Super little Shennong

Chapter 275 Make Money

Chapter 275 Make Money

Seeing Wu Xie's appearance, Hong Qianzheng didn't bother him, because he saw Wu Xie's face with a solemn feeling, which made him feel that Wu Xie was a bit strange, but more, it was to him attention to scientific research achievements.

What annoys researchers the most is that others don't pay attention to his scientific research results!

You can point out his shortcomings, even think he's wrong, and that's fine.But if you think his research is unimportant and worthless, that's another story...

Wu Xie's attitude made Hong Qianzheng very satisfied!

Wu Xie pressed against these seeds, but really... didn't feel anything, the kind feeling seemed to be only for a moment.

"Life force." Wu Xie couldn't help but said.

"Yes, I have this intuition. The native species have their own full vitality. But the genetically modified seeds have incomplete life." Hong Qianzheng said.

Wu Xie nodded: "For these seeds, when the spring begins, we should find a piece of land and let's plant them in the villa area. There are relatively few seeds, and a small vegetable garden is enough for planting. Moreover, there are The elites of the People’s Liberation Army are stationed here for training, so it’s safe.”

Hong Qianzheng nodded: "Alright. But this matter needs to wait until spring. What should we do now?"

Wu Xie stood up with a smile, and went to get the fruit tree shears: "Brother Hong, come and see my technology. After we cut off the original fruit tree branches, we have built a ten-acre farmland over there." Go to the greenhouse laboratory. Then we go into the mountains to find wild fruit trees. We need to find the most primitive wild peach trees, and then graft and cultivate them. This process takes a long time, no more than the slightly modified strawberries that I am now just to make money. It is estimated that it will take at least four or five years to see initial results. But before that, we still need to slightly transform the thousand-acre peach grove, and strive to produce some output next year. Otherwise, there will be no output, and our personal company has no funding. "

Hong Qianzheng laughed: "That's what it should be. But four or five years, it's very short, are you sure? You have to know that my research on native species is based on an old professor's research for more than 20 years. It took more than ten years of research to make a little progress today."

Wu Xie thought about it: "In four or five years, it can only be a preliminary transformation. It will reach the current relatively high level. It will take at least ten years for it to be perfected. But this is a gradual process."

Hong Qianzheng nodded with satisfaction: "If someone else told me that a new variety can be perfected in ten years, I would slap him. But your strawberries and grapes, let me believe you."

Wu Xie laughed.

For the past few days, Wu Xie has been pruning fruit trees, and while pruning, he turned his mind to the agricultural planting of Shennong Baodian.And as he continued to study, it seemed that the content of Shennong's Canon was constantly increasing, like a treasure house. At first he just picked up the scattered wealth in front of the treasure house, but now, it is slowly. Just like the qualifications to open the door.

Gao Zhengsheng is also extremely busy during this period. He is the chief financial officer and also serves as logistics procurement. Moreover, he himself has more important tasks, so he is so busy that he hardly touches the ground.Fortunately, his public identity helped a lot, and things went smoothly.He doesn't owe others money, and others don't have the guts to owe him money.

This is something that many companies cannot do. Many companies even give up part of their shares and find such a person to take money for nothing, just to allow them to suppress those who do not pay back the money.

"Wu Xie, at this point, you run up the mountain all day long. When are you going to train my brothers? Qi Hai has already been discharged from the hospital. I plan to come over to see you tomorrow and thank you in person. Also, the server that Hong Qian is asking for , I have already bought it, the domestic version, the internal version of Godson. Don’t worry, it is absolutely safe and the performance is absolutely high enough. Also, the company’s financial situation is not bad. Now it is the end of the year. So far, according to the scheduled investment plan, This year's income excluding various discounts and labor, the net profit is more than 3907 million points. When the last batch of strawberries are sold out at the end of the year, we estimate that the net profit will reach more than 500 million. The main reason is that the output of strawberries exceeded our estimate by 20.00%. The extra part is millions of smooth profits. Otherwise, we will have a surplus of more than 200 million at the end of this year. What are you going to do with it? Do you keep it and continue to invest, or take it out now?" Gao Zhengsheng said a lot Nothing seems to matter...

Wu Xie had a headache and thought for a long time: "Damn, let's go and find Mr. Liu."

After finding Liu Qinglian, Liu Qinglian laughed when he heard their intentions: "You still don't seem to adapt to my existence. I have already made a plan. According to the actual situation of our company and the local environment. Take a look, I have consulted with several elders and village chiefs in Liushanwa for my plan. I think it is highly feasible.”

Qin Ruo and Gao Zhengsheng took it over and looked at it.

"Take out 400 million dividends? Damn it, what's the end of life?" Gao Zhengsheng was taken aback.

Liu Qinglian smiled and said: "This will not affect our follow-up investment. I have already made strict planning. Your statistics are still too rough. I suggest that you go and learn financial expertise from Vice President Qi Haiyun. Your calculations are too rough. According to our sales this year, so far, as of 320:30.00 pm yesterday, our income for this month is 1000 million in total, and the output exceeds We expect [-]% five. Among them, if labor is not counted, it is only the discount of equipment input, and the profit exceeds [-] million. The main reason is that our seeds, pesticides, etc. cost almost nothing...the only cost is labor. Our various The materials needed for planting are all collected by the company’s employees in the field on weekends or spare time, or during commute to and from work, or during work breaks, and the cost is almost zero.”

"As for other similar agricultural companies, the cost of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, if they achieve such an output, will cost at least more than 400 million yuan. This is the bulk of the cost. And we don't have it, so our most important cost, It is the discount of manpower and equipment. We calculate the discount of equipment based on the ten-year service life, and the average annual discount is 500%. The annual depreciation cost of a greenhouse is 25. The 200 greenhouses total 2000 acres The land is 16 million. But my idea was despised by several village chiefs and construction parties. Their design life is 600 years, so our cost depreciation expense is 2000 million. And by the end of the year, our income is expected to be Reaching about [-] million. The output per mu is more than [-] jin. The income of one mu of land is [-], and the income of one thousand mu of land is [-] million. In fact, there is still a little overflow, and it is not a big problem to reach [-] million. This is the first time I have seen such a high yield and such high quality strawberry products. It is a miracle."

"So, our actual cost is only 200 million cost depreciation, and workers' wages. But our wages are only 300 on average, and 100 people work in it. In fact, 300 people will be enough in the future. We will equip Some suitable working tools can improve work efficiency. For a novice with 1000 people, it’s only a few million in the past three months. By the end of the year, our net profit will exceed [-] million.”

Liu Qinglian was extremely excited and said in one breath!

(End of this chapter)

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