Chapter 276 [Different Concubine]

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Yuan Shengmin stayed in Huayang Palace, she couldn't live in Jingyao Palace, since she entered the palace, she could only live in Huayang Palace, no one knew that Jingyao Palace was the queen's residence, so she had a lot of Be discussed later.

"Dan'er, what do you think I should do to get him to notice me?"

Dan'er frowned and replied: "Your Majesty, you are no worse than others, it may be that the emperor was fascinated by that foxy son."

Yuan Shengmin smiled, "Have you seen that woman? You don't know, even I am surprised that I am a woman. She is really, really beautiful."

That night, the woman under the moonlight made her stunned, but it was because she was so beautiful that Yuan Shengmin had no confidence.

That person is like a snow lotus on an iceberg, isolated from the world, and the arrogance in her eyes makes one unconsciously want to retreat. Desolate, not vulgar.

It seemed that no one could guess whether her heart was cold or hot.

However, that night, she saw killing intent in that woman's eyes, not towards her, but towards Xuanyuan Jiaye.

"Your Majesty, the other concubines have come to pay their respects." Dan'er looked arrogantly at a group of women who walked in from outside the palace.

Headed by Ruan Fuxiang, the scars on Song Xinyan's face have improved a lot over the years, and it can't be seen after a little smearing with powder.

Of the few people in power today, only Ruan Fuxiang is the noble concubine, there is no imperial concubine, Song Xinyan is Yan concubine, Bai Yuee is Yue concubine, Yu Ruofei is Yu concubine, and Mrs. Ye is also a concubine. Some of the palace can be on the stage All the women in the palace came out of Jinnan Prince's Mansion.

Without a draft, there are only a few people in the harem, but the struggle in the harem has never stopped since ancient times. If Chu Lingling is in the back seat today, the harem must calm down a bit, but it is a princess from another country, or them A princess who has never heard of it, which makes them very unbalanced.

"The concubine sees the empress empress, and the empress is blessed and safe."

Yuan Shengmin sat on the main seat and looked at them with a smile, "Sisters, get up, it's hard for you to come so early to say hello."

Bai Yue'e was the first to laugh out loud, and said coolly: "It's not bitter, the empress is the mother of a country, it is my honor to greet you."

"Yes, it's an honor." Song Xinyan also sneered, "The empress is rich and honored, and she is the empress when she enters the palace. It's a rule to greet you, and it doesn't matter whether it is bitter or not."

Yuan Shengmin's face was turned pale and red by their words. She forced a smile, "Sisters, you don't have to be so polite. Since everyone is here, let me go and greet the imperial concubine."


Ruan Fuxiang smiled, got up and walked out first, followed by Bai Yue'e and Song Xinyan, not waiting for Yuan Shengmin at all.

Yu Ruofei followed behind them, and glanced at Yuan Shengmin behind, "It's true that everyone has his own destiny. I think when the Jinnan Princess was there, how could it be someone else's turn to walk in front."

This sentence immediately drew the flames on Ruan Fuxiang and the others and Yuan Shengmin, but Yu Ruofei dutifully followed behind.

When Dan'er heard someone talking, she immediately felt confident, "People must be self-aware. Since ancient times, concubine and concubine have been different, and concubines are inferior. Madam, let's go faster and let them follow behind."

Ruan Fuxiang looked back at Dan'er, her usual soft smile was a little cold at this moment, "So Dan'er also knows the difference between the concubine and the concubine. No one in Yongling knows that the real queen should be the princess of Jinnan. Yes, no matter how noble you are, you are still inferior.”

"How do you talk like a concubine?" Dan'er was anxious.

"This palace is also a concubine."

Suddenly, Qu Jingwan came out from the corner ahead and looked at Dan'er with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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