My hostess is very bad

Chapter 475 Let's Mate

Chapter 475 Let's Mate

Even if she doesn't agree, she can blow the pillow breeze at night.

She didn't believe it anymore, Xuanyue could control her temptation.

Bai Shishi showed a sinister smile on her face, and Green who was watching was at a loss.

What did she think of, why did she have such a wretched expression?

"Ahem—" After fantasizing for a long time, it's time to return to reality.

Thinking of going on an outing tomorrow, Bai Shishi still felt that she should tell Green and make preparations by the way.

"That. Green, I plan to let Xianyue take me and the snake cubs out to play tomorrow, and I may not be able to come back until night." Bai Shishi twisted her fingers, her expression a little tangled.

Because this was an unfair thing, she was afraid that Green would feel dissatisfied after hearing it.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Green just said, "Do you need to bring anything out tomorrow? Do you want me to prepare it for you?"

Green is still so gentle and considerate, always thinking of her.

When he said that, Bai Shishi was very moved.At the same time, she felt a little guilty.

For so long, she hasn't given birth to a little eagle cub for Green, so he must feel a little bit uncomfortable.

Forget it, make it up to him tonight, maybe you can get pregnant!

"Actually, it's enough to prepare a few animal skins and some food. For other things, let's see what we need tomorrow." After all, the plan can't keep up with the changes, Bai Shishi thinks so.

"Okay, after I finish weaving the basket, I will prepare the food you are going to eat tomorrow." Green kept his head down, and Bai Shishi couldn't see the expression on his face.

"How about this, just bring a few animal skins tomorrow, and the food can be caught fresh. This don't have to be too busy." Bai Shishi couldn't see others doing this and that for her, and kept on doing it.

No matter how powerful a beast is, it must rest.

But Green likes to be busy with Bai Shishi, as long as it is related to Bai Shishi, he likes it.

It's just that Bai Shishi has already said so, so he should do as she said.

As for Bai Shishi's behavior, Green can understand that she is feeling sorry for him.

"Well, then don't play too crazy tomorrow, remember to let the moon bring you back early..." Green started his chatting mode again.

If Bai Shishi doesn't call to stop, maybe when Green will talk about it.

"Stop, stop, I know what you said, I will be obedient." Bai Shishi made a "stop" gesture.

Green is becoming more and more verbose now, and he can compete with the old lady.

He said it once today, and he will definitely say it again tomorrow. She can guess those few words back and forth.

No, I have to find another topic to stop Green's mouth, otherwise her ears will get calluses sooner or later.

"Green, let's mate at night." Bai Shishi blushed and offered to mate.

If it were her before, she would definitely not ask for it, but now it is different. She wants to give birth to eagle cubs for Green, and wants him to no longer have her alone in his life, and no longer revolve around her alone.

She believed that Green would be a competent father in the future.

Don't ignore your snake cubs like Crescent Moon.

Hearing the word mating from Bai Shishi's mouth, Green's eyes widened, and the half-woven basket in his hand rolled to the ground.

He heard it right, Bai Shishi actually offered to mate!

Seeing Green's distraught look, Bai Shishi was a little dissatisfied, "Why, you don't want to? Since you don't want to, then...uh..."

(End of this chapter)

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