Forensic without kites

Chapter 399 Doctor, Am I Out Of My Mind?

Chapter 399 Doctor, Am I Out Of My Mind?

The door panel knocked on the hard wall with a dull sound, the person had already left, and the room was suddenly empty.

Wu Yuan couldn't believe it, she encountered such a thing when she woke up, she has been in a coma for the past few days, and she didn't even know the development, process and ending of the matter, so how could she know why Gu Jingnian was angry?
He was still blaming himself for being indifferent and not wanting to talk to him, but she didn't want to be like this either!

She was not such a person before. After her parents left, she gradually closed her heart because she was afraid of losing, and she no longer gave up her sincerity so easily. She thought that she was protecting others as well as herself.

Unexpectedly, he always cared...

The more Wuyuan thought about it, the more sad she became, she simply buried her head in the quilt and sobbed softly.

I don't know how long it took, and there was a deep voice with a slight rise in the end, "Miss Wei, are you crying?"

Wuyuan was startled, and then her embarrassment swept towards her without hiding. Ever since she was doing experiments on the corpse in her freshman year, the scalpel had pierced the stomach of the corpse, and the stinky juice of formalin was coming out. After splashing on the face of the senior seniors, she has never been embarrassed again.

"Hehe... I didn't cry." She stuck her head out of the quilt, laughed a few times, and saw the man's face under the bright light, as clear and indifferent as if outlined in a meticulous painting, with a tall and tall figure, wearing a slim white coat, with dark pupils, The whites of his eyes were clear, and he was looking at her with a tired and distant smile.

Wuyuan is not feeling well, she glanced at the sign on his chest, Lu Huaishen from the neurosurgery department...

I was blindsided.

Ask: "Doctor, am I out of my mind?"

Lu Huaishen didn't seem to notice her embarrassment. He took down the medical record beside her bed, squeezed her eyelids with cold fingers, and took a photo with the flashlight. That's called a person who walks like flowing water.

Only then did he say, "It's not broken."

When he leaned down just now, there was a nice faint scent of cologne rushing over him, and it was the first time Wu Yuan had close contact with a man other than Gu Jingnian, her face was a little red.

She glanced at the case in his hand, the column of the attending doctor clearly signed Lu Huaishen's three flowing handwriting.

"Then why, you are supernatural, you will come to see a doctor for me." She asked.

Lu Huai smiled deeply, long eyelashes swept a cloud of shadows onto his fair face, and there was a clear shadow in his eyes, "Miss Wei, I have to ask your Mr. Gu, he is afraid that you have a brain problem, so he called me Come on, although I am omnipotent, what you hurt is the bone, not the brain, I suggest Miss Wei to change the attending doctor as soon as possible, after all, I major in supernatural powers."

For the third time in Wuyuan's life, a red cloud appeared on her face.

She never imagined that Gu Jingnian was so nervous that she couldn't tell the difference between orthopedics and neurosurgery. How could this be possible?

Where did the calm and restrained man go?

"Hehe... Lu, Dr. Lu, I'm sorry, I'm asking to change the attending doctor now. I've wasted a lot of your time these few days. After all, most patients with brain problems are very serious..."

It was only then that Lu Huaishen swept her lightly, but he didn't say anything, he just hummed, and left, his back was extremely cold.

When he went out, he said to the man leaning against the corridor smoking: "Mr. Gu, Miss Wei has nothing but bones growing. From this afternoon, Director Li will take over."

Gu Jingnian frowned: "Is Director Li okay?"

Who doesn't know that although Lu Huaishen is young, he is an all-rounder in the hospital, and he is even a god beyond the gods.

Gu Jingnian naturally hoped that he would follow along.

Lu Huai smiled detachedly: "Director Li is very authoritative in the department of orthopedics, Mr. Gu can rest assured."

(End of this chapter)

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