Chapter 304
"Are you a high-ranking official?" Wang Dazhu looked at Gao Shengyang who was sitting in front, and asked cautiously.

By the way, I squeezed my snot again and wiped it on the table legs... The surrounding staff hurriedly turned their heads and didn't look at it.

Gao Shengyang exhaled, nodded with a smile: "But it's not a high-ranking official, it's a high-ranking official. What's your business?"

"Oh, my Lord Qingtian, our family has suffered a lot from the bandits and tyrants of the old Wu family!" Wang Dazhu immediately threw himself at Gao Shengyang's feet, and was about to hug Gao Shengyang's leg with his arms.

Gao Shengyang's driver, who was also a soldier, bent down and stretched out his hand, lifted Wang Dazhu up and put him on the stool: "Speak up if you have something to say."

Gao Shengyang forced a smile and looked at Wang Dazhu: "Speak well. If you just talk about injustice, you must have evidence, right?"

"Evidence? Yes, there is! All the people in the village, including those in the surrounding villages, were forced to sell the land to him. The land belongs to the state, why should his old Wu family buy it?" Wang Dazhu came immediately up the spirit.

A leader next to him glanced at Gao Shengyang, Gao Shengyang nodded, and the leader immediately said: "The contract of Liushanwa Agricultural Company is reasonable and legal. There is a violation of the regulations. Unless the other party did not perform the contracting agreement signed during the contracting, such as failing to pay the transfer payment and other conditions. As far as I know, Liushanwa Company has fulfilled all its promises.”

Wang Dazhu immediately shouted: "No, my family doesn't have any. I haven't seen a penny."

Gao Shengyang looked at Wu Xie and Wu Zhongguo who were pushing over beside him. Wu Zhongguo was very angry at this time, and almost rushed over and kicked him to death: "You shameless old man, how many times have I been to your house? You talk about contracting. You said that you don’t want our Wu family’s money. You don’t want to contract to us. If you don’t contract to us, why should we give you money?”

Gao Shengyang waved his hand, and another leader asked: "You said you didn't give you money, so have you signed a contract? If so, you can show it."

Wang Dazhu immediately said: "I signed it, but they didn't give it to me. They only asked me to press my fingerprints. They didn't give me the contract and agreement, and they didn't let me see it. They just didn't give it to me."

This is pure shamelessness...

As a promising deputy mayor, Wang Daquan was of course present at this time. He held back his anger and said, "Wang Dazhu, you must remember that framing is also a crime. You obviously did not sign a contract, but you said you did? It's a lie, it's a false accusation."

Wang Dazhu's neck fluttered: "I signed it, but I didn't give it."

Wu Zhongguo was trembling with anger: "You shameless old man, ask the whole village, including the people in the surrounding villages, which family does not have one, including widows and widows, all households with five guarantees get a share, but you don't? Ask the old and young men in the village, whose family does not have a contract agreement."

Uncle Qi squeezed in at this time: "I knew this little thing was not good. I just got home and got my contract agreement. Everyone's is the same. Let the leader have a look."

Gao Shengyang breathed a sigh of relief, it's impossible to keep messing around like this.Someone brought the evidence, that's the best.

A leader brought it over and read it himself: "Contract agreement..."

"After contracting, the villagers in the village will automatically become employees of Liushanwa Agricultural Company. According to national regulations, the minimum company limit is 340 five yuan for the local company, and 2000 yuan for the company. In addition, for employees with the lowest income, an increase of two A low salary subsidy of [-] yuan. The actual monthly basic salary is at least [-] yuan. The minimum salary personnel include: logistics service personnel who do not have full working capacity, and some of them lose their working capacity, but they can perform certain tasks, such as taking care of the order in the village environment, manage the street lights and other personnel in the village on time, the detailed list of personnel is attached."

"Every year in the village, widowed elderly, five-guarantee households, disabled people and other people who do not have the ability to work, the Liushanwa Agricultural Company is responsible for providing food every month... and according to the company's benefits, a certain amount of pocket money is distributed, which is fully borne by the company .”

"Every year, the study expenses of all employees' children in agricultural companies, mainly referring to tuition fees, are fully funded and subsidized by the company to ensure that employees will not be impoverished or drop out of school due to high education expenses."


While thinking about it, everyone fell silent.

Everyone has a copy of this contracting agreement, which is more than 30 pages thick!

It covers almost every aspect of a person's life, old age, sickness and death.In fact, this is not suitable for the management and operation of modern companies, and this is all done at the request of Wu Xie.Of course, some of them were added under the threat of Wu Zhongguo.

It is difficult for another company to bear so many social obligations.

This has almost replaced the country's relevant social welfare behaviors. Even if a person does not work at all, as long as they are within this range, they will not live without poverty for various reasons.

The villagers had heard it before, but they didn't listen very carefully, because everyone was only concerned about the salary at that time.

At this time, the leader's voice was still low at first, but as he continued to read it, it became louder and louder. With a wink, he quickly took an electric speaker over, and re-read the document himself.

A leader, and a big leader in the city, personally read this document in front of senior officials, which means that this matter has been taken to the height of the government, at least the common people think so.They still trust the government.

Wang Dazhu's face was ugly, he didn't dare to speak, but he didn't dare to leave either, he just listened!

After reading for more than half an hour, the leader's throat was smoked, and he had read it once.

"Comrade Wang Dazhu, this document is in triplicate. In addition to one for the villagers, one for the company, and one for the county archives bureau. Are you sure you didn't get it? If you check the list, do you have it? , then you are framed?" The leader's voice was a little hoarse.

Wang Dazhu still bit the bullet and said: "No! They just hid it and didn't report it."

Such nonsense is really helpless!

Wu Xie finally couldn't bear it at this time, and rushed out: "Wang Dazhu, have I touched a single bit of the land in your house? No, go and have a look now. There are so many people around to testify, who is telling lies?" It's clear at a glance."

Wang Dazhu said angrily: "You little bastard, it's not your turn to talk."

"Little brat? I am the founder and chairman of this company! Do you think it's my turn to speak?" Wu Xie laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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