I'm being watched by the boss

Chapter 120 Unbearable

Chapter 120 Unbearable
Before Luo Qianyu could run a few steps, he was grabbed again.

Some bottles of wine on the coffee table of the table fell to the ground one after another, falling apart and making harsh noises.

Everyone was startled, and they looked at Luo Qianyu in unison. The girls who came with Luo Qianyu looked at each other, and their expressions changed a little.

Before they came with Luo Qianyu, they had also heard that Luo Qianyu was that kind of dishonest woman, and they didn't want to send her away this time, but no one thought that it would turn out like this.

Jiang Xue watched coldly from the sidelines, with a sneer on the corner of her lips.

Pretending to be quite like that, let's see how you continue to pretend later? .

"Let me go!" Luo Qianyu struggled desperately, his whole body was in a mess.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Luo Qianyu was so ashamed and indignant!
Luo Qianyu was held down by the two bodyguards and couldn't break free at all. Seeing the hand stretched out to her, she became ruthless and bit Jay Chou's arm tightly.

"Ah!" Jay Chou threw her away in pain, "You lowly woman, how dare you bite me?!"

The bloody marks were so glaring under the light, if Jay Chou hadn't swung away so quickly, she would have bitten off a piece of flesh on his arm!

Jay Chou slapped Luo Qianyu hard twice, "Damn it! Hold her down, you two, I'm going to show this slut my temper today!"

Luo Qianyu's cheeks were swollen, and his brain was buzzing. Luo Qianyu wanted to shake off the hand that was holding him like crazy, but it didn't help at all!
Luo Qianyu's heart sank to the bottom, with a deep sense of despair permeating her heart.

Can't she escape?

"Jiang Xue." The girl who came with Luo Qianyu pulled Jiang Xue with some fear. "She seems to be very unwilling... Why, why don't you persuade me? If something happens, it's hard to explain."

Luo Qianyu struggled so hard that even they could tell that, although they had always looked down on Luo Qianyu before, they were colleagues after all.

Why didn't Jiang Xue see it?

But when it got to this point, it was obviously beyond the control, and she had also received hints from Wenrenyu before.

"A woman like Luo Qianyu is the best at hooking up men with this kind of trick. Maybe she is enjoying it now. Why do we care about her? She is just pretending to attract Zhou Dong's interest on purpose. Now Zhou Dong Zhengxing is on his head, whoever says it will be unlucky."

Jiang Xue's last sentence was true. At this moment, whoever speaks is in trouble.

Even though being held down, Luo Qianyu was still struggling fiercely!

Jay Chou has played with many women, but this is the first time he has met such a fierce woman.

"What are you pretending to be a loyal and strong woman? After a while you will be crying and begging me! Come, give me medicine!"

An unknown liquid poured down Luo Qianyu's throat, and Luo Qianyu felt as desperate as falling into hell.

Her little cleverness didn't even have the slightest effect.

She inexplicably remembered what Xiao Yunmo had said to her once, that he once told her to put away her petty tricks, otherwise she would not even know how she died in the future.

At that time, she didn't take it seriously, thinking it was just his usual sarcasm, but now... She suddenly found that she thought everything too naively.

Luo Qianyu shuddered violently, and accidentally touched the wine bottle that fell on the ground while struggling.

She suddenly felt cruel, and slammed it down on Jay Chou's head!

(End of this chapter)

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