My hostess is very bad

Chapter 338 There is a kind of coldness that makes mom think you are cold

Chapter 338

Forget it, if you didn't see it, you didn't see it, anyway, there are still seven or eight times in the future to observe by yourself.

"Green, you said it's so cold, do you need to make clothes for the snake cubs?" Bai Shishi is busy all day long, and likes to entertain the snake cubs when she has nothing to do.

Bai Shishi was in a hurry, but Green was too busy.

He just finished washing the bowls and animal skins, and now he is making the kettle again, listening to Bai Shishi's chatter.

It sounds like it's nothing more than talking about the snake cub.

It seems that the snake beast is more important in her heart than their partners.

Green felt a little regretful, why didn't he directly make Bai Shishi unable to get out of bed yesterday.

If so, there wouldn't be so much trouble.

Green did not answer for a long time, Bai Shishi raised her head to look at him, only to see that he buried his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

Probably, he was thinking about whether the cubs need to wear clothes or not.

Thinking of this, Bai Shishi couldn't help but think of a classic saying:
There is a kind of cold called mother/grandma thinks you are cold.

But Bai Shishi really felt that the snake cubs would be cold. It was only a few degrees in such a cold day. Even Green was wearing several thick animal skins, let alone the cubs who were just born.

If it is said that snake cubs are not afraid of the cold, Bai Shishi will definitely not believe it.

It took a long time for Green to answer her: "Shishi, there are too many snake cubs, and they grow up too fast. It is very troublesome to make clothes."

Green didn't say anything, and Bai Shishi didn't even think about it.

Yes, the cubs are thin and long after hatching, and the hides are not easy to cut.

And there are sixteen more, one by one, she must not be exhausted?
Bai Shishi's mind was empty, and she didn't know what to think of as a surefire way.

Just when Bai Shishi's mind was about to explode, Green gave her an idea.

"Actually, we can make a warm nest for the cubs and put it in your bedroom."

This is a good idea, why didn't she think of it before?
"Green, you are really my lucky star!" Bai Shishi ran to Green and hugged him.

However, why does this sentence sound a bit weird?

Oops, never mind!Anyway, thanks to Green.

Seeing Bai Shishi happy, Green also had a smile on his face.

After hugging for a while, Bai Shishi let go of Green.

Because, she was planning to build a nest for the snake cubs herself.

Bai Shishi remembered that Green had made animal skin mattresses before, and they could just be put together and used as mattresses for them.

Bai Shishi ran to the side of the wooden cabinet and dug out a few animal skin mats from inside.

There are four yuan in total, Bai Shishi made a gesture, two yuan should be enough.

Bai Shishi specially found a clean place beside her bed, and put the animal skin cushion on it.

Then, she rummaged through a lot of thick animal skins from the wooden cabinet, recessed their "shape", and placed them next to or on the mat in turn.

After doing this for a long time, Bai Shishi was finally satisfied.

After finishing, Bai Shishi pulled Green over and asked him to make a good evaluation.

Green looked at it carefully, and unexpectedly, Bai Shishi's hands are quite coincidental.

At first, he thought that Bai Shishi was just doing it for fun!

"Well, not bad!" There was a look of approval on Green's face.

Bai Shishi, who was praised, felt very fulfilled and wished to share it with all the orcs she knew.

But even if she wanted to, she couldn't share it.

It was too cold outside, Bai Shishi was afraid of the cold before it was too late.

And if you go out, you have to be lucky.

The point is, she doesn't know the place either.

But it doesn't matter, Green is here.
(End of this chapter)

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