Super little Shennong

Chapter 437 We Are Only Suppliers

Chapter 437 We Are Only Suppliers

Wu Xie bared her teeth a little: "What do you mean? I'm not free yet?"

"People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. You are already famous. Moreover, this fame is not about Internet celebrities or anything. You are famous for your technology in industries that are related to many people's livelihoods. By the way, speaking of being famous, a few days ago I received a notice saying that the one with the Nobel Prize? You really don’t want to go? I investigated, and it was really the Nobel Prize.” Gao Zhengsheng looked at Wu Xie.

Wu Xie rolled her eyes: "It's okay to participate in the Nobel Prize in other industries. But for me, I won't go. I don't think it's reliable. What if someone leaks my technical formula or something, how can I fix it?" ? I can't trust foreign devils. You can?"

Gao Zhengsheng shook his head: "I can't believe it either. But it's also beneficial, and it greatly increases the national self-confidence. Think about it, the [-] Olympics, how excited the people of the country were? A few years ago, Master Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature, It also inspires the people of the country. If we can also get one, it will be of great benefit to the development of Chinese medicine."

Wu Xie snorted: "How awesome is the Nobel Prize? What's the benefit of everyone going to the Nobel Prize? Isn't it just famous and a little money? Why do foreign devils do this? Can't we do it ourselves? Create an awesome award, let foreign devils come to us to beg us, that is the most awesome! Isn’t it just money? Isn’t it just famous? The bonus should be higher and the publicity should be more. It’s not possible, the whole world is throwing money On TV, on the Internet, I don’t believe that I can’t win a world award. Let’s start with Chinese medicine! Anyone who refuses to accept it will try it.”

Gao Zhengsheng was a little speechless: "We are here to participate in the awards, how did you figure this out? Your award is not that simple, you have to find someone or an organization with prestige and enough credibility. Let's..."

"What's wrong with us? Don't say anything else, none of my brothers is a leader in Chinese medicine. Now I dare to say that they are the leader in the world, regardless of Chinese and Western medicine. Why can't they do it?" ?” Wu Xie straightened her neck.

Gao Zhengsheng surrendered helplessly: "Okay, can figure it out. If you don't participate, you don't participate. If you want to win a big prize, you should wait a few years. After all, we are still not famous enough."

"But if we don't participate, we have to accumulate some fame for ourselves. Aren't they awesome? Hey, I even publicly declared that I won't participate. The reason is: I don't like it! You can operate it." Wu Xie laughed.

Gao Zhengsheng bared his teeth a bit: "You fucking want me to be a villain. At least they didn't offend you, did they?"

"I didn't offend him, I just didn't like him, what's wrong?" Wu Xie laughed.

"Yes, you are the master, I listen to you. But this is really, hehe..." Gao Zhengsheng also laughed, then he stopped smiling and looked at Wu Xie. "For the strawberry matter, you should call Qi Yun and Su Li back, and find a foreign devil to act as an agent over there."

Wu Xie frowned: "What are you doing? Didn't they just hand over? They haven't come back yet."

Gao Zhengsheng said: "That's right. When Mr. Liu was free a few days ago, he said that our agricultural products will become more and more abundant in the future. Don't say too far. This year, pear trees and peach trees will be produced in large quantities. IPO. We also need to test the water abroad. Our company’s face is not very convenient in foreign countries. It is nonsense to talk about a global village or other things. After all, there are still geographical restrictions. Therefore, let’s find an agent abroad. People, it’s better than our own shirtless battle. Moreover, Zhou Yuqiang has a choice at hand.”

Wu Xie frowned: "You mean to find an agent, let's hide behind the scenes? Then how can we hide?"

"Damn it, you can't take all the benefits... You fucking produce, transport and sell, and now you have to do retail. You let those foreign businessmen have a good drink. Otherwise, he won't give you such a big profit. It's only strange if you make trouble." Gao Zhengsheng rolled his eyes.

Wu Xie chuckled: "That's true, money touches people's hearts. But if you say it this way, in our country, we should also..."

"Actually, I just want to say this. In China, we really need to find a partner. Otherwise, sales alone will occupy a large number of our manpower. Let's just coordinate. Now there are dozens of people doing it all over the country. And, the next step , the area is spread out, the market will definitely grow bigger and bigger, and the profits are popular. We have two families, one province and two provinces can still withstand the pressure. But if we travel to more places, we will face more red eyes. We can't bear it anymore. The key is that our fame has already gone out, so we don't need to sell it by ourselves. It is enough to keep the front shop. We don't care about other sales. They come to us to talk when they want goods, and we are only responsible for them. Delivery, and nothing else. Of course, the contract must specify sales restrictions and so on. We can’t let them mess around and give us a bad name. Let’s set up some inspectors ourselves.” Gao Zhengsheng continued.

Wu Xie nodded: "Anyone choose?"

"There is no need to choose the Northeast, the Shen family and the Xu family are sure. You can't go around them. Moreover, Xu Qinglian is the best choice. Other provinces and major retailers also have suitable ones. When the time comes, they will conduct a bidding, or directly send a News, they will naturally come to your door. There are plenty of commercial predators in various provinces. By the way, there are also online sales, and it is time for us to find a suitable online platform. You mean, should we let them sell all of them, or should we Open a shop online by yourself?" Gao Zhengsheng asked.

Wu Xie raised her eyebrows: "What the hell did you just say that you should let go. Then why do you have to open your own store? To open a store by yourself, you have to contact logistics and distribution, and the distribution of all places will kill you. Then How many people will you get? All will be handed over to the platform agent, and we will only be suppliers. By the way, speaking of this, how did you investigate the subsidiary processing plants for fruits and grains that everyone was anxious about a while ago?"

"Don't ask me that, ask Mr. Zhao, she has been thinking about it. However, in terms of grain and oil, the state controls it more strictly, most other businessmen are small, and the big companies are state-owned enterprises. It is difficult to choose. As for the fruit processing factory? Yes, some of the most famous canned producers in China, as well as the boss of various fruit and vegetable products, laugh haha, you know? They have already intended to cooperate with us to produce various fruit drinks using our fruits. But this year, we I still can't afford it. After all, this year's fresh fruit is not enough to sell, so where are the rich ones to sell it to them. There should be a small batch next year." Gao Zhengsheng lit a cigarette.

Wu Xie nodded: "Go and do those things, I don't understand, and it's too troublesome. By the way, is Lao Qi back yet?"

"Haha, Chairman, thank you for thinking of me. I'm back." As soon as Wu Xie finished speaking, Qi Haiyun knocked on the door and walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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