Super little Shennong

Chapter 139 Reorganization of the company

Chapter 139 Reorganization of the company
Lu Gengqiang sat down slowly, and pondered for a while: "Wu Xie, if this medicine is placed in my main factory, my main factory will be able to tide over the difficulties."

Lu Xin snorted: "Overcome the difficulty? If the pharmaceutical factory survives this time, those old brothers of yours will probably be even more unscrupulous. Desires are hard to fill. I remember when I was a child, it was just a small pharmaceutical factory , I went everywhere to beg my grandpa to sue my grandma, and borrow money from them to tide over the difficulties. My three uncles and one uncle lent me a total of 90 yuan! A total of [-] catties of pork money?"

Lu Gengqiang is not stupid. Of course he knows that after the development of the pharmaceutical factory, it will definitely not lose money and make a lot of money. Those brothers and brothers immediately posted it, and now they are all treated with a million annual salary.But they were still dissatisfied with this, and they often used the matter of giving him 90 yuan at the beginning, and turned their faces and scolded him for being ungrateful if something was wrong.Even his fourth brother embezzled the company's public funds to speculate in stocks, lost all his underpants, and the company once fell into the predicament of collapse, which is plausible.

But what can be done, Lu Gengqiang, a brother of the same mother and compatriot, really can't let go of his family affection.

Lu Gengqiang was very embarrassed, and Lu Xin continued: "Dad, you can understand. But our classmates are classmates, but cooperation is cooperation. If we really cooperate, we will calculate the profits separately. If those old brothers of yours reach out What are you going to do to get my classmate's dividends? Don't say they can't do it! If it weren't for this, the people who joined our joint venture would not have withdrawn their capital."

Lu Gengqiang gritted his teeth: "Okay, I'll give you the branch factory over there. It will be completed and put into production within half a year. I will work hard. I will soon be unable to support this head office. I have to leave some room for escape."

In fact, he is very clear that the brothers are getting worse and worse, and this company will bring them down sooner or later.

"Xinxin, you run away on this matter. You go to the company and take Vice President Liu with you. He is a sensible person. Go there, and he should be able to keep it. If you are not sure, leave it to him, the branch shares, Give him 15.00%. Go ahead, I don’t care about anything else. If you want money, I’ll find a way for you.” Lu Gengqiang seemed to have made a decisive decision in the end.


Wu Xie didn't expect things to happen so quickly, he thought there would be a delay.

"Isn't this too fast?" Wu Xie couldn't help but said.

Sitting in the office, Lu Xin's face was a little gloomy. Looking at the office, he sighed: "It's not as fast as you think. It will take at least half a year for the pharmaceutical factory over there to build a factory for production. This half year is hard. And, run The procedures are not simple. In fact, I have feelings for this head office, and our family started here..."

Wu Xie looked at Lu Xin, could understand his feelings, smiled and said: "What are you afraid of, you just need to manage that place well, and then turn around and annex this company as a corporate legal person, then you have the final say , are they gross?"

Lu Xin gritted his teeth: "Damn, fight. Anyway, if it goes on like this, it won't last in three to five years. Why don't you go out and fight now, maybe you still have a chance. Okay, this matter That's it. By the way, you have to prepare detailed information for me recently, and I will call Vice President Liu over immediately."

Vice President Liu came soon. He was a shrewd and capable man in his forties. He came to Lu Xin's office. Even though Lu Xin was just a college student graduating, he still maintained a friendly attitude and elegant posture.

Wu Xie looked a little envious, he was so tall.

"Manager Lu, I don't know if you are looking for me. What's the matter?" Vice President Liu looked at Lu Xin and said neither humble nor overbearing.

Lu Xin looked at Vice President Liu and said with a smile, "The company decided to stop building the branch factory over there."

Vice President Liu frowned slightly, but as if it was expected, he just smiled slightly: "Oh, then stop. The head office can't support the construction of the branch now."

"But I decided to build that branch factory independently, but it will no longer be a branch factory, but an independent new pharmaceutical factory. Vice President Liu, I want you to come with me." Lu Xin looked at Vice President Liu , said seriously.

Vice President Liu smiled lightly: "I'm not very interested in the pharmaceutical industry in the province right now. The contract expires in a few months, and I plan to go abroad for further studies. I may not be able to accept your invitation."

Lu Xin looked at Vice President Liu and smiled slightly: "The general manager has full authority to manage the company and implement it in accordance with the latest enterprise management system. I will not interfere with any of your decisions. Unless there is a major development direction. 15.00% of the shares. Uncle Liu, you You won't say that you are old and have lost your pride, right?"

Vice President Liu looked at Lu Xin and said with a smile: "You are still young, and it won't work if you use aggressive methods against me."

Lu Xin knew very well that he was actually desperate for Lu's company... Five years ago, the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. Lu Gengqiang found Vice President Liu through a headhunting company, and vigorously rectified the company, and the company came back to life.If it weren't for him, Lu's Pharmaceutical would have gone bankrupt long ago.

In the past five years, Vice President Liu has seen it too clearly. No matter how you rectify this company, if the pharmaceutical company does not solve these ignorant and lawless royal relatives, it is impossible to solve the fundamental problem.The collapse of the enterprise is a matter of time.

"Except for me, this pharmaceutical factory will not have any relatives of the Lu family. Uncle Liu, I just graduated, a college student, and have no experience, but I have the courage to venture. Uncle Liu, what do you think?" Lu Xin He looked at Vice President Liu seriously.

Vice President Liu looked at Lu Xin: "Aren't you going to be ostracized by me?"

"Uncle Liu will not. You are a professional manager. You have your professional ethics. I am different from my father of the older generation. I know, I don't understand, I will leave it to those who understand, and will not meddle indiscriminately." I hope that after five years, I can swallow Lu's Pharmaceutical. I want to completely reorganize the Lu family! My father can't get rid of those entanglements, I can! I can support them and give them a fixed income. income, but it is absolutely impossible to let them enter my pharmaceutical company. Including any relatives and friends in the future, I am not afraid of offending people. I am young!" Lu Xin gritted his teeth.

Vice President Liu looked at Lu Xin: "I am 42 years old this year. In five years, I will be 47 years old. I can still afford to gamble. I will take a gamble."

"Okay, happy! But the company is still on paper, we need to be careful." Lu Xin said immediately.

Vice President Liu only looked at Wu Xie at this time, and Wu Xie stood up with a smile: "Wu Xie, I will own [-]% of the new pharmaceutical company in the future."

Vice President Liu immediately looked at Lu Xin: "Why do I feel that you have been fooled?"

"Don't worry, he's my classmate. Our new pharmaceutical factory will produce the Chinese patent medicines he provided. Of course, Deputy Liu always understands people, and we wise people don't talk dark words. I will not interfere in the management that the company should not be in charge of. As for Wu Xie, he only wants nominal shares and profits, and he doesn't even want a company position. Now let's think about where to start." Lu Xin went to the sofa and sat down.

(End of this chapter)

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