Game life my anchor system

Chapter 126 110, Personal Show

Chapter 126 110, Personal Show
The first round of the game ended generously, and the second round was officially released.

This time the two teams switched positions, and the Mu Chen team became the blue team.

In the selection, the opponent did not go the old way, but the strategy changed quite a lot, such as pulling two auxiliary "Bud" + "Thresh", of course, also pulling Zhang Feng last weekend in this Internet cafe for 5 kills The lion attacking Carry, as for the blind monk, seemed to be ignored by the other side. They thought it would be more terrifying to assist Bard.

In this case, Zhang Feng still took Qian Jue after thinking about it. The reason he made such a choice was not to show off the hero pool blindly, but the conclusion he had considered based on the lineup.

This time the Muchen team assisted Zhang Xinkai to choose Niutou, the ADC is a policewoman, and the middle lane is still three-handed. The top laner is the old monster Dashu who has remained unchanged for thousands of years. It’s better to choose Qian Jue. After thinking about it, Zhang Feng chose Qian Jue. Although the blind monk is strong in the early and mid-term, he is a little weak in the later stage, especially when he can’t find a position and can’t show a round T, it will be very difficult. Confused, but the hero Qian Jue will not.

After the hero selection, when it came time to guess the lane, what Mu Chen meant was to play the lane with this one—the opponent was too scared to switch lanes, and dared not play the lane.

It is estimated that the opponent will not be able to match the line. They want to play routines on the opposite side. It must be the case. Guess, Mu Chen will follow the normal routine of placing orders and placing doubles. down.

The game begins.

Mu Chen still did not give up on the design of the first-level regiment. Although they each entered their own lanes and did not change lanes, their exit positions were exactly the same as the previous article. They ambush in the grass at the front.

First wait, second wait, still no one was seen, could it be that the other side changed to go on the road again?Mu Chen was a little uneasy. After all, he was 18 years old, and he was not yet the age to settle down.

Bing A, make up the knife, and the two began to push the line quickly.

About two seconds later, the fan mother walked over from the river, and Mu Chen smiled as expected, the support was online, that's it!

"Damn, boss, they didn't change the line." This is the AD from the purple side. His EZ followed behind the fan mother, and his heart ached to death when he saw a soldier who didn't get it. Money is not a problem, the key is experience .

Originally, according to their boss's plan, the Muchen team was definitely going to switch the two-player lane to the top lane, so the opposite bottom lane mistakenly thought that they were playing a lane change game, so they went directly to the Muchen team's double stones, wanting to take a photo Gourd painting, harassing Zhang Feng's Qianjue jungler and top laner Dashu's start, the result, of course, was empty, Zhang Feng and top laner were KO blue BUFF at this time.

To make matters worse, losing two small soldiers, it is definitely impossible to grab the second one.

"It's okay, if you match up, you will match up. This will let us play wild guns to go to the bottom lane more. Don't worry, you two, take your time." The boss of the purple middle lane still sat firmly in the seat of the first brother and continued to speak.

"Okay, don't forget to shoot the male gun more often, the one on the other side is very fierce!" It seems that he knows Mu Chen quite well.


There was a conversation here, and the small face of the white-haired Zhang Xinkai turned from frowning to calm, and he said something full of X-"Even if I arrived, the opposite side must have to go down in two."

The female policeman is crazy about A soldiers, pushes the line, grabs the second.Despite the fanma+EZ combo that consumes a lot of energy on the opposite side, Muchen still has the upper hand in the bottom lane.

This is the effect brought by a small detail, just two soldiers, or a little more blood consumption, are very important.

Everything is planned!
Just when Mu Chen was delighted with his perfect bot lane alignment.

FIRSTBLOOD exploded, and my team was accounted for!
who?who is it?

His mouse moves quickly!Kindred?It really was him!
Seeing the refreshed Thousand Jue Seal slowly circling on Zhang Feng's head and then disappearing, Mu Chen praised in his heart, this jungler is really good, even better than the former jungler ARIKA in the team Many, whether it's the rhythm or the efficiency of fighting against the wild and clearing the wild, among the people he has met, Zhang Feng is at least in the top three.

He couldn't help but have a question in his heart. Is this person really only a master with 370 points?Probably not!After a few more days in double row, it will not be difficult for him to become the king, but why does he start to linger when he reaches 370?What's the point of life and death?
There is no time to continue thinking, and the bottom road remains suppressed.

At this time, the top laner on the opposite side "Hold the grass, this jungler's blue BUFF came out ****, the male gun went to his house, brushed the red, and wiped out the bottom half of his house."

"I know, don't worry."


