My hostess is very bad

Chapter 365 Shedding Successfully

Chapter 365 Shedding Successfully
"I didn't mean that. It's just that there are too many animal skins. I can't take them all away. It's okay to take a few." Seeing that Bai Shishi had misunderstood, Green quickly explained.

Hearing what Green said, Bai Shishi felt relieved.

But immediately, Bai Shishi glared at him again: "Can you express your meaning clearly next time! I always get misunderstood."

Really, she has to let her talk about him.

"Yes--" Green nodded and bowed quickly.

"Hiss~" There was a sound of snake letter in the stone house, and there was the sound of something rolling on the ground, hitting the corner of the table or the foot of the bed from time to time.

Bai Shishi and Green exchanged glances, and hurriedly ran towards the back room.

Hearing the sound, something must have happened inside.

Bai Shishi rushed ahead, opened the door curtain, and saw the cub twisting and rubbing against the ground, as if in pain.

She was about to go to check, but was stopped by Green: "Don't go over, it seems that they are shedding their skins, if you go over, they will only become more restless."

Knowing the importance of the matter, Bai Shishi took back her stepped foot and lowered the door curtain.

Before that, Xianyue also shed her skin, and even made animal skins for her to wear.

Later, I left it there, but I don’t know where to put it, maybe it was thrown away by a certain beast because of jealousy.

In order not to disturb the cubs shedding their skins, Bai Shishi specially pulled Green down to the open space outside the stone house.

"Is there anything wrong with them?" Bai Shishi was a little worried, after all, this was their first time shedding their skins.

Green patted Bai Shishi's head and said, "Don't worry, Shishi, Xianyue's cub will not be so fragile."

That's right, Xianyue is a six-patterned beast, and his cubs won't be any worse.

The snake cub shed its skin for three days.

For the past three days, Bai Shishi has been worried in various ways.

She didn't expect that it would take so long for the snake cub to shed its skin.

After the cubs shed their skins, the lines on their bodies became clearer, black and bright, just like their fathers.

The skin they shed, Bai Shishi originally intended to make clothes, but it was too small for her.

Therefore, Bai Shishi decided to put away the animal skins first, and take them to the Eagle Clan together, and then make plans.

The snake cubs have gone through such a big toss, it is time to make up for them.

That night, Bai Shishi cooked for them and grilled meat for them.

Since Green wouldn't let her in the kitchen, she baked outside.

It wasn't very cold this day, not to mention that she was wearing a lot of animal skins, coupled with the fire, Green agreed without saying anything.

After a good meal, Bai Shishi took them to the river to take a bath, wiped off the water, and then let them go to sleep.

Tired for three days, the snake cubs soon fell asleep.

in the bedroom.

Bai Shishi was about to take off the animal skin and go to bed when suddenly a wall of hot flesh was stuck behind her, and two hands were added to her waist.

Seeing this, Bai Shishi was going to push those two big hands away.

But the more she pulled, the tighter Green was.

There is no other way, Bai Shishi can only say: "Green, let go, I... My estrus period is not over yet!"

To do it, at least wait until her aunt is gone.

"I know." Smelling the fragrance of Bai Shishi's hair, Green swallowed.

"You know? Then you still don't let go?" Wait a minute, it won't be good if the gun goes off.

She doesn't want to fight in blood!
"I won't mate with you, but I just can't help it."

It can be heard that Green's words are full of forbearance, and his body is getting hotter and hotter.

"But. I."

(End of this chapter)

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