Rebirth Against the Sky: Evil, call me Big Sister

Chapter 540 Bright Moon Sect’s Beast Control Peak

Chapter 540 Bright Moon Sect’s Beast Control Peak (29)
Seeing Bai Nuan constantly defending her, Yuqin was even more moved, although the acquaintance was only less than a month, and in this month, there were a few days that were delayed on the road, and there were still 20 days left. In the Library Pavilion.

The real time to get along with Bai Nuan is only two days, but she has received great trust and support from this gentle woman. Presumably even a hard-hearted person will not be moved by Bai Nuan's sincere protection.

However, just when Yuqin was moved, that haunting voice sounded again.

"Junior Sister Bai, it's not that Senior Brother doesn't believe you, but Senior Brother is also afraid that you will be deceived, and Senior Brother doesn't want you to become a sinner of the sect! Besides, if there is any, you will know if you try it."

Greed flashed in Bian Qing's eyes. Treasure hunter, I haven't seen it for many years. If I use its claws to forge an invincible sword, wouldn't it be a new peak in his kendo? !I feel excited just thinking about it.

"Try? How do you want to try?!" Yuqin asked first, if she could, she could naturally meet the other party's conditions, but she had to use discretion, if it was too much, she would naturally not agree.

However, before Bian Qing could speak, Bai Nuan spoke first.

"No! Senior Brother Bian! Absolutely not! The child's contract with that monster is an equal contract. If he hurts it, she will also be hurt!
Besides, Senior Brother Bian, don't add a living creature just for your own selfish desires! "

"Hmph, Junior Sister Bai, do you want to betray the sect?!" Bian Qing said angrily when Bai Nuan exposed his thoughts face to face.


"Okay, shut up!" Lu Changqing shouted angrily, interrupting the argument between the two. He looked at Yuqin and said.

"Prove your innocence, or the life of a mere monster, you choose."

Yuqin was taken aback for a moment, then he wanted to understand the conversation between them, and suddenly he was happy, to be precise, he was angry.

"What? Do you dare to use strong?!" Yuqin suddenly lowered his face at this time, and said disdainfully without showing any weakness.

Xiaobao is her friend, her partner, how could she hurt it because of a little innocence? !Besides, she really didn't do it, so how can she prove it? !
"Girl, my suzerain advises you to hand over that treasure hunting mouse. If it turns out that you did not win the scroll, then not only can you leave, but this suzerain promises you that I will return you a monster. How about it? Treasure hunting mouse A more powerful monster." Lu Changqing tried to lure Yuqin with money.

Will Yuqin accept this trick?She was almost dying of anger, and she accused angrily, "What do you think of the life of a monster?! It is a bright red life! Every life is irreplaceable, even if you give it to me What about a powerful monster?! Xiaobao is the only one! It is my friend! It is my partner!

Miss Ben will never hand it over!

And Miss Ben said it again, you bastards have heard clearly for this lady!
This lady didn't use your shabby skills! Understand? ! "

Yuqin was so out of breath that she even fluent in English. Once these words came out, her situation became even worse.

Lu Changqing and the others had never heard English, so regarding what Yuqin said, they confirmed the idea that Yuqin was from the devil world.

"I don't care what you press, you must leave me today! Unless you keep the treasure hunting mouse, otherwise." Bian Qing looked at Yuqin with a fierce look, but she was not intimidated by him at all.

"Hmph! I thought you guys are so powerful, but you are just a bunch of unreasonable rats! Since this lady is not welcome here, then I don't want to wait anymore! Farewell!"

As soon as the words fell, Yuqin disappeared in front of everyone.
(End of this chapter)

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