Chapter 248
In particular, they have to avoid the organization's hunt-perhaps it is more appropriate to use the term "hunt".

She's been out of the real world for so long, she doesn't know how to deal with people, she's a weirdo no matter where she lives.

Besides, she couldn't stay in one place for too long.

For a killer who has been registered in the net, staying in one place for three days is enough danger.

And because of her nervousness, fear, and panic, she was afraid that she would be taken away in the next second. When she first escaped, she basically spent a whole year on the road.

With her sensitive and indifferent personality, she is the most suitable as a passer-by, the least likely to attract suspicion, and it will reduce the degree of danger.

Of course, survival is the biggest problem.

Although a 14-year-old child has been specially trained by the organization to perfectly hide in the crowd, he is still different from a normal person with a real social network.

She is young, and most of them do not accept child labor, and even if the other party is willing to accept, she cannot go there regularly.

The bigger reason is that general recruitment requires a health checkup.But she can't.

In addition to the photos, she had to be more careful that her blood samples were drawn and put into storage.

Once in the warehouse, she will be taken away by the organization within an hour.

In addition, she has to be careful of being detected by surveillance and satellites in various places... and because of this, she can't even walk in the sun.

After about a year of being as free as a rat in the gutter but without light, she had only one means of survival: stealing.

Because if she cheats, she will communicate with people, and she will be very dangerous.

Although a bit contemptuous, but there is really no way.

Therefore, at that time, she was similar to those bandits in Shanpao Village, but she was much more cowardly than them, not to mention living freely and unrestrainedly, she didn't even dare to speak and fight, any one of them would expose her She will carefully avoid hidden dangers in her whereabouts.

However, despite this, she was still very happy.

Because she feels that every day is her own. Although she is always nervous, she is in a happy mood, can breathe fresh air, and finally can truly feel the spring, summer, autumn and winter.

There are also some small animals.

Besides her, she finally has friends who can reassure her.

Although the species are different.

But to be honest, there are too many people in this world who are not as good as beasts wearing masks, but real beasts are cuter.

She once raised a cat, which was fluffy and soft, and felt very good to the touch.

The guy has a great personality, arrogant and picky.

Therefore, in addition to being exhausted, she also had to steal small dried fish for it to eat.

But... raising a pet is really troublesome!
She was almost caught by the organization several times because of this, and she was so broken that she wanted to kill it and eat it.

But that stuff is very spiritual.

Every time he sees her angry, he comes over to lick her very restrainedly, hugs himself into a ball and hugs her tightly, curling up and rubbing against her...

Her irritable heart was slyly soothed by it again and again.

Escape with it.


Dong Ejin turned her head to look at Master Jiu.

She suddenly felt that he was very much like the arrogant cat she had raised before.

There are so many things and he is very hypocritical, cunning and arrogant, but she is really angry, and he is very flexible, cheeky and aggressive, and he will not hesitate to roll around...

Well, except for the occasional blowout, most of the time it is still cute.

This probably can also explain...why sometimes she puts up with him inexplicably, right?

Dong Ejin reached out and pinched his face.

Although it feels different from that of her pet cat, the feeling of softness in her hand is the same.

(End of this chapter)

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