Forensic without kites

Chapter 394 Be quiet, it seems that someone is coming

Chapter 394 Be quiet, it seems that someone is coming

Five hours ago, news came from BJ City People's Hospital that Ms. Xu, who had been staying in the ICU, woke up. The doctor announced that the patient was out of danger.

The first thing Xu Ruyun did when he woke up was to ask to see Gu Jingnian.

Zhang Ziqian was checking the magazine of the self-defense pistol. After confirming that the bullets in the magazine contained 15 bullets, he said, "Captain, we are about to set off. Are you really going?"

It is also very mysterious, the criminal police team of the provincial department received an anonymous e-mail half an hour ago.

The content is only two sets of latitude and longitude data.

N22°32′53.86″, E114°03′20.40
Gu Jingnian immediately fetched a piece of paper and calculated a coordinate point with mathematics. Specifically, it was the Shenzhen Yantian Crematorium on the map.

"The crematorium? Why is it such a gloomy place? Who sent it? Is the information reliable? How did the other party know that we were going to Shenzhen? Did someone leak the secret?" Zhang Ziqian was surprised and anxious.

Gu Jingnian thought for a while, "Now he should know everything about us, including Wuyuan."

"Oh, I don't think you're in a hurry at all! The other party has been holding us back, so think of a way!"

Zhang Ziqian wandered around the office anxiously: "You said he was sick, why did he leak the location to us for no reason? Want to catch them all? But it's not right! It's too high-sounding to lure snakes out of the hole!"

Gu Jingnian laughed: "What lures a snake out of the hole, the words should be accurate, besides, since he gave an address, it means that there are some things we want to see in the crematorium, there is no fuss, you tell the brothers to pack up and get ready to go .”

"Isn't Wuyuan there?" Zhang Ziqian said.

"Probably not here." Gu Jingnian picked up a 9mm Glock pistol, loaded it with bullets, loaded it, and put it on his waist.

"Why do you, the first bullet, always empty?" Zhang Ziqian asked.

Gu Jingnian hesitated: "I'm used to it."

"Stop seeing Miss Xu? She's your first love." Zhang Ziqian joked.

The man stood with his head bowed, his arms outstretched and he was wearing a protective suit, his brows were clear and cold without much ups and downs, "Well, I won't go."

"Yo, so willing?"

Gu Jingnian paused for a moment with his zippered hands, and turned his head slowly: "First, send some people to the hospital, and ask someone to check on her. She appeared on the day of the crime, which is really abnormal. If something abnormal happens, there must be a demon."

"Damn have such an idea, why didn't you say it earlier, I'm still worried that your old relationship is not over, and our Wuyuan was wasted in vain."

The man's face darkened, "Why do you always talk about me behind my back?"

Zhang Ziqian smiled knowingly, "Well, the helicopter is ready, the Shenzhen criminal police team is ready, we can take off, and we will wait for you at the gate!"

Gu Jingnian: "..."

15:[-] p.m.

Gu Jingnian and the Shenzhen police dispatched a criminal police force to ambush around the Yantian crematorium.

In such an evening, it gets dark early, and looking up at the sky is also a gloomy twilight. There is no distinction between day and night in Yantian Crematorium. Here, it is always gloomy, and the dim light emitted by the wall lamp on the ceiling seems to be The tears of the dead.

Zhang Ziqian hid in the dark, complaining: "It's a pity that Jiang He is not a criminal police officer, otherwise he would have been dragged out earlier. What the hell is this place? There are rows of crematoriums, it's too creepy. You said that people are already dead, and they still have to come here." It's really frustrating to deal with corpses in this kind of ghost place!"

Zhou Rong, the captain of the Shenzhen Anti-Terrorist Force, frowned deeply, "Be quiet, someone is here."

Gu Jingnian took a look through his binoculars, and saw a group of people coming from the darkness ahead, "Attention all, pay attention to concealment, and listen to my command."

Zhou Rongshen made several gestures behind him, signaling to be quiet and hide, waiting for orders.

(End of this chapter)

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