Game life my anchor system

Chapter 104, Chapter 83, Prologue

Chapter 104, Chapter 83, Prologue

The brilliance of the fraud of Apate Nyux is descending, who can understand such things!It doesn't matter if you don't understand!

The important thing is that the League of Legends game that Zhang Feng belongs to is just starting, and something bad happened at this moment, how should I put it?

It's a bit strange, it's not common for a master game to grab a position, but it did happen today! ! !

Zhang Feng was on the first floor, he took the lion directly, and on the fourth floor was the advertising man who claimed to be the number one in the national server, but the third floor snatched his position, and he directly chose Yasuo.

But there can only be one mid laner.

So, the output of the explosion on the 4th floor came with a sentence: "If you don't give it to the single fire man on the 4th floor, give it away." This is the disadvantage of the natural location. Do you think this thing will happen on the third floor!
The eyes gather for a moment.

But the important thing is: However, Yasuo still clicked the OK button and locked it, so this game seems to have suffered a bit!

An anchor from Douyu on the 4th floor: "What does the 3rd floor mean? Is it sick? I didn't mention the mid laner on the 4th floor. Are you blind?"

Just this sentence, let alone what the third floor thinks, Zhang Feng just can't stand it, is this the anchor?Is this the attitude of an anchor?How many people did the audience say in the live broadcast room to watch his live broadcast? 3, that's a lot!

Young, still young, trolling people in the game, the most taboo thing for the audience is to see this, TM doesn't care about your own image, even if you are the number one hot guy in the national server, I guarantee you won't be popular, you have no brains.

Zhang Feng shook his head slightly, thought for a while and added a sentence on the public screen of the five-person dialogue: "Don't quarrel, fight hard, we will definitely win, if you can't do it on the fourth floor, go to help."

Just this sentence, the 4th floor exploded again, "Nimma B, why don't you help!"

Zhang Feng also laughed. One thing he could tell was that the 4th floor must be in a bad mood today, otherwise it would be impossible to speak in such a rush, and he must be a novice anchor, who hasn't been broadcasting for a long time.

You must know that a smart anchor knows a little bit of field control skills as long as he broadcasts live for a month, otherwise he will definitely not be able to get along in the stall of the anchor world.

This kid may be a stunned young man, or he may have no brains, or he hasn't realized the true meaning of live broadcasting, let it go!I haven't seen a few people in the workplace who teach you how to work, so go play by yourself!

After thinking about it, Zhang Feng adhered to his good style: Ignore you, just do what you like, this kind of person!It cannot be taught no matter what!
Live broadcast barrage:
"Damn, there is something wrong with this guy, and Mu Mu didn't take his place, so what are you scolding?"

"That's right, there's something wrong with my head, and I don't know what to think, but I'm still an anchor like this."

Compared to the anger of the audience, Zhang Feng was amiable. Seeing that there was no such thing as a gesture: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, brothers, what can I do if he just scolds me? As long as he is happy, as long as he beats me well, he can scold me whatever he wants. .”

Zhang Feng had a gentle face.Then in the next second, the style of painting changed suddenly: "Mother Xipi, coax him first, wait for me to win, scold him to death, ****, pretend to be B with me, hmph."

"This dog is so stupid."

"My wood is so fucking smart, haha."

"I like you that way."

"Don't talk, just quietly watch the anchor pretend to be B."

This is the program effect.The subtle turning point sometimes brings more than just a joke, and more importantly, you capture the hearts of the audience.

Learn from Sao Nian, you are much worse.

Thinking in his heart, Zhang Feng clicked on TGP, pasted and copied Huo Nan's ID, and looked at the record, good guy, he was blinded, this game is really hanging.

Damn, my luck will not run out, right? This teammate, this fire man, is not an ordinary person. You look at the record "2 pages of big red" and count the day before yesterday, 1234,... 19 consecutive kneeling, killing stars!Hold the grass, this is really a naked killing star!
See gods and kill gods, see Buddhas and kill Buddhas!This is the real atomic bomb!The League of Legends is not afraid of lack of strength, but fear of lack of luck!
"Hold the grass, if the wood doesn't work, just wait a second."

