Super little Shennong

Chapter 307 Problems brought about by food structure

Chapter 307 Problems brought about by food structure

"Our strawberries are bred with native Chinese medicine preparations, then mixed with original plant ash, and finally cultivated through Chinese medicine preparations. There are no insects, no diseases, high fruit-setting rate, large yield, good appearance, and good taste. And it has a very high health care effect. Even for some relatively simple related health problems, it has a certain healing effect. Of course, this is his actual effect, and our propaganda does not promote these. We just treat it as ordinary The high-quality agricultural products are on sale. After all, medicinal use still requires a lot of experiments to make sure it is completely effective."

"Because the company has just opened this year, the capital scale is small and the manpower is insufficient, it is difficult to expand operations. Therefore, we only built a permanent greenhouse of 5000 mu for planting. According to the current situation, our [-]-mu greenhouse, except After all kinds of depreciation, the net profit can reach... [-] yuan per mu." Wu Xie made a discount.

Gao Shengyang laughed: "Xiao Wu, you still lie in ambush with me? I have heard that your greenhouse has a net profit of more than 1 yuan per mu."

Wu Xie scratched her head in embarrassment: "Isn't that afraid of talking too much, people think I put satellites?"

Several leaders laughed, and a city leader laughed and said: "Blowing the air is putting satellites, you are all real things, what kind of satellites are you putting? Xiao Wu, do you plan to spread this strawberry planting technology to the outside world?" ?”

Wu Xie said with a smile: "In the future, but you leaders should also know that once it spreads out, it will be planted in large quantities, and even expanded to a certain scale. The price of strawberries will definitely plummet, and even fall to the current ordinary level. At that time, in In terms of increasing income, there is no point. But we can export, so we plan to do so next year. Next year, we plan to plant strawberries for export in the [-]-acre greenhouse. At that time, we will need the support of your leaders take care of."

"Haha, exporting is a good thing. It's money from foreigners. But I haven't considered deep processing. Exporting primary agricultural products is not very profitable. Only deep processing can increase profit margins." A city leader said.

Wu Xie shook his head: "No, deep processing is not considered for the time being. It is not a technical problem, but the particularity of strawberries. This is a kind of fruit that is not durable for storage and needs to be practical in a short period of time. Pay attention to timeliness. Moreover, we must produce it as soon as possible. Profit. And, we will export on a large scale in the future. At that time, domestic producers will naturally engage in deep processing. We only do basic agriculture. We don’t want to get involved in too many other industries. After all, an industry requires many components. We can’t do it all by ourselves. Moreover, according to our plan, after a few years, our company’s initial accumulation is enough, and then we will spread technology, with technology and seeds as the main business direction, not in the deep processing of agricultural products. We intend to be a company dominated by technology companies. We lack such companies.”

Gao Shengyang nodded: "The idea is very good. But we must be cautious."

"The strawberry greenhouse is actually very simple. In addition, it is the fruit trees we have improved, but it has not been developed yet. So, there is actually nothing to see now. I want to brag and I can't come up with anything. If this time next year If the leaders come again, we will have something to boast about. Next year, we must have at least 1 mu of fruit trees. More than [-] mu of improved grain fields will produce a large amount of grain with original taste. All the leaders have experienced the previous days. Compared with everyone, you must remember the taste of millet and rice decades ago? Now the taste of rice and millet is a bit worse. What we have to do is to return agriculture to the A real technology track, not something that was spawned by the chemical industry."

"In our eyes, relying on the birth of the chemical industry is crooked. Only the improvement and evolution of orthodox plants themselves is fundamental. Otherwise, like genetically modified crops, it is actually drinking poison to quench thirst. Now the harm of genetically modified crops has begun to be revealed , we can't wait until we can't deal with it. Then it will be too late, and it will delay generations." Wu Xie said seriously.

Gao Shengyang nodded: "How much per mu is your food expected to reach?"

"A preliminary estimate is that we belong to the mid-mountain area, and the arable land conditions are not good. Therefore, the yield per mu is about [-] to [-] jin. Traditional crops, such as wheat, have no plans for high-yielding corn and sweet potatoes. Mainly, Our traditional food is more suitable for the constitution of the Chinese people. Therefore, we plan to restore our original food supply base composition. Mainly corn, wheat, rice, etc. As for crops such as corn and sweet potatoes that are actually alien species, we will not consider them for the time being Let's start. The root cause of the original food supply framework is that the output is not high, which is the biggest gap. But after we improve it, although we dare not say beyond it, we can still catch up with the mainstream food output. In addition, our The food structure is suitable for the foundation of the Chinese people. There will be a lot to do." Wu Xie continued.

Gao Shengyang nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, one side of the water and soil nourishes the other. It is normal for us Chinese people to have a food chain that belongs to our Huaxia. Over the years, our food supply has actually undergone great changes. Changing. This kind of change seems to be okay at present. But Xiao Wu said this, but I am terrified! If our traditional food structure that suits us completely collapses, then there will be big troubles in the future.”

The leaders of several cities are also serious.

Wu Xie only considered his agricultural issues, but he didn't consider anything other than agricultural issues.But the leaders have more to consider: for example, if the food supply framework changes completely, if outsiders add something to it...

Therefore, the lifeblood of a country's foundation, such as agriculture, the foundation of this foundation is actually extremely important.It's just that the development of the modern economy has covered up many things.

As Wu Xie said, he came over with a basket of washed strawberries, and asked everyone to sit down at a small table used by the guards here: "Leaders, try it first."

Gao Shengyang laughed: "Your strawberries are too expensive. In the supermarkets in the city, they can be fried for 60 yuan a catty. I don't even want to eat them. I want to eat my fill today."

Wu Xie laughed: "The land price here is only 20 yuan. We don't care about the rest. Let the market settle the balance. As long as the market is big enough, we will expand our business next year. Leaders, I have a small plan for next year. I plan to go to the Northeast to start a large-scale modern farm. But setting up a farm involves a lot, leaders, can you give me some support?"

Gao Shengyang ate strawberries and looked at Wu Xie: "Well, strawberries taste really good. What kind of support do you want?"

"I wonder if the province can cooperate and communicate with each other at the government level in the form of counterpart support. At that time, the two provinces, one south and one north, will be very complementary in terms of agriculture. For the economic development of the two provinces, it must be It will help. We are not afraid of someone making trouble. After all, we have gone there and are not familiar with the place. Although we have a partner, it is still a bit unreliable." Wu Xie said immediately.

This was what Liu Qinglian asked him to bring up. Liu Qinglian, an old oily man, had been in the country for a while, and immediately discovered the benefits of cooperating with the government sensitively.

(End of this chapter)

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