I'm being watched by the boss

Chapter 543 You Don't Love Me

Chapter 543 You Don't Love Me
Luo Qianyu opened her eyes suddenly, they were filled with crystal clear tears, she fixedly stared at Xiao Yunmo, every word seemed to hit his heart.

"Xiao Yunmo, you don't love me." There was a bleak smile on the corner of her lips, "Xiao Yunmo, you don't know what love is. I just appeared in your world at just the right time, and you just Treat me as the sustenance of your feelings."

"What does love look like, do you know? Love is not coercion, not possession, but when two people are together, they become better. But what about us? Why don't we be together? You have your knots and disagreements. Trust me, I will never be able to walk into your heart."

"Your heart may have been opened for me. I used to think so, but I realized later... your sincerity is only a little bit. Your heart has long been filled with indifference and disappointment with human nature. All the love you can give me is nothing but control and possession."

"Our relationship has always been dominated by you. I can't say a word 'no'. From the beginning to the end, I have been retreating and compromising."

Luo Qianyu smiled helplessly, and tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes.

"Xiao Yunmo, do you know why? Why did our relationship come to this point after a little problem?"

As if something had hit his chest heavily, Xiao Yunmo stared at her blankly, wanting to refute, wanting to say that what she said was not true, but for some reason, he couldn't say a word.

"It's because I'm too weak." Luo Qianyu looked straight into his eyes, "You and I are two different heights, the education we received and the environment we lived in were different. Falling in love will bring us together , but different worlds will tear us apart quickly."

"You are the sun high above, and I am just the most inconspicuous weed on the ground. We have different ways of thinking and values. I have worked hard, I have worked really hard..." Luo Qianyu's tears were like It was like she couldn't stop, washing her cheeks.

"I try to bring us closer, to be a woman good enough to stand by your side."

"I even try my best to cater to your emotions, and I give in first every time, because I know... I don't have the capital to compete with you and say no to you. Sometimes, a slight concession from you will make me I have been touched for a long time, happy for a long time, I don't have to look up to you with trepidation anymore..."

Xiao Yunmo stared at the woman in front of him, his heart seemed to be twisted by something.

"I thought the distance between us seemed to be a lot closer. But then I realized that no matter how hard I try, I can't keep up with your footsteps." Luo Qianyu wiped away the tears on his face, "What are you doing now? My most entanglement is not love, but your dissatisfaction."

"No, it's not like that." Xiao Yunmo suddenly covered his head, feeling the pain so bad that he was about to lose consciousness.

He held the woman in front of him tightly, afraid that if he let go, she would turn into smoke and float away from him.

There was a panic in his heart that he had never felt before.

He didn't know if what she said was right or not, he only knew that he couldn't let go.

"Luo Qianyu." Xiao Yunmo looked closely into her eyes, staring deeply at her. "From now on, you can say 'no' to me, and you can make any demands on me. You are not without capital. I love you, which is your greatest capital. I will prove that I love you."

(End of this chapter)

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