Chapter 667

The next day.

Bai Shishi didn't wake up until noon, and it was Green who helped her out of bed and helped her to eat.

Asked why she wanted the animal support, was it because of those two nasty guys yesterday, Bai Shishi's legs went weak when she thought of what happened yesterday.

No, don't think about that, her legs are also weak.

All day long, Bai Shishi didn't pay much attention to Xianyue and Green, and only talked to Yan Yi.

But Xuanyue and Green were not angry, knowing that she was making trouble with them, and it would be fine after two days.

At this time, Yan Yi was lying on Bai Shishi's stomach, enjoying the treatment that was not like a beast:

He was being fed and his hair was being smoothed. Yan Yi's tail was already up to the sky.

In other words, why isn't he in heat yet? I really want to mate with Bai Shishi, and I really want Bai Shishi to give birth to a litter of cute fox cubs for him.

This kind of life lasted for two or three days, and Yan Yi finally ushered in his first heat in his animal life.

Let’s talk about this taste, it’s a bit strange and uncomfortable, it’s no different from eating love fruit. (Though he hasn't eaten.)
But, why can't he change back? Is he supposed to use this young body to mate with Bai Shishi?

NO, you can't treat him so cruelly!
At present, Bai Shishi does not know Yan Yi's situation, and is about to ask Green to fetch water for her to take a bath.

And she herself is choosing which animal skin she will wear tomorrow in front of the wooden wardrobe.

There are still more than 20 days before the rainy season, and her cub is about to be born at that time.

The weather will slowly turn brighter, neither too hot nor too cold, it's time to prepare clothes for the rainy season.

After Bai Shishi selected the animal skins, the water on Green's side was also ready, and she was asking her to wash them.

Since that night, Green and Xianyue haven't touched her again, at most they just kiss and eat her some tofu.

There is a "time bomb" in the house (Yan Yi who may be in heat at any time), Bai Shishi cannot let down her vigilance.

Once you relax your vigilance, the consequences will be unimaginable.

What she didn't know was that Yan Yi was already in heat now, and it was only because of his body that he didn't throw her down in time.

Xian Yue took the snake cubs to the river to cool off, and there were only Green and Yan Yi in the tree hole, plus her who wanted to take a bath.

Green doesn't need to worry, and Yan Yi doesn't need to worry.

Therefore, Bai Shishi took off the animal skin without any scruples and got into the bath, and the warm water flooded her body in an instant, wrapping her tightly.

Yan Yi on the side saw that his blood was boiling, he almost had a nosebleed.

The strong desire to take a bath drove him to walk to the tub, and with a leap, he jumped into the tub with a "plop".

The sudden change frightened Bai Shishi, she quickly protected her stomach and looked back.

Seeing the white unknown object floating on the water, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he raised the thing with one hand and said angrily: "Yan Yi, you scared me to death, can't you call me in advance?"

Yan Yi moved a few times, turned his head to Bai Shishi with an embarrassed smile and said, "I won't do this again next time."

Bai Shishi put him back helplessly, since his fur was already wet anyway, so he could wash it together.

Little did they know that her release had brought her quite a bit of trouble.

The moment she took an animal skin handkerchief, Yan Yi disappeared in front of her eyes.

Suddenly, she felt a soft touch on her stomach, and when she lowered her head, it was Yan Yi who dived into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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