You come and go, Zhang Feng lost half of the wild area, but he definitely didn't lose. He got a mark with a wave of GANK on the road, and another mark with F4 on the opposite side. His Kindred was less than 4 minutes old, and two Kindreds The seal is already in hand, what a loss?Isn't this the rhythm of takeoff?
Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, I swiped around in the upper half of the field. To my old friend, the top laner who returned from the enemy TP, Zhang Feng was ready to move again, squatting again and again, playing a conspiracy, but unfortunately Walking over, the line of soldiers has already entered the tower, this wave is a waste of time.

At 5 minutes and 13 seconds, Muchen's bot lane, aggressive suppression, has always been his style. In fact, as a support, he is a little dissatisfied with his current ADC, but fortunately, this ADC is more obedient. Can adapt to its own rhythm.

"Follow me, follow me."

"I WQ two, clip, clip."

"nice, don't withdraw, just them."

"Their male guns are coming." The ADC female policeman noticed something wrong with a glance, no wonder the opponent's inferiority dared to come up, it turned out that there was a backhand!
The opposite EZ flashed and dodged from the side.

Niutou flashed, and turned backwards, Muchen knew that if he waited, he would die. After Niutou's second company, he would be a meat target. He took two steps to see the opportunity and choose to flash.

The female policeman flashed forward, "I'll kill one! Change one!"

Just made a sound, this A has not waited to shoot, "dom" is a smoke bomb, the male gun is holding a burst modified gun, a round bullet was thrown on the ground by him, billowing smoke, the policewoman's field of vision disappeared, what's the matter with A A's out!
GG, the policewoman died in action!
The rest of the bull heads kept running away, the auxiliary fan mother on the opposite side put a shield on her to speed up, one flashed up, W chained the bull heads, EZ moved forward to A, and the male gun violently flashed forward and A to take away the heads.

It was at this time, when everyone thought that this wave of blue squares going down the road and double sending money would become blood mothers!
"Ping" flashed in the air.

Next to the thick wall, Qian Jue, who is surrounded by a wolf spirit with a bow and arrow, comes through. He rolls forward, Q Dance of Arrows, activates W wolf spirit frenzy, and an E skill slows down and throws it on the head of the male gun. Forward, forward, and forward.

he?When is it coming?Although Mu Chen was surprised by Qian Jue's arrival, in fact, he was so focused that he really didn't notice Zhang Feng Qian Jue's arrival.

1V3, be careful, don't be tricked! ! !

Facts immediately proved his fears futile.

EZ with 50 points of blood left first. In fact, the first arrow that Zhang Feng flashed over had already taken him away. The arrow shot out with unimaginable ease. As the killing continued, Zhang Feng did not chase after the support with less blood Action, but look at the half-blood male gun, and the red BUFF on him, the deceleration effect of the E skill provides an excellent output environment.

Q, A, A, the wolf soul bullies him!High damage.


Start with the red BUFF, move a Q, dance with random arrows, barely touch the corner of the auxiliary fan mother's clothes on the opposite side, that's enough, a little deceleration is enough, A, A, A.


This is where the real explosion, the real take-off.

"Hold the grass, brother, it's too timely."

"Damn it. You took off, Qian Jue triple kill in 5 minutes, 3 marks, invincible."

"This wave, sincerely, you came in time!"


What kind of jungler is this? Wherever the team needs him the most, he jumps out there. What kind of rhythm is this? The team has 4 heads, all of them in hand!
It's too fierce, 1 vs 3, to be honest, to be reasonable, all the opponent's skills are almost handed in, but the timing of his arrival, the courage to post 1V3, is it something every jungler has?
It's so beautiful, and the jungler came in time.The crowd of onlookers couldn't help but someone gave out admiration.

Hou Wenxia, ​​who had been watching the game, felt the atmosphere. She did not understand it, she was neither fanatical nor blind. She just felt that Zhang Feng, who was sitting there playing games, had a very special charm.

And this triple kill, huh?It seems that Zhang Feng killed them all, he is so good at playing games! ! !

The look in her eyes became even more joyful!

The thoughts of the onlookers were not within the scope of Zhang Feng's thinking. He still played cards according to his own ideas. He didn't rush home after three kills, but went to the opposite wild area to kill the three wolves and get out the wolf soul. Then stab three arrows in the back of the opposite mid laner Tsar. Even if you can't kill him, consuming your HP will also give your mid laner a great boost. He is doing everything he should do and what he can do.

"This jungler is terrifying. I don't dare to think about it. If I play games, how can I play with such a jungler on the opposite side!"

"A gank in the top lane, 3 heads with the support in the bottom lane, and consumption of blood in the middle lane, this guy is really!!! Too fierce, Qian Jue played really well."

"NB, it would be great if there was such a Qian Jue as a duo with me, hey..."

"Brother, don't think about it, at least you want a master..."


(End of this chapter)

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