Chapter 506
The next morning.

Bai Shishi was woken up by being licked. When she opened her eyes, she saw a white, fluffy head rubbing against her neck, making her itchy.

His thoughts gradually became clear,) Thinking of the madness last night, a red cloud appeared on Bai Shishi's face, like the sunset glow in the sky.

Yan Yi still curled up on her neck and rubbed back and forth. After rubbing the oil, he stuck out his tongue to lick her exposed skin, which made her goose bumps all over her body.

Bai Shishi was about to push Yan Yi away, but he started rubbing against her again.

Dare to love this guy licking and rubbing, rubbing and licking?
Dirty or not!

Just when Yan Yi stuck out his tongue to lick again, his small body was suddenly lifted into the air.

Yan Yi shook his limbs, but was lifted higher and higher, raised his head, and met Shang Bai Shishi's angry eyes.

Yan Yi didn't know what he did wrong, he only knew that it was uncomfortable to be carried like this.

"Aww——" Shishi quickly put me down!

Hearing Yan Yi's wailing, coupled with his non-stop shaking, Bai Shishi arrived at the time he just said.

He must have wanted her to put him down.

As soon as he let go of his hand, Yan Yi fell onto the bed and turned into a naked human figure.

Facing Shang Yanyi's ambiguous eyes, Bai Shishi suddenly felt a chill in front of her body, and then realized that she was not wearing anything.

Meimou glared at Yan Yi angrily, Bai Shishi quickly pulled the animal skin to wrap herself up.

The next moment, Yan Yi crawled to Bai Shishi's side, staring at her neck without blinking.

There, there was a white fox lying there, just like a miniature version of Yan Yi.

Yan Yi thinks this place is very good, even if Bai Shishi puts on clothes, he can still see the marks of their marriage.

Always being stared at by Yan Yi, Bai Shishi was a little curious, so she followed his gaze and looked down, and saw the mark of Yan Yi's partner.

When Bai Shishi saw the imprint for the first time, her mood was a little messy and complicated.

She accepted another partner, which would be unacceptable in the 21st century.

Seeing that Bai Shishi remained silent after seeing the imprint, Yan Yi was a little flustered.

She won't regret it?

There was no joy or sadness on her face, just silence.

It was this kind of Bai Shishi that made Yan Yi feel the danger.

He would rather see Bai Shishi lose his temper than see her like this.

Yan Yi hugged Bai Shishi, pulled her into his arms, buried her in her hair, and smelled the fragrance of her hair.

After a while, he said: "Shishi, do you regret it?"

God knows how difficult it is for him to say this sentence, he is afraid that Bai Shishi will answer yes.

"Why do you say that?" Bai Shishi didn't answer his question directly.

Her heart is in a mess right now, beyond description.

Do you regret it?She has no regrets, she has so many partners who love her, what regrets does she have?

"I thought you..." thought she regretted marrying him.

Between partners, all the power rests with the females, who can do whatever they want.

Even if you don't like it, the male can't resist if you want to terminate the partnership.

Seeing his nervous look, Bai Shishi knew that he was thinking wrong.

"What do you think? You think I'm regretting it and want to get into a partnership with you?" Bai Shishi said with a smile, "You are really stupid, you just know how to think about it. Among my three partners, you are the last one to think about it."

Although these words sounded like they were blaming him, he knew that Bai Shishi liked him.

(End of this chapter)

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