Game life my anchor system

Chapter 132 116, Cloudy 1 blood

Chapter 132 116, the clouded first blood
"Wood, do we still have to advertise?" A query from an old fan of the ID "Time is not here", the situation is indeed a bit different today, I met the factory manager, and before I could advertise, 331566 exploded, 12W People, this number of people is still going up, what's the situation, do you still need to advertise?
Zhang Feng was also wondering, logically speaking, every time the live broadcast, even if the younger brothers go out to advertise by themselves, they will not be so explosive. It’s not that the big anchor D has never met, isn’t it just a smile, but now they gather in ten minutes Such a large group of people.

Zhang Feng didn't understand.

He didn't know that some people had already advertised him for free.It's just that the way they advertise is a bit different.

"Douyu 331566, my wood, vowed to torture and kill the factory manager, Ming Kai is a pig."

"Garbage Mingkai, the shame of Chinese LOL, the first professional bastard, kda factory, garbage, eat shi"

"Douyu 331566, my wood, vowed to torture and kill the factory director, Ming Kai is a pig, please watch."

"WE is a traitor, WE is falling apart, and the factory director is a big traitor with curly hair." The old meme of ten thousand years was taken out and used by someone with a heart.Looking at the speaker's ID, Douyu 331566 is a hardcore fan of wood, I'm sorry, I dare to register for a murderer, he is such a caring person, hehehe.

Countless blasting teams appeared, and in the factory manager's live broadcast room, wantonly insulting, provoking, and blowing B, "My wood, the king is the first, if you don't blow it, you won't be black, Mingkai has the courage to fight." Douyu 331566 wood true love fan, a An ID clearly points to someone.

Mingkai, clearlove doesn’t have many viewers, but he beat Douyu’s 55K, 375W, this number is displayed on the screen, and there are not many people advertising, it’s just a drop in the ocean, but the audience’s eyes are sharp, "Where did this rhythm come from?" Especially when several barrages floated by together and someone led them.

"Betta fish 331566?"

"Douyu 331566 is a mess?"

"Hehe, I know that the live broadcast room is aimed at advertising and black people. He is a scumbag. The factory manager should punish him." As soon as someone mentioned 331566, someone jumped out to answer.Do you think it's strange?
"That's right, he's right. I also know about that live broadcast room. The anchor is very scumbag."

"That's right, that's right, I've seen him spray people."

Three people become tigers, and a hundred people become true, huh?It turns out that Douyu 331566 is such a scumbag live broadcast room, so what are you waiting for, bomb him.

So, under certain circumstances, the younger brother in Zhang Feng's live broadcast room hadn't gone out to advertise, but someone came.

"It's you, blowing B to kill the factory director?"

"What qualifications do you have to scold the factory manager? You went to the national competition, are you the champion?"

"Silly X, I'm just a person like you, what do you think, I have nothing but jealousy."

Scold the factory manager?When did I scold the factory manager?Zhang Feng was very puzzled, and he swore to the screen, "I have never scolded the factory manager. In my heart, the factory manager is definitely this." He raised his thumb.

However, someone jumped out immediately, "Hold the grass, and you still don't admit to swearing. I saw it just now. I have a video and I will pass it on to you later." It was true, and there was a video?

"You see that he has a video, and you still don't admit it?" Cooperation, this is the real cooperation, and the assist is as if it didn't happen.

"Garbage, hack our factory, fuck you."

"Wait for me to explode your ass."

"Who loses and who wins is not sure." A counterattack from wood powder.

"Hehehe, you are not very old, but your tone is really big, your rank is not high, and your heart is really dark."


"It's enough. I've been in this live broadcast room all the time. Mu Mu never said how the factory manager is, what's the matter, can you stop messing around."

"That's right, it's just like a brain. You can follow the rhythm of others."

"Intelligently retarded, who are you calling mentally retarded?" Look, he even admitted it!
The factory manager looked at the rhythm of 1, 2, 3, 4 on the screen. He was not unhappy, but he also said that he couldn't be happy. He was relatively calm and had no interaction with Douyu. Today he was promoting the team and played two rounds live. That’s all for the live broadcast, it’s not that he didn’t expect to encounter trolls, but the words “Leave WE, traitor” and “KDA factory” made him feel strangely dazzling. One life, but after that, one defeat after another, Ruofeng retired, Strawberry was crazy, smiling and crying, what would happen if he didn't leave?

His leaving is not really leaving, but to stay better. In the current arena, who else is there in the old WE.Isn't that what the game is like?Winning is king.

I, Ming Kai, have a clear conscience, make my own choices, live in e-sports, and die for e-sports.

A smile appeared on his cheek as he thought about it.

Ignore the barrage, but he thought - Douyu 331566?Maybe you should show some real skills, I'm curious who you are and what you can do.

The rhythm continued, and those who were really calm were ignored. On the contrary, those who watched the excitement, those who watched, applauded and hoped to see a shocking show, all danced and danced, and the fireworks started.


"ding" starts the game in the long rhythm.

The confident factory manager remained calm, and Zhang Feng in front of the live broadcast camera was calm and unhurried. No matter how strong the opponent was, no matter how much insults he gave, it seemed that nothing had happened.

At the beginning of the game, the patterns of the two were highlighted, and everything that could affect their emotions was temporarily put aside by them. Focus and dedication, this is always a good habit.

"Haha, I angered the factory manager, he locked the widow, hehe, this is the 331566 that blasted that stupid X."

"Yes, now I can give Susu an explanation. This person B is really shameless. He abused the spring and slapped a woman in the face. He deserved it."

The widow is the hero brought out by the factory manager. When he chose to lock it, some people actually laughed, especially those who thought their strategy was successful. The laughter was an exaggeration.It's up to people to plan things, but it's up to God to make things happen. This first step is very good.


For the duel between the widow and the lion, our perspective is temporarily on Zhang Feng. He started with the blue square and red BUFF, and he chose to continue FARM in the second level. This is understandable. The lack of gank ability is obvious to all when the lion is less than 6. It can only do things like anti-squat, don't you think?

However, the "uh" tactic made the blue team tremble collectively, FRISTblood "Your teammate mid laner Kassadin was killed by the little murloc Fitz on the opposite side."

Why?Level [-] solo kill, isn't that impossible?

Changing the perspective of Zhang Feng beating Shuangshi, the curly red hair, light blue complexion, and different-colored pupils, the smart and deadly Evelyn is in front of him, "Merge into the night, hahahaha." Uninhibited.

A thorn of hatred sprang out from the ground, broke through the waves, kicked up the dust, grabbed the soldier in front of her with one claw, and dived into the shadows again.

After seeing the assist, the second-level widow smiled impressively in the shadows, "I found a chance to make a shot."

"Their screams are so good." That's what it's like to be a widow, unsuspecting, coming out of your back.

With FRISTboold's first blood, everyone on the blue side trembled in their hearts. The deterrence was because this was Evelyn, the factory director, a widow maker who was just a carry in the competition, and she was full of coldness.

The sky seemed to have changed and became overcast.The widow of the purple side is the first blood, the head ratio is 0:1
(End of this chapter)

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