Chapter 687 Joy (2)

Green hadn't had a good rest for many days, so he let Bai Shishi push him into the room.

At this time, Bai Shishi acted like a caring little daughter-in-law, coaxing Green into bed, then covered him with the quilt, kissed him on the face, closed the door and went out.

As soon as the back touched the bed, the breath of Bai Shishi on the bed wrapped around her body, and she was right next to her all night.

Smelling these sweet scents, Green gradually fell into sleep, dreaming of Bai Shishi, eagle cubs, and a prairie.

There, there is no Xuanyue, no Yanyi, and no Yeheng, only the two of them live happily with the eagle cubs.

No foreign beasts came to disturb them, and what accompanied them was the blue sky, white clouds and the land under their feet.

But the good times didn't last long, and Green actually heard Yan Yi's voice, and he kept repeating that sentence: "Green, be sober, Shishi doesn't belong to you alone, it belongs to all of us."

This sentence filled Green's brain like a magic voice, and he couldn't shake it off, and it was useless to block his ears.

Soon, Green's consciousness woke up, and he realized that it was a dream.

Green was sweating profusely, staring up intently.

It's not that he discovered that there was something above, it's just that he didn't come back to his senses for a while.

After Green's soul returned to his body, he turned his head leisurely, and saw Yan Yi who was looking at him with a puzzled face.

It's already night now, Yan Yi just finished cooking when Bai Shishi called him over to tell Green to get up, and after calling for a long time, he looked like this now.

Seeing his unconscious appearance, Yan Yi asked worriedly, "Green, are you alright?"

After a good night's sleep, won't it become like this?

Green shook his head: "It's okay, were you calling me just now?"

Green couldn't tell whether the voice in the dream was real or not.

But Yan Yi nodded and said, "It's me. I called you for a long time just now, but suddenly you were sweating profusely. Did you have some kind of nightmare?"

This time Green didn't answer Yan Yi, but just shook his head and sat up.

Nightmares don't count, and dreams don't count either.

Seeing that Green didn't want to say anything, Yan Yi had no intention of staying any longer, so he said, "Since you're awake, go out and eat. I've already prepared dinner. Although it's not as good as yours, but you Don't be disgusted, or I won't help you next time."

"Yeah." Green nodded absently.

After Yan Yi finished speaking, he went out. There was pork rib soup stewed in the pot, and it was almost time to get out of the pot.

After Yan Yi left, Green sat there for a long time, until the voice of Yan Yi calling Bai Shishi to eat was heard outside, and then Green reacted and walked out.

At the low table outside the tree hole.

Holding the stone bowl in her hand, Bai Shishi looked into the cave from time to time, wondering why Green didn't come out, could it be that he was really tired?

If she had known this, she would not have asked Yan Yi to wake him up just now, and let him sleep for a while.

No matter, if Green was really tired, he might not come out.

Thinking of this, Bai Shishi's heart relaxed, and she began to drink the soup in her bowl.

To be honest, Yan Yi's stewed soup technique is far inferior to Green's technique. In modern times, that is, at the average level, it's neither very good nor bad.

This soup stewing is a technique, it is not just throwing all the ingredients into the pot and stewing it, the key is to look at the heat.

Once the heat is mastered, this bowl of soup is almost ready.

(End of this chapter)

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