"This bastard has a lot of people, and I have given away so many dishes. I think this one is gone, haha."

"Kneeling 19 times is a crime for me."

"It's retribution, trash, let you abuse the spring, with your character, you can meet this kind of thing." I wipe, Brother Sufen, haven't you left yet?You close your eyes and rest for a while.

What to do?Second?That's impossible, the second has to be someone else's second, you can't do it yourself, if you are second, wouldn't it be a little cowardly? Kneeling 19 times in a row, this guy is really talented, and there are still 220 victory points for the master, my God, this guy didn't fall from the king, did he?No wonder the temper is so irritable, whoever lost 19 games in a row and fell from the king will not be in a good mood.

Zhang Feng is a little sympathetic, but sympathy is sympathy, and he has no other ideas. Don't even think about helping others, and helping you with a wave of advertisements. My sympathy is limited. , I can sympathize with you mentally, "It's so pitiful." As for the affordable ones, I haven't seen you brushing "Rocket" for me!

It's time to choose someone on the 4th floor. It's almost a direct second choice, the revenge flame soul fire man.Feeling a bit revenge society! ! !

On the second floor, the top laner Sword Ji with the ID "Seven in and seven out of the year" asked cautiously: "Is there support on the fourth floor? Huo Nan can do it. This version is very powerful. I have used it before."

Huo Nan: "I assisted Nima with a B. I didn't read what I said. He can only play mid laner. He can only hit a Huo Man. He only hits. Do you understand?"

My Cao, this is really violent, a mad dog, it bites everyone, this is it!

The 2nd floor is a quality person who didn't answer.If Zhang Feng is so short-tempered..., huh?It seems that he has endured it too!

It's all about winning, boo!You guys don't know anything, so the **** Lao Tzu is also fighting!

On the 3rd floor, Yasuo didn't say a word at all, like a mute, he didn't say a word, did he feel that he owed the fire man?Zhang Feng thought it was impossible.

This scene is very interesting: the persuading person was chopped up, and the gangster hid, while the beheader was still jumping, saying: I am not guilty.Tsk tsk, perhaps, this fits a certain scene in our society!

Turn to the 5th floor.

It is more difficult for him to choose a candidate at this time, what should he choose!Take AD?

But taking AD seems to be unassisted, so the next lane is definitely the rhythm of bombing!Pressing the knife can make myself vomit blood.

Thinking about it left and right, if there is no reason, it will be difficult to fight!

Why!How can I encounter such a doggy B game, I am so cruel, forget it, I still have to go to AD, at this time it is definitely useless to choose a support or something, and there is no one for AD.

ADC****?This one is a bit off.

Ezreal seems to be able to make up soldiers q by q by himself in the bottom lane, so it's better to mix it up!

After hesitating for two seconds, I thought about it, damn it, it’s locked, it’s not just fucking, it’s all fucked up, I’m still afraid of a ball, internal strife is internal strife, if you don’t play well, I’ll spoil you!

He scolded and scolded in his heart, but he still had a little thought. He kept his eyes on the countdown to the start of the game, thinking that if no one backed out at the last second, he would be gone!
This is the hope that people often have in the passerby game. There is no way. After playing in the alliance for a long time, the dog will definitely meet such two. At this time, I don't want to be second, so I can only look forward to my teammates!If your teammates don't have seconds, then you can only X yourself!This is all experience, no one wants to wait for those 5 minutes, no, click the mouse on the X.

One second, two seconds, countdown, 10, 6, 4, 2, 1, ...

I wiped it and no one clicked it, so okay, I clicked X in seconds, this young man who is struggling in the Internet cafe, but the countdown has disappeared. Is the elder brother's hand speed a little slower?
5 minutes, hey, 5 more minutes to wait, Xiaonian wiped the oil on his face, thought about washing his face, and then gave him a big hand, and then his figure disappeared behind the WC cursor.

(End of this chapter)

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