Forensic without kites

Chapter 429 It Really Was Murder

Chapter 429 It Really Was Murder
Everything in the dissecting room was ready, and Wuyuan walked over and said that it was time to start.

Gu Jingnian stood on the dissection table, glanced at the corpse, feeling a little heavy.


He ordered in a low voice.

Wuyuan only acted as an assistant this time.

She handed him the razor.

Gu Jingnian lowered his head and shaved off the black hair on the corpse's head.

Looking at his crisp and sharp technique, her heart moved, and she suddenly asked: "What if I can't hold the knife with my right hand?"

Without stopping, the man gestured for her to hand over the electric craniotomy, and said, "Then accept it."

Wu Yuan was surprised, thinking that he would comfort her somewhat, but she didn't expect to be so indifferent.

"If you accept it, or not?" she asked.

"Then work hard to change, don't cry over spilled milk." He turned his head slightly and glanced at her, his eyes were extremely clear.

Heartbroken, she nodded.

The craniotomy was energized, and there was a sound of electric current immediately.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it along the head with incomparable precision.

It had been more than six hours since the corpse died, and purple corpse spots had appeared. On a day in November, the corpse had begun to slowly rot from the internal organs, and a slight stench floated in the dissection room.

Even with the air conditioner turned up to maximum and the forensic doctor wearing the most advanced protective suit and gas mask, he could still smell the nasty smell.

Within 5 minutes, Gu Jingnian opened the cranial cavity of the corpse.

Suddenly, in the air, Wuyuan smelled an extremely slight smell of almonds, and her face changed drastically.

"Jiang Qi's death is indeed murder! This is cyanide!"

Gu Jingnian's brows were tightly wrinkled, the skull fell straight down and was already shattered, and the meninges under the cranial cavity were congested very severely. The deceased had taken a small amount of cyanide during his lifetime, so that after his death, his eyeballs protruded slightly, his conjunctiva was pale, and his mouth was slightly open. , pale lips, thought it was caused by a stumble and fall, panic.

"Now, the case has a new direction."

Next, he opened the abdominal cavity of the corpse, and only then was he more sure of his thoughts.

When I found out earlier that Jiang Qi, the deceased, was the father of Wu Yuan's roommate at University, an ominous feeling crept into my heart.

Could it be that this case was not just an accident, but someone did it on purpose?

Who would do such a thing?

Mrs. X was already dead, and was shot dead by Du Heng.

And Du Heng also died, he died by taking cyanide.

Mrs. X is dead, and there is no leader in the group. Could it be that her accomplices are starting to kill innocent people in order to avenge her?

However, Gu Jingnian quickly rejected this idea in his heart.

For nearly a year, he has been dealing with Mrs. X's gang, and he knows every one of them's modus operandi well. Could it be that there is a crucial killer who hasn't shown up from the beginning to the end?
It is also impossible to be a killer who has dealt with the police before, because the murderer is cunning, even if the modus operandi remains the same, but when he kills, he has his own modus operandi, and this modus operandi increases with age. Except for subconscious avoidance, it is difficult to change.

What crime habits of the murderer will Jiang Qi leave behind?

The internal organs of the corpses that fell to death are usually severely damaged.

Jiang Qi is no exception.

His liver and spleen were all ruptured, because the buttocks fell to the ground, and the costovertebral joints and accessory soft tissues were contused and bleeding heavily.

His retroperitoneal and mesenteric injuries were bleeding, which was also very serious.

But more than that, because of the highly toxic cyanide, the deceased's lungs and pleura were widely adhered, with atelectasis in the left upper lobe, calcification of tuberculosis in the right lung, and dark red blood flow in the heart cavity.

Typically, after taking the poison, he was pushed down from a tall building.

Who will this person be?
(End of this chapter)

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