Chapter 355

"Sugar daddy... well, let's just say so. What's the problem with this? In fact, regardless of whether it's domestic or overseas, which company is not a sugar daddy? At least there is a country around?" Liu Qinglian laughed.

Wu Xie stood up and said with a smile: "Then just stand by, it's really a good thing. I'll go and ask about the situation."

Zheng Zhimin looked at Wu Xie, and laughed when he learned of his intentions: "This matter has nothing to do with foreign countries. We have already investigated, and it is a certain deputy county magistrate in the county who is competing with Gao Shengyang for the next year's magistrate. Yes. Gao Shengyang supports your company. As an opponent, he has no chance to get close to you, and your achievements have initially appeared, representing huge future value. This is a huge achievement, not just political achievements. It’s simple. It’s almost hopeless for him to compete. But as long as you overthrow your company, it’s still feasible! Then Wang Dazhu didn’t have the ability to go directly to the State Council. In fact, Wang Dazhu never entered the State Council at all. He just went to the imperial capital. Then the real operation is the deputy county magistrate, and Wang Dazhu's future son-in-law has a close relationship with the deputy county magistrate. His purpose is to swallow up your company and sell your assets. You The insiders know that most of them came from loans, but from the outside, it seems that they are worth more than [-] million yuan. The equipment alone can be sorted into tens of millions, which is enough to impress people. Money is the key to power. They hit it off..."

Wu Xie still felt the pressure, and he couldn't help feeling rejoicing: If it wasn't for his relationship with the military, but for Gao Shengyang's side, I'm afraid there would be a lot of trouble this time.

What's even more fortunate for him is that his government has the support of Gao Shengyang, and the military has the support of the Central Plains Theater, which can be regarded as a complete firm foothold.As long as he can come up with a steady stream of scientific research results, he can make progress in improving agriculture.He basically doesn't need to worry about anything in the future.

This also made him seem to have matured a lot in an instant!

In the past, he always heard about the crime of Huai Bi, but this time he really understood, and realized what is the crime of Huai Bi!
The technology he possesses and the wealth he brings don't require you to offend others, someone will follow you and take advantage of you.

"Political Commissar Zheng, I suddenly felt that the crime of conceived jade is actually a too appropriate word." Wu Xie said whatever came to his mind.

Zheng Zhimin chuckled: "Yeah, you little guy, you don't know how big a gold brick you are holding in your arms. Let's not talk about other things, not even leukemia and other things, just antihypertensive drugs and drugs. Taking out any formula for the treatment of diabetes is enough to shock the world. A person spends his whole life asking for one but can't get it, but you have got so many. In the future, you have to stabilize yourself."

Wu Xie nodded: "Well, I remember the teaching of Political Commissar Zheng."

"Call me chief in the future, but you are now my soldier." Zheng Zhimin laughed, and then said. "Oh, by the way, don't be in a hurry. Tomorrow, the county magistrate will personally lead a team to rush over to deal with the matter here, and there will be observers from the State Council to deal with it. This matter, overnight, broke the sky. Already!"

Wu Xie smiled wryly and said, "Our Liushanwa, in the past six months, it's really... just confronting the police twice..."

"It's time to fight! Officials who don't make decisions for the people should be dealt with! Of course, the methods are still too drastic. In the future, we must pay attention to this kind of thing." Zheng Zhimin said softly.

Wu Xie nodded quickly: "No, no, I won't do it. Besides, our place will be part of the Dashenjing base in the future. Who doesn't have eyes and dares to make trouble. Oops, I almost forgot, I just remembered I'm afraid I will trouble Commissar Zheng. Oh, no, chief."

Zheng Zhimin said with a smile: "What's the matter, as long as..."

"As long as it doesn't violate the principle!" Wu Xie said immediately.

Zheng Zhimin immediately lowered his face: "Kid, grab the words."

Wu Xie laughed: "I promise not to violate the principle. That's right, we have a technician here named Hong Qianzheng. When he came back from a foreign research institution, he brought back native species. You know the native species? It's food During crop cultivation..."

It took Wu Xie a lot of talking to let Zheng Zhimin understand what a native species is.After all, it is still a bit difficult for people who are not majors in agronomy to understand the meaning of native species.

Zheng Zhimin was very surprised: "You still have such a treasure hidden here?"

Wu Xie said with a smile: "Actually, I don't think much of his original species research. It is at most a process of returning to the ancestors through hybridization. It cannot be regarded as a truly perfect work. But it is very meaningful , at least technically, is a huge progress and breakthrough. It is a great reference for us to study our real original species. After a few years, we will also carry out research on our own original species. Oh, far away Yes, Chief, so, I hope that our laboratory can be properly protected. Best, it can be moved to the Great Deep Well Base."

Zheng Zhimin nodded and agreed almost without thinking: "No problem, I will greet them specially, and we must protect this place. The deep well is grounded, with a radius of several square kilometers. It should be possible to open up a little experimental field, which is enough for use."

"Well, the initial cultivation of native species is enough. When large-scale cultivation experiments are needed in the future, I will think of a way. If this is the case, then I can rest assured. How long will it take to migrate there? Although this time, it is just a certain It was caused by the struggle of some people. But Hong Qianzheng's research on native species, after this incident, I also know how much interest and madness it will make outsiders. I am a little scared." Wu Xie said with a smile.

Zheng Zhimin thought about it, and called the guard at the gate to notify the person in charge of the Dashenjing base. Soon, Gao Zhengxing rushed over. He was the temporary person in charge, the real chief person in charge, and was still being selected. After all, the Dashenjing base was of great significance. .

After Gao Zhengxing listened to it, he thought about it: "Because the chief executive hasn't arrived yet, and we don't have an overall plan, so we can only put on airs for the time being, but if we really want to do something, at least we have to wait until the chief executive arrives. It is necessary to draw up a general plan for construction. However, we can build in advance. We will start lifting equipment down on the sixth day of the lunar new year, and first open up an area below to create a relevant research base. It only takes half a month to have basic research Facilities, but conditions may not be too good."

Wu Xie laughed: "That's enough! When we cultivate agricultural research, the most important thing is the experimental field and the laboratory. As long as there is a closed place, the laboratory can be built, and then the experimental field can be opened. Other conditions are not high. "

(End of this chapter)

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