Forensic without kites

Chapter 437 4. What is the difference between the culprit and the disaster?

Chapter 437 4. What is the difference between the culprit and the disaster?

"Xie Yao!" Lu Huai was deeply angry, and turned around suddenly, his lower lip was caught off guard by a crystal clear glass.

He pushed the glass away, with impatience in his eyes: "What do you want to do?"

Xie Yao gently wiped off the liquid splashed on the back of his hand, and let out a sad and mocking smile: "So, you still remember that my name is Xie don't drink the things I touch. I thought that together with my name , and become rubbish in the eyes of you people."

Lu Huai was shocked when he heard the words, his hands moved behind his back, his deep eyes shrank suddenly, as if something was touched in his heart, when he raised his head, there was a brief silence on that handsome and noble face.

But after a while, it returned to indifference and seriousness.

He stared at her for a long time with deep eyes.

When she persuaded him to drink just now, what she handed over was obviously a glass of brandy.

Lu Huaishen is not very good at drinking, which is not an anecdote in the industry.In the past, when he was first involved in shopping malls, it was inevitable that he would have to suffer some hardships, but in the past few years, with his rise to the top, few people dared to do so.

But unfortunately, the woman in front of him was not forgiving.

"Okay." Lu Huaishen reached out to take the glass of wine, and swallowed it with his head raised.

Throwing the empty glass aside, his calm and sharp eyes seemed to penetrate her: "I wish you finally return to this city."

With a slightly cold but gentle voice, Xie Yao saw a hand, slender and neat, white and clean, pinching the stem of the cup she handed over to her, obviously everything was so beautiful, but she could see the sarcasm on his face.

Four years ago, when she was kicked out of Lu's house, the man stayed out of the matter coldly, with the same unsalty expression.

If Xie Yao still had some palpitations when he saw Lu Huaishen again after many years, then this moment would be like a wind blowing away.

She smiled coldly: "Four years ago, they drove me out of City A, and you never thought I would come back, did you?"

Lu Huaishen looked at her silently for a long time, smiled lightly, and said in a low voice, "Xie Yao, what does this have to do with me?"

He didn't answer the question instead, his deep and pleasant voice concealed a bit of cruelty.

This sentence made Xie Yao's heart shrink suddenly.

He called her Xie Yao. After so many years, when she heard these two words from his mouth again, she felt as if she had been enchanted by a demon.

The man was smiling, but his tone was indifferent, ridiculing her for being passionate.

Xie Yao's right hand suddenly trembled violently. She really wanted to smoke. In the past few years, every sleepless and cold night in Los Angeles, she always huddled in a corner and smoked until dawn.

But here is a very formal and grand banquet, and smoking is not allowed.

She poured a glass of brandy down her stomach and felt better.Looking at the self-reliant man in front of him, he smiled mockingly: "Mr. Lu still looks at me like he is looking at a pile of garbage?"

The man paused, his eyes deep: "What do you think?"

Xie Yao sneered: "Four years ago, everyone said that I stole company secrets just for the sake of glory and wealth. At that time, your entire Lu family wanted to cut me into pieces. I remember, at that time, you looked at my Eyes, like looking at... a pile of garbage."

The ending trembled a little. She thought back to the four years of wandering in Los Angeles, living a life that was worse than a dog, all thanks to the man in front of her.

Fiery resentment suddenly surged in her eyes: "If you don't speak, are you guilty!"

Seeing the hidden tears in the woman's eyes, Lu Huaishen's indifferent and solemn face froze for a while, and then he asked cruelly, "What do you think is the difference between the culprit and the disaster?"

He drank alcohol, and his body smelled of alcohol, but Xie Yao still keenly caught the faint smell of cologne that belonged to a man.These aromas had made her unforgettable in the past many turbulent nights.

However, on such an unforgettable night, he pushed her into the kang with his own hands and destroyed everything about her.

She had a sore nose and almost burst into tears.

His calm and cold voice came from next to his ear.

"Go back when you're drunk, don't try to make trouble."

The moment Lu Huaishen turned to leave, an incomprehensible obscurity filled his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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