My hostess is very bad

Chapter 689 Bai Shishi's Worries

Chapter 689 Bai Shishi's Worries (2)

Bai Shishi shook her head and said, "Let me bask in the sun, the cave is too stuffy."

The entire tree hole is just a place for venting at the entrance of the tree hole. It is no wonder that it is not boring in this hot summer.

Coupled with the approaching rainy season, the sky is sometimes gloomy and sometimes bright.

"Then I'll accompany you." Yan Yi sat beside Bai Shishi, put his arms around her waist and gently moved towards him, and Bai Shishi leaned into his arms.

Yan Yi likes this feeling. Bai Shishi's head rests on his chest, her black hair is soft and shiny, and he can't help rubbing her head.

Bai Shishi doesn't like others rubbing her head very much, it's like having a pet at home and rubbing the pet's head.

So she stretched out a white hand and patted Yan Yi's stinky paw, and the latter dared not move immediately.

"Shishi, why are you beating me?" Yan Yi's aggrieved voice came.

Bai Shishi glared at him angrily, she really knew the reason.

"I'm going in." Bai Shishi left Yan Yi's embrace, and walked into the tree hole again.

She has been out for a long time to breathe, and she still has questions to ask Green.

Green was already making the cradle for the cubs to sleep, and Bai Shishi leaned over to him and looked at him.

Seeing this, Green stopped what he was doing, fearing that he would continue to splash dust and be inhaled by Bai Shishi.

"Green, let me ask you, did you incubate the eagle eggs?" Bai Shishi supported the unbuilt cradle with both hands, resting her chin.

Bai Shishi blinked while talking, tempting Green.

Green replied: "I hatched, what's wrong?"

Could it be that Bai Shishi thought it was interesting, she wanted to incubate eggs by herself?

That's no good, eagle eggs have to start hatching as soon as they are born, which requires a certain temperature.

Otherwise, if the temperature is not enough, the eagle cubs in the eggs will fall into a deep sleep, and it will be difficult to "wake them up" again.

Bai Shishi thought for a while and said, "How long has the waist been hatched?"

"If it's fast, it will look like seven or eight days. If it's slow, it will take more than ten days to hatch. But don't worry, whether it hatches quickly or not is not the same as whether the eagle cubs are healthy or not." Green is afraid that the eagle eggs will not hatch for a long time. Bai Shishi was worried.

"It's a good thing you said it first, otherwise I would really be worried." Bai Shishi was a little fortunate.

In other words, what happened to the snake cub before has left a shadow on Bai Shishi, and she doesn't want to see her cub have an accident again.

Bai Shishi's heart aches when she thinks of those cubs that died young.

"Green, isn't our baby healthy?" Although Bai Shishi could feel the eagle cubs bouncing around in her belly, she still wanted to make sure.

"Well, it's very healthy, you don't have to worry. This is not your first child, and it shouldn't be so difficult to give birth. Anyway, we are here for everything." Green comforted.

Green understood Bai Shishi's mood very well, after all, several of the snake cubs she was pregnant with died in infancy.

Since then, he and Xianyue never mentioned it again, just because he was afraid that Bai Shishi would be sad.

I also hope that through the growth of time, Bai Shishi can forget that pain.

But now it seems that she hasn't forgotten, she still remembers what happened in her last child.

Female orcs go into heat in the late summer and early rainy seasons. After the estrus, they will mate with males, either they are not pregnant, or they are pregnant.

Most of the cubs' pregnancy cycle is not very long, they all look like two or three months.

Only the gestation cycle of the ape beast and the female cub is longer, about ten months.

(End of this chapter)

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