forward with a yellow card, and Yasuo on the opposite side directly activated w Wind Wall "Face the Wind"

The murloc leaped forward, the strange spirits rushed forward, Yasuo stepped forward with an E and slashed forward with a Q slash, and slashed upwards crazily.Knock up and "ping" two people - card + big tree.

R, Blizzard's Last Breath Slash, it's just a short second, the king's strength is not fake, Yasuo followed directly, he didn't miss the opportunity to hit the plane in a few tenths of a second!

"Oh!" The situation is critical, and the mantis on the opposite side of the sky also spreads its wings and leaps out. The factory manager is his target card!His ideas are second to none!

Feng Nu activated her ultimate move, but the output at this moment is too explosive, especially for Yasuo who has an electric knife and also uses an ultimate move. His one-Q critical strike, coupled with the crazy output of the mantis.

After waking up, only three cards of red, yellow and blue cards flew out and fell to the ground!

The first person to die in battle was born—the purple party's destiny choice card master Drizzt.

The situation is changing, the purple side is deliberately pulling, and their battlefield is shifting to the gap between F4 and the middle river, because a signal is sounding crazily there.

The policewoman's reflexive E hit and retreated, and his A didn't stop for a second when he entered the narrow gap. Although the output seemed a little weak, the position was relatively safe.

Dashu was not as lucky as her. He was entangled by the Yasuo murlocs. Although his blood volume was extremely thick, he was in a very fatal crisis now. The wind girl who lost money provided a lot of white shields.

"Le. Ah" is the flapping of the praying mantis. He flew to the safest position, the policewoman who provided almost half of the output in this wave of team battles, the half-blooded mantis and the full-blooded policewoman!
Just a face-to-face, "hiss" 800+, this is the terrible damage caused by a well-developed praying mantis flying Q landing A, W triggering thunder.

It's over, I'm going to die!
The policewoman almost closed her eyes in despair, but it was only for a second.

"Let me open them." A domineering, confident voice sounded beside her.

"Roar" the king is coming!The lion's claws attack, the policewoman did not observe how the lion came, but when the angry 5-star Q, violent minions, lasso strike E, war roar W, Tiamat's combo instantly kills half She was stunned when the Blood Mantis was pressed, and she saw that even when the last Tiamat was pressed, Kha'Zix was already a corpse, and the output overflowed! ! !
When did the lion come?How did he get here, passive?

There was no time for her to think, she continued to output, and the lion, which was almost full of blood, calmly rushed towards Yasuo, and the murloc walked over.

"Leave it to me." Hoarse, but full of believable power!

A turn is the decision of life and death. Yasuo, who is still in blood, and Yasuo who is tied up by the old tree become Zhang Feng's first target.He turned into the grass and killed the place with the most dead bodies - the river grass on the purple side F4, then Q, A, A, W, his output crazily hit Yasuo's body, the murlocs output again, and Yasuo Suo output again, when the big tree with 400 blood fell, the two almost coincidentally shifted the output target-the Rengar Lion.

But is it too late?
Violent Claw, Q, cruel and ruthless, 4 brutal points, about to save 5 stars, Yasuo can't stand it anymore, he's here!
double kill
W, War Roar!

The target murloc, eh?

Weird, want to kill the policewoman?can you jump
Brother, who is the king in the grass?Who is the overlord of the forest!

The springboard——ding, the murloc landed, Zhang Feng jumped out, the connection was almost instantaneous, the 5-star E hit the murloc's head, one, two, three, four...

Three kills!floated up.

Crush all foes, violence roars, a true hunter never rests, and I just follow my instincts!

"Hunting, this kind of hunting, is really too simple."

Huang Zhong Dalu, three kills, from the ambush on the top road to the support lion in the middle road, 1 head, 2 heads, double+trible, how much is the total?
5, that's right, 5.

ACE, ACE, ACE, sometimes English is to reflect the force.

Pseudo 5 killed into the account!

The head ratio of the blue and purple sides instantly narrowed the distance.

Zhang Feng's live broadcast room.

Everyone, whether they are real trolls or fake rhythms, paused for a second at this moment, not because they were afraid, but because they were shocked, because they expressed doubts about the scene in front of them, did I read it wrong?This is something they didn't dare to think about, and they never thought about it, a game with a big disadvantage, and they can still play a terrible 5-player combo?
This is a master game. The most important thing is that the jungler on the opposite side is not mentally handicapped. It is the factory manager. In the national server, it is said to be second. No one dares to say that the jungler is the first. Moreover, the character he uses is Kazik, the flying mantis. His harvesting ability is even much stronger than Zhang Feng's poodle, but the truth of the matter is so bloody in front of him-five people beheaded!

They stayed in a daze. As for the true love fans, wood fans, and maple fans, those who waited hard for the city, waiting for Zhang Feng to explode, those 3300 Mu family soldiers, their thoughts have never changed. The silver ship breaks the waves.At this time, some people were moved to tears, and some people screamed hysterically. They saw the arrival of dawn and the fading shadow of darkness.

"My wood, NICE, kill, kill the factory manager" never fear, no matter how powerful!
"Damn, show, show, this is the real wood, I knew you could do it." The man's tears are sometimes admiration, or hysterical madness.

"Desires never stop, battles and killings never end, hunting, and cutting off their heads." The twilight is like blood, and Zai can't calmly enter the play.

"Trophy +5" Lion Rengar's head +5.

The darkness opened up the killing of the earth!
So how did the lion jump up and kill the praying mantis?

Let's call that scene a double jump, but it's actually not complicated. An ambush is always better than a clear gun. At that second, the lion was in the grass in the middle of the river, and a 5-star full of angry lions were gathered halfway. When it was in place, he In the first jump, the half-blood Gale Swordsman came into view, he didn't press Q or E, and didn't release a single skill. On the shore, the goal is clear and clear-"Kazik" cuts once, cuts again, and cuts three times!
Thus, a false pentakill was born!
(End of this chapter)

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