My hostess is very bad

Chapter 115 I want to make a partner

Chapter 115 I want to make a partner

The Ye Mingzhu I saw on TV before is also a young one, unlike this one, it is really big.

Thinking that she, Bai Shishi, would one day be able to own the Ye Mingzhu, it would be a dream to die of joy.

Bai Shishi is so happy now, it was Green who reminded her to reach out to pick it up.Otherwise, Rice's hand would still be in the air.

As soon as Ye Mingzhu got it, Bai Shishi couldn't help but take it out to have a look.

But she found that she couldn't hold Ye Mingzhu with one hand, so she had to hold it with two hands so as not to fall.

Wow, it's really beautiful. If it is placed at night, it will definitely emit a lot of light.

Bai Shishi was playful, so she moved the Ye Mingzhu to her eyes, and looked at the outside scene through the Ye Mingzhu.

Unsurprisingly, those scenes were turned upside down, and even Green and Rice "stand" on the ceiling, which looks ridiculous.

Bai Shishi couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing with a "puchi".

Little did they know, she herself made a joke under the illumination of the night pearl.

In the middle of the night pearl, a big eyeball is moving up and down.

Rice tried his best not to laugh out loud in front of Bai Shishi, and he kept gesturing to Green with his eyes, asking him to stop Bai Shishi's behavior.

If he doesn't stop it, he will be suffocated.

And Green is also extremely black-bellied, anyway, he is standing behind Bai Shishi, and he can't see anything, why should he interrupt Bai Shishi's interest.

You know, it was hard for her to get so excited, why not let her have enough fun?

As for Rice, let him hold back, he is also the leader of a tribe after all, so he still has some concentration.

Rice really wanted to vomit blood, and besides, he wanted to punch Green.But in front of Bai Shishi, he couldn't say anything.

For all the demands of the female, the male must do his best to satisfy the female.

This is much better than the actions of those unreasonable females. Les has seen it before. A female, just for a flower on the edge of a cliff, even the male who fell to her death for picking the flower was not sad at all.

That's fine, but the female actually said something, she just asked him to pick a flower, and it was useless for him to drop it.

What's the use of keeping such a useless male?

Although the female's request was to be satisfied, the female was too much, disregarding the male's safety at all.

Unlike Bai Shishi, he had never seen her make trouble out of no reason, before asking him for Bai Jing was very embarrassed, and said a lot of thank you back and forth.

The females of the same tribe, those unreasonable females think that it is natural for males to work for them, and they never think about whether what they want and what they want to do is within the scope of males.

Compared to those females who like to make trouble for no reason, Bai Shishi is really much better.

She has been in their tribe for almost two months. If it were another female, she would have made many partners in the past two months, but Bai Shishi has not had more than two.

This made Les, who has always liked living alone, want to form a partner, but he doesn't like those vexatious females, and Bai Shishi is not his type, so he can only put things aside.

After Bai Shishi had appreciated enough, she realized that Les was still waiting for her reply.

"Well, I'm sorry, I really like this Ye Mingzhu so much, I almost forgot you're still here."

(End of this chapter)

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