Chapter 568
In order to cut off all Lang Da's thoughts about her, Bai Shishi hurried down the mountain with the snake cub and Ye Heng, and returned to the wooden house.

Regardless of whether Lang Da only feels guilty for her or has other thoughts, Bai Shishi doesn't want to cause trouble for herself anymore.

Hasn't she been in less trouble since her looks were made public?
There are quite a few, and the number of white poems is countless.

She managed to live a stable life in the wolf tribe, and she didn't want this good life to be broken by beasts.

One Yeheng was enough to mess her up, and she didn't want to make it worse because of the big wolf.


When Bai Shishi returned to the wooden house, Yan Yi had just finished teaching the wolf how to cook cabbage, and was thinking about what to cook for lunch.

Looking at the potatoes and cabbage in front of him, Yan Yi fell into hesitation.

He was going to grill a fish for Bai Shishi at noon, and then cook some vegetables.

However, Bai Shishi seems to like potatoes more than cabbage.

It's just that Bai Shishi is not here, so it's hard for him to draw conclusions, not to mention that she was arguing about wanting to eat eggs yesterday.

Just when Yan Yi was hesitating, Bai Shishi came back with the dawn of victory.

Because he saw Ye Heng following behind Bai Shishi, whether it was on his shoulders, back or hands, there were traces of vegetables.

But, why does this green vegetable look so grassy?
In doubt, Bai Shishi had already walked up to him, handed the egg in her arms to him, and smiled sweetly at him: "Yan Yi, we are eating scrambled eggs with leeks today, and I want to cook them myself."

"Okay." Yan Yi was dazzled by this sweet smile, and he didn't even know what he promised, so he took the egg from Bai Shishi's arms and gently put it aside.

Hey—why does his little female look so good-looking?Simply can never get enough of it.


In a daze, Ye Heng had already put the leeks on his body on the ground, and suddenly heard what Bai Shishi said to Yan Yi.

Quickly pulled Bai Shishi aside, "No, you are still pregnant, how can you cook yourself?"

Although they light the fire and cook outside, the smell of oily smoke is still unavoidable.

Ye Heng has seen the power of that oily fume before, if he is not careful, he will be choked, and even more likely to be scalded by the oil splashed from the pan.

If Bai Shishi is not pregnant now, Ye Heng might not be able to withstand her coquettishness and agree to her.

But now, she was pregnant with a cub, so she definitely couldn't be in any danger.

Seeing Ye Heng so anxious, Bai Shishi knew what he was worried about, "It's okay, I just need to be careful."

Bai Shishi hasn't cooked for a long time, and she said that the scrambled eggs with leeks this time is imperative, and no beast can stop her.

Besides, it was because of the good gout conditions outside that Bai Shishi thought of cooking by herself.

In modern times, even though she was an unmarried girl who had never given birth, she didn't know everything.

Pregnant women can cook, but only in a well-ventilated kitchen.

If it is closed, then absolutely not.

"What? Shishi, do you want to cook?"

Over there, Yan Yi, who was immersed in Bai Shishi's sweet smile, finally came back to his senses, and rushed to her side in a hurry.

It's all his fault, patronizing and indulging in Bai Shishi's beauty, he didn't even know what Bai Shishi was talking about, so he agreed without hesitation.

Alas. Beauty is a mistake!
"Didn't you just agree, why are you going back on your word now?" Seeing him backing off, Bai Shishi pouted unhappily.

How can there be such a beast? He clearly agreed to her.

(End of this chapter)

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