I'm being watched by the boss

Chapter 781 The night is fading

Chapter 781
No, absolutely not.

If he had known that today would happen, and given him a hundred guts, he wouldn't dare to provoke her again.

Everyone in the world knows that his status is noble and powerful, and that countless stunning beauties, socialites and ladies can't get into his eyes, but they fall into the hands of a woman with ordinary background and no special characteristics.

For many days and nights, he wondered why it was her?
Including the former Hua Wan, who was above her in terms of talent, appearance and status, he could push him away without blinking, as his own stepping stone, why was it that she couldn't be ruthless?

After so many years of life, he has gotten used to controlling everything.

What he wants, there is nothing he can't get.

He kept her by his side, enjoying her care, cooking the meals she personally cooked, drying his hair with her own hands, and tying his tie...

She always thinks that she is doing what a servant does, but she doesn't know that these things that normal people seem to be very common, but no one has ever done them for him.

His world is cold and lonely. Once such a person breaks into his world, giving him the warmth and companionship he has never experienced is like a drug. Once he is infected, he can never quit. He wants more More……

He found that sometimes he would lose a piece of memory inexplicably, and his emotions became more and more difficult to control. Looking at her eyes that gradually lost their smile, he faintly felt something.

She smiled less and less, and their relationship became more and more rigid.

As long as he sees a man approaching her, it will be difficult for him to control his jealous heart.

Like what he did before, his methods were extreme, and he used different methods to drive away the man who dared to approach her.

But despite this, he still felt that it was not enough. He wanted her to have only him in her eyes and in her heart.

He became more and more volatile and moody, and even when he was angry, he did many, many things that hurt her.

He noticed that he was abnormal, but how could he explain it to her?

Said that he was a mental patient, and he didn't know what he had done, or begged her not to leave him?

He didn't want to use sympathy to keep her, his pride wouldn't allow it.

It's not that he hasn't struggled before, he has his pride, how could he allow himself to be controlled by his emotions?

Until the moment he let her go, the bone-piercing pain reminded him that she really left.

It had been half a year since he saw her again, and it wasn't until the moment he saw her that he suddenly realized that his empty heart had been filled again.

For such a long time, he never forgot, nor did he forget for a moment.

But she seems to have let go, and began to welcome a new life happily.

All the determination and belief in the past collapsed the moment he saw her.

When did he become such a person?
He bought an entertainment company on purpose, and asked her to report to work every day, just to see her more.

Seeing her and Ye Zhixi entangled again, he was very angry, and at the same time, he felt uneasy, a fear that he would lose at any time.

She wanted to start a new life, but he was still stuck in the same place, stuck in the past and unable to get out, like a person at the end of his rope.

He has always done things to extremes, and he finally found a way.

He can legitimately own her again.

She is afraid and resisting.

He wanted to try his best to take it step by step and let her accept it slowly, but she and Ye Zhixi actually wanted to elope and escape!

He lost his mind again and got her desperately, as if he could only use this way to prove that he still had her.

(End of this chapter)

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