Chapter 473
Over there, Li Laojiu laughed loudly: "That's right! The members of our old Li's family value affection. Right? Back then, in the [-]s, your villages were about to flee famine. Go on What did we do in Panzi Valley? That’s nothing to say, tens of thousands of catties of grain, have you discounted it? Do you want to pay your interest? It took seven years for you to pay it back. Let’s say Is there a half-word?"

Wu Zhongguo's face turned dark. Speaking of this matter, they really... At the beginning, the four villages of Liushanwa were unlucky. When they encountered a famine, the fields almost had no harvest, but the Panzi Valley next door had a bumper harvest...

"The love back then is necessary. But you competed with the villages outside Taniguchi for the mountains and forests. Our four villages went to labor with 1 people and injured dozens of them. We won more than [-] acres of forests in Taniguchi for you. What are we doing?" You didn't say anything, right?" Lao Cai said slowly.

"That's right!" Li Laojiu pulled up his collar, threw off his suit, stood up, stepped on the chair, and rolled up his sleeves. "Tell me, how many villages of ours can be outsiders? If they are not outsiders, then they can do things that outsiders saw as jokes? If there is a difference, if we people in Panzigu go out and talk about it, we will eat shit at the door of our in-laws. How embarrassing is that?"


In the house next door, including Liu Qinglian, several people looked at each other in blank dismay: Is this a business negotiation?Is this still pulling relationships and pulling relatives to settle old scores?still……

At least this kind of business negotiation, they have never encountered.Even if Liu Qinglian is well-informed, he has seen it all at home and abroad, and he has never seen such a negotiation scene.

Wu Xie just looked at them with a smile, laid hands on them, and said in a low voice: "Be safe and don't be impatient. Listen, they just have loud voices."

Over there, Wu Zhongguo pulled up his collar, lit a cigarette, and took a puff: "What Lao Jiu said is also reasonable. But if we do this in Panzigu, then if a few villages outside the mountain with close relatives will also Come to think of it, what can we do? Also, look, a few villages outside the mountain have started to build four-story buildings. What are they doing? This is waiting for us to eat shit. When we go to the money Is it a strong wind?"

"Yes, you see, since last year, we haven't had a good year. We squatted on the mountain all day long, eating wind, drinking rain and snow. Who has suffered this?" Hu Dade sighed.

Liu Yunsan went on to say: "Yes, it seems that we have earned two dollars, and we are desperately building a house until we contract it to lose money. This is not something people do."

Li Laojiu's eyes widened: "That's right. Look, what does our village want? Nothing! We just have to be treated the same as your village. Right? Give us a piece of Liushanwa New Village, and we will build A Panzi Valley community."

"Well, if we talk too much, it's meaningless for us to talk too much. After all, we are all old in-laws. Panzigu and us have broken the bones and the tendons. I don't think it's better than this." The old seventh uncle was also sitting, and he was specially Came back.

Li Laojiu nodded: "Okay, listen to Old Seventh Uncle."

Uncle Qi squinted his eyes and took a puff of his pipe: "It's not appropriate to be exactly the same. After all, Liushanwa is Liushanwa, and Panzigu is Panzigu. Liushanwa and the four villages are brothers, and Panzigu is relatives, but after all One level away. If you are willing to go to the new village and live with us in the future. That will be in the future, right?"

Li Laojiu nodded: "That makes sense."

"So, I see this, the land, we contract. Your original house, leave it to us according to our rules, we will either develop it in the future, or use it for other things. New village, I plan a piece of land for you, and the construction company is constructing it , When the current one is finished, I will build it for you. After all, the plan has been prepared, and the materials are also prepared according to the plan. It will be too late for you to build it. But our house will be finished in summer, so The rest is decoration. Yours will be done after we finish building it. It won’t work in winter, but it will definitely work next spring. As for the house, you pay for the 20 set. We pay for the rest. Such a set is equivalent to 10,000+ for us. Few of your original old houses are worth 10,000+, right?" Old Seventh Uncle said slowly.

Li Laojiu scratched his head: "The person who goes to work?"

"We are in-laws, so we must not be the same as outsiders. So, your family has a laborer and an old woman. For a family of four, give two. We will also take care of the large population. But we must not arrange the best work, money It may not be less, but the work must be more difficult and tiring. Are you right? If you have four laborers in your family, I will arrange all the work for you. The other family has less labor, so you all take up all the good work, right? We are relatives in the village, so we should take care of each other." Uncle Seven knocked his cigarette bag.

Li Laojiu looked at the elders around him. An old man who was at least over 70 years old and had all white hair looked at Old Qishu and nodded: "Xiaoqi's words are right. You have to look at the distance, but there is also a person in it." Far and near. This way. Our Panzi Valley is worthy of people. The most valuable houses in our village are the buildings of Laojiu and several other houses, which can be worth more than 20 yuan. Look at it the same way, a set is a set, regardless of good or bad. Lao Jiu, your house is the most valuable, do you agree?"

Li Laojiu smiled: "We, Li Laojiu, don't lie. As the village chief these years, we really have more room in our hands. However, I have to admit to today's matter. I, Li Laojiu, must have a head. As long as I can I have changed new houses for more than 1000 young and old in the whole village, and I will pretend that I don’t have it. If anyone in the other houses refuses to accept it, I will talk to him.”

The old man nodded: "Okay, that's it. Since we are a business, we should sign and pledge. Then we are a family, and we can't share the pot in the future!"

"Of course, as long as there is a clear decision on this matter, then we will be a family from now on. The rest of the treatment will be the same. The main thing is that we have to make it clear about getting started. Right? Come on, bring the contract. .Did you bring your official seal?" Wu Zhongguo was also happy.

Originally, this was agreed upon by everyone, and we just made some efforts for each other in the end.

Li Laojiu hurriedly yelled to the outside, and a young man in his 20s rushed in, holding a bag in his arms, which contained official seals and ink pads, all of which had been prepared long ago.

In fact, both Li Laojiu and Wu Zhongguo knew that this matter was just a formality. The relationship between this plate and Liushanwa was second only to that between the four villages of Liushanwa.Sooner or later.

Wu Zhongguo naturally had a contract that had been prepared long ago, everyone signed and stamped it, and the elders pressed their fingerprints.

"It's done, in triplicate, one for the company, one for you, and one for the government to file. In the future, there will be disputes in the province." Wu Zhongguo said with a smile. "Come on, it's okay, drink!"

Li Laojiu laughed loudly and brought up a wine jar: "Old Wu, today, you can't drink too much wine. All the migrant workers in the village have come back, and now they are waiting for news at the village committee. There are more than 1000 people in this village. It’s even more neat than the Chinese New Year. Have you come back for the Chinese New Year? However, this is a happy event, and the wine must be drunk. In this way, I will drink this jar. After drinking, we will go back and announce. Then tomorrow, you guys Let’s go and register for entry. Is that okay?”

"Happy!" Wu Zhongguo lifted a jar of wine and tore off the mud seal: "Come, I'll drink with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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