My hostess is very bad

Chapter 592 Indifference and Heartlessness

Chapter 592 Indifference and Heartlessness

The sky is slightly glowing with light.

In an old stone house on the edge of the wolf clan, a male orc was sitting by the bed, looking worriedly at the girl on the bed.

The girl's face was pale, and there was no life in her body, as if her soul had disappeared and she had become an empty shell.

Ye Heng has been sitting here all night, tightly holding Bai Shishi's big cold hand, and the worry in his eyes is getting worse as time goes by.

This stone house is the place where the family doctor lives, and the family doctor also showed her that the cub in the stomach is very healthy, and the mother is also very healthy.

But I don't know the reason why Bai Shishi has not woken up until now.

When she passed out, there was no sign at all.

The family doctor saw Bai Shishi's situation at that time, but murmured something that Ye Heng didn't understand, as if "Oh~ it's all predestined~"

At that time, Ye Heng was so focused on Bai Shishi that he didn't listen to the family doctor at all.

Now that I think about it, what did the family doctor mean?

What fate, why didn't he make it clear?
After the doubts, Ye Heng figured it out, since the family doctor didn't explain it, there is also his reason.

Anyway, for now, let's pray that Bai Shishi will wake up soon.

If he doesn't wake up, he will collapse.


Suddenly there was the sound of the cane knocking on the ground outside, and then the door was opened by the beast from the outside.

Then, the elderly family doctor came in with a basket of medicinal herbs.

Seeing that the person on the bed was still lying down, his gaze shifted to Ye Heng again, "You guarded her all night?"

"She didn't eat anything last night, and she vomited later. If I don't watch over her, she will panic when she wakes up and can't find the beast."

Really panic, Bai Shishi has only been to Lan Yi's stone house, the rest of the time stays in Ye Heng's wooden house.

If she wakes up and sees herself in an unfamiliar environment for the first time, she won't panic.

"Oh—you just wait here, she will wake up, but the time is not specific." The family doctor looked at the infatuated Ye Heng beside the bed, sighed and walked out.

After the family doctor left, the stone house fell into silence again, so quiet that Ye Heng could hear the faint breathing of the person on the bed.

This is the sound of breathing, which proves that the person on the bed is still alive.


In the illusion.

Bai Shishi had already woken up, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Yan Yi looking at her with those peach blossom eyes, and her face blushed.

"Is it dawn outside now?" Bai Shishi asked.

There are stars in Taohua's eyes, "Guess."

"I don't guess." Bai Shishi arrogantly turned her head away.

This method seemed to be very effective, Yan Yi panicked immediately, and quickly told her the situation outside.

"It's almost dawn outside. Why, you want to go out?" Yan Yi's tone revealed reluctance.

You know, he doesn't want to leave Bai Shishi for a day.

Yesterday she was forced to leave for the whole day, and finally met at night, but now she is leaving.

Yan Yi was reluctant, he was extremely reluctant.

Bai Shishi saw the reluctance in his eyes, so she took his hand and said, "Yan Yi, I'll go out and explain to Ye Heng first, and I'll call you later, you must come out. Otherwise, the consequences You know it."

When she said the last sentence, Bai Shishi stretched out her hand and put it next to her neck, and made a movement of wiping her neck, which scared Yan Yi so much that goose bumps all over her body.

It's not that Yan Yi is really afraid of Bai Shishi doing that kind of thing, he is afraid that she will ignore him.

(End of this chapter)

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