Forensic without kites

Chapter 367 "Ziqian, my heart hurts..." the man murmured

Chapter 367 "Ziqian, my heart hurts..." the man murmured
Zhang Ziqian was worried that he would offend the psychiatrist who came from above, so he hurriedly said, "Oh, Doctor Wang, what the captain means is that he has a deep friendship with Chief Wei, and he can't let go of going to recuperate alone no matter what. Don't worry, We'll take care of him, the doctor's in the hall at all times, nothing will happen."

Wang Guoliang had also heard a little about the arrogance of this terrific police officer in the imperial capital, and now he didn't take it seriously when he was offended face to face, so he smiled and said, "That's fine, it's hard to stick to one thing."

The blood that Gu Jingnian had spit out before was still on the floor, and the smell was a bit fishy. Wang Guoliang felt his nose itch, so he took out the white square towel inserted in the breast pocket of his suit jacket and wiped his nose, and said sincerely: "Then, Captain Gu, how about you?" Please pay more attention to your body. I will ask someone to sweep the floor, so you can take a good rest."

Gu Jingnian closed his eyelids, the orange light from the ceiling sprinkled on his face, illuminating his thin and stiff outline, his lips, including his neck, were all pale.

He just closed his eyes and didn't answer.

Wang Guoliang looked at the person lying lifeless on the sofa, narrowed his dark eyes, and then slowly turned and left.

In the early morning of the second day, there was a shower of rain in the dark sky.

The bodies of Aobai and Mo Bai had already been coffined, but because