Chapter 330 What Are You?

Before the new assistant was sent away, Li Chen only said one sentence, "Whether my wife is good or not is up to me. What are you?"

Who do you think you are?
This sentence hurts and hurts!
The new assistant still looked shocked when he was taken away by the security guards who came up.

The new assistant was taken away, and the HR manager said he had something to do, so he also left.Only Gu Xiaoai and Li Chen were left in the office.

Gu Xiaoai stared blankly at the computer in front of her, feeling bad all over!
This is not the first time I have heard that I am not good enough for Li Chen.

In the past, those people didn't dare to say it to her face, so she could pretend that she didn't know, but today it was different, the new assistant whose name she didn't know was yelling in front of her that she was not worthy of being a boss lady!
"Honey, you're thinking nonsense again."

Li Chen sat down, put his arms around her waist, and wrapped Gu Xiaoai into his arms, smelling her body, very satisfied.

Gu Xiaoai crouched in his arms, his whole body surrounded her with a sense of security, and those negative emotions just now floated away in an instant!
She couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "Li Chen, I must have robbed you of your money in my previous life and didn't pay back. Facing those who provoked me, I had such a good temper and didn't fight back."

The corners of Li Chen's mouth twitched uncontrollably when he heard this, he thought to himself, you didn't fight back, you snuffed out the flames before anyone could make a move.

But——"Honey, are you sure it wasn't me who robbed you of your money and didn't pay it back?"

People say that daughters are father's lover in previous life, so are sons mother's lover in previous life?

"Hey, no matter who snatches it from whom, it's right for us to be together!"

Gu Xiaoai didn't want to continue on this topic, so she simply stopped the topic and changed the topic, "I've been delayed for a long time, I'm going back first!"

He stood up and was about to leave.

Li Chen grabbed her wrist, realized that it would hurt her hand, let go of his strength, and said aggrievedly: "I still feel uncomfortable!"

Gu Xiaoai: "..."

He looked at him without hesitation.He retracted his eyes, and said calmly: "There is water in the lounge." He broke free from his hand.

Afraid of hurting her hand, Li Chen didn't dare to grab it too hard, she broke free easily.

"I'm leaving first, you go back and be careful."

He walked very freely, leaving no room for anything.

The corner of Li Chen's mouth twitched, and the old matter was brought up again, "Honey, you sent my assistant away, should you pay me for an assistant?"

Li Chen silently praised his wit in his heart!

Gu Xiaoai, who had just walked to the door, turned around slowly, touched her chin and nodded, "That's right!"

As she realized something was wrong, she quickly changed her words: "Aren't you the one who drove them away? Why did you come to me?"

Li Chen got up and walked in front of her, stretched out his long arms, took her into his arms, and said righteously: "Because of you, I don't have an assistant, so I will wrong you to be my 'personal' assistant for a long time!"

The word close to the body is particularly heavy!

No matter how Gu Xiaoai refused, she was forced by Li Chen to temporarily take the role of assistant in the office.


The news of the vice president beating a woman reached the ears of employees in various departments from nowhere, and it was said that a new assistant was beaten because he contradicted the little boss's wife.

Some said in private that the vice president has no character, some said he was very manly, and said that it was the new employee's fault, and they called him!

The employees stood in two factions about this matter, one faction supported the vice president's beating, and the other faction did not support it!
The person involved didn't know these things, and he was trying to persuade Gu Xiaoai to be his assistant at the moment!

"Wife, do you think about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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