Forensic without kites

Chapter 379 I Saw a Person That Doesn't Exist

Chapter 379 I Saw Someone Who Doesn't Exist
But Wuyuan didn't believe what a pervert said at all.

A person who has killed so many lives, even if he only hears the other party's voice from a long distance, will feel fear.

Wu Yuan put her arms around herself: "Did you kill Aobai?"

Du Heng's face sunk on the pillow moved slightly: "Who?"

"That day, he was shot in Grandview Plaza."

After listening, he seemed to have no ups and downs and said, "Yes."

Why are some people so terrible, taking an innocent life, in their eyes, is just as normal as the cycle of seasons.

"Why did you kill him?" Her voice trembled uncontrollably.

Fear welled up from the depths of my heart.

Du Heng: "I don't know."

"He's in a place where he shouldn't be."

"So, he's going to die."

Wuyuan yelled under her throat: "He is just walking on the street, just like countless pedestrians, so why should he die!"

For many days, recalling that scene, Aubai's whole body convulsed and blood flowed all over the ground still made her unable to let go.

Du Heng: "..."

He pinched the corner of his clothes with his slender fingers, and then turned his whole body from the other side, lying flat on the bed, his eyes looking at the dark ceiling, his thin lips opened and closed: "You don't understand, I have to kill you!" he."

Wuyuan: "..."

She huddled into a ball, in the darkness, making no sound.

But she knew that her tears were rolling down her eyes, hot and hot.

When will these frightening days end?

"Kite, do you like snacks?"

After a long time, Du Heng asked.

Wuyuan opened her eyes and said lightly, "I don't love you."

Actually, she lied.

She loves snacks very much, and she loves desserts the most.

Du Heng: "I don't like snacks, but recently, I always dream of a figure. When she turned around, she couldn't see her face clearly, and she was smiling at me with a plate of cake."

Wuyuan listened in horror: "She can't see her face clearly, so how could she smile?"

"You also find it strange?" He suddenly turned around and smiled lazily, "I can see a lot of things since I was a child."


"That day, I saw a person."

Wuyuan: "...Who?"

Du Heng: "That day, when I went up the stairs, I saw a person who didn't exist..."

His deep and illogical voice floated in the darkness, like a giant python spitting out snake letters, stretching and retracting, exuding an evil breath.

How could man not exist?
Wuyuan guessed how sick his nerves were, and held her breath in fear as she listened.


Du Heng: "I saw a non-existent person on the stairs that day. The next day, I saw him there again. On the third day..., I hope he disappears forever."

Wuyuan: "Stop..."

For the last few words, his voice was so low, as if it was resounding from Wuyuan's ears, she yelled uncontrollably.

Du Heng smiled, and raised a hand to cover his eyes: "Scared?"

"... a bit." She hugged her legs tightly and closed her eyes.

"You know, whenever I close my eyes, I always see a lot of strange things. Sometimes, I can't sleep all night, but I'm not tired at all. In my dream, I sleep for too long, too long. "

Now, Wu Yuan could hear deep melancholy from his mouth.

She opened her eyes and quietly turned her head to look at him. He was lying flat on the bed, and even in the dark night, he couldn't hide his tall and undulating face.

Du Heng looks thin, but in fact he has a strong physique and is good at fighting.

That day, he raised his hand and knocked the phantom to the ground, and Wuyuan saw it.

Knowing that he had taken her captive to this strange and secluded place, she was determined not to let her go, but Wu Yuan decided to save herself even though she was besieged on all sides.

(End of this chapter)

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