Super little Shennong

Chapter 313 The Military Coat Incident

Chapter 313 The Military Coat Incident

In the early morning of the next day, it was too late, and the research team was finally leaving.For Wu Xie and the others, this was a sigh of relief.After all, this level of research team really cannot be ignored.Their every move may bring policy changes and adjustments.But this time the research is undoubtedly good.

This made everyone tired, but also very happy.

Gao Shengyang and the others didn't have any instructions for putting on a show that leaders usually do.Don't worry about them.Only a few property personnel were left behind to settle the entertainment expenses with the personnel here.

But just after they left, the villagers were in chaos...

Wu Xie and the others had just arrived at the office and were about to check the status of dividends again, when they rushed in with a high-pitched voice: "Fuck, we're fighting, we're fighting. What the hell, the old ladies are all crazy!"

Wu Xie stood up all of a sudden: "There's a fight? Why? The research team just left, and the family's finances are still there. Let people see, don't lose your life!"

As he said that and rushed out, Liu Qinglian and the others were also taken aback, and rushed out quickly.

But when I rushed to the small square, I saw a few responsible old women who were recycling military coats. They were huddled together with a large group of old women, enough for more than 100 people. Although they didn't fight, they just grabbed things, but the scene was extremely Embarrassed...

What made Wu Xie even more strange was that a group of gentlemen knew that they would not go to work today, and they would get a bonus in the afternoon, so they all came here ahead of time, waiting to have lunch and get a bonus in the afternoon.But at this moment, not only was there no one fighting, but they were all happily gathered around to watch the fun.

Wu Zhongguo also rushed over. Seeing the chaotic scene, he looked around, grabbed an electric horn, and jumped onto a table: "Mother Dut, stop. Are you crazy?"

Wu Zhongguo tore his throat and yelled dozens of times before the old women were finally pulled back by the laughing and laughing old men of their respective families watching the fun.

Wu Xie was puzzled to find out: These old women are all torn and torn, and their clothes are all torn, but they are still happy... This is so evil...

Wu Zhongguo cursed with a loudspeaker: "Shameless, shameless? Ah... this is the property of the company, why are you going to grab it? In the afternoon, there will be dividends. One person includes salary and dividends. This month, at least seven or eight thousand Why, why are you still grabbing a military coat? Your family is so poor that you don’t have any pants? Shame or shame? There’s still a leader here, shame or shame? Shame or shame?”

At this time, several financial personnel who settled here came out, and they couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene.

But what happened next left them speechless...

"Send them all back!" Wu Zhongguo roared. "Otherwise, the next time you distribute coats, your gentlemen won't have them, and you will go up the mountain to watch the night with bare buttocks."

An old woman shouted: "I don't want that one next time, I want this one. This is worn by a big leader. Catch up with the old age, this is the Palace of the Number One Scholar, which was worn by a high-ranking official. It's official luck and good fortune."

It was only then that Wu Xie realized that it was this...

Wu Zhongguo was taken aback for a moment, what the hell, he seemed to have forgotten about it.

Seeing this situation at this time, Liu Qinglian suddenly walked up to Wu Xie and whispered, "Good thing!"

Wu Xie grinned: "Is this a good thing?"

"Mobilize everyone's enthusiasm! Take it back, when the dividends are distributed in the afternoon, whoever contributed the most will pick a military coat. This is an honor, and there is not much money, so it means a lot. Especially in the hearts of ordinary people, that Having a military coat like this is not just a matter of honor. It is also a matter of luck." Liu Qinglian said immediately.

Wu Xie immediately slapped his head, ran over quickly, climbed onto the table, and took the electric horn from Wu Zhongguo: "Listen, military coat, call back first. In the afternoon, we will pay dividends according to the contribution of each team, whichever contributes the most Who will choose! If you rob indiscriminately, will other people be convinced? Let’s do it according to the company’s accumulated contributions, which is the most fair. Otherwise, there are more than [-] military coats and [-] people in four villages, how to divide them?”

Hearing what Wu Xie said, everyone nodded, especially those who didn't grab it, they agreed loudly.

Those who snatched it were unwilling, but Wu Xie went on to say: "Can your gentlemen do it? You haven't counted it yet? If you can't do it, wear it out, isn't it a shame? Besides, there are more than 100 military coats. How do you know yours? The old men are not qualified? Also, our company is developing well, and there will be more opportunities in the future. I, Wu Xie, promise that next time, there will be high-ranking officials to investigate, and unfortunately there will be high-ranking officials from the central government. When the time comes, we will Can we not have this thing? But the rules have to be finalized today. With this thing, it will be used as a year-end reward, and whoever does a good job will be given to whom. Why do we post it on the bulletin board, and everyone who is not convinced will compare it. It’s better than others, we’ll exchange it for you right away.”

Hearing this method, the villagers still had to lose face. Those who felt that they were qualified happily sent them back.Those who felt unreliable turned around and stared at their masters.Staring at a few old men, they all wanted to get their heads in their crotches.

A few young people among the several property personnel were still snickering, but a divisional leader in charge of settlement glared at them: "Is it funny? Such a simple and simple people, do you think you should laugh?"

Several young people hurriedly put away their smiles in embarrassment, and became serious.

"Remember today's incident well, as well as the way the company handles it. It's not a small matter. Don't look at a military coat that doesn't cost much. Every household in this village, which one has less annual income now? One hundred thousand? Would you care about a hundred and eighty dollars for a military coat? It’s not money, it’s the common people’s recognition and trust in us.” The leader continued in a low voice.

Several young people nodded seriously.


Back in the office, Wu Xie broke out in a sweat: "Old Liu, if you hadn't changed like this today, I think this military coat is really a bit troublesome today. You, a full-time manager, really have three ways in the blink of an eye. If it were me, I would either just do it like this, and whoever gets it will count. Or just keep it and don’t give it to anyone. But this is not as good as this method, anyway, military coats are not worth much, but this is a great benefit.”

Gao Zhengsheng also kept shaking his head and sighing: "Damn, why didn't I think that this thing can be used in this way? Old Liu drank a lot of foreign ink, and he is more suitable for the people than us who are born and bred." .”

No way, senior managers, they are not just proficient in the theory of senior management.Those who are only proficient in theory and don't know how to connect theory with practice are all dudes... nerds.People like Liu Qinglian are real management masters.Management does not depend on how grand plans and plans you come up with, but on whether you can maximize the efficiency of a company under the existing conditions.

(End of this chapter)

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