My hostess is very bad

Chapter 614 is gone!

Chapter 614 is gone!
Bai Shishi ate two red fruits, but her mouth was still astringent, and she was about to pick up some on the ground and continue eating.

However, before her hand touched the red fruit on the ground, a silver claw suddenly appeared in her sight and swept away the red fruit.

Seeing this, Bai Shishi said impatiently: "Ye Heng, what are you doing!"

Just know how to make trouble, didn't you see that she was dying of thirst?

Being scolded, Ye Heng didn't have any intention of repenting, just jumped over her and crushed those red fruits on the ground.

In the end, I was afraid that Bai Shishi would continue to pick the remaining red fruits on the tree. Yeheng pressed down with his huge body, and the fruits fell to the ground, and some were crushed by him.

Ye Heng's reaction was too quick, and Bai Shishi couldn't save even a single red fruit.

No, this red fruit is not a poisonous fruit, so he shouldn't be like this, right?

Wait, this red fruit is not really poisonous, is it?

But if it is poisonous, why hasn't it been poisoned yet?

Really think of what is what, Bai Shishi already felt that her body was getting hot, and a certain place under her body was still itchy, and her vision was a little blurry.

Ye Heng came out only after smelling Bai Shishi's scent, but he didn't expect to see her pick the love fruit and prepare to stuff it into her mouth as soon as she came out.

Love fruit is a kind of aphrodisiac fruit in the animal world, and the orcs will want to mate after eating it.

Love fruit is generally used on newly-adult females or females with more partners at home, because they can better accept the invasion of their partners after eating love fruit.

Generally speaking, eating a love fruit can achieve very good results, and its efficacy can last for ten hours.

If you eat more than two, you can't help but want to keep mating.

If you eat the love fruit and don't mate in time, it will leave sequelae to the body.

When Ye Heng saw Bai Shishi holding the love fruit in his hand, he knocked the love fruit off without hesitation, just to prevent Bai Shishi from eating it.

But how could he have imagined that before he appeared, Bai Shishi had already eaten two, and now he was reacting!
After dealing with those love fruits, Ye Heng thought about getting rid of Bai Shishi.

It's just that he just lifted his foot and walked a few steps when he was hugged by Bai Shishi.

Ye Heng's wolf shape is very big, Bai Shishi stretched out her arms and hugged him from his back, just enough to cross her arms.

To be honest, Ye Heng's heart beat violently the moment Bai Shishi hugged Ye Heng, and almost jumped out of his chest.

Before Ye Heng was delighted with Bai Shishi's initiative, he had already discovered something was wrong with Bai Shishi.

Although it is very hot now, the temperature on Bai Shishi's body is ridiculously high.

Moreover, the latter kept rubbing her body against herself, as if she was suffering.

Not only rubbing, Bai Shishi's hands were still touching Ye Heng's wolf body everywhere, and goose bumps appeared layer after layer wherever he went.

Bai Shishi's fingertips seemed to carry a faint electric current, gently stirring his heart.

Ye Heng knew that Bai Shishi must have eaten the fruit of love to become like this.

No, I can't go on like this anymore, something big will happen.

Ye Heng shook his wolf body, trying to shake Bai Shishi off his back.

But because she was pregnant with a cub, she didn't dare to use too much force, so Bai Shishi kept entangled on his back and swung her back and forth.

Ye Heng was in torment at this time, those smooth and tender hands kept moving on his body, he felt that he was about to reach his limit.

No, we must get her down, Ye Heng doesn't want Bai Shishi to regret it.

(End of this chapter)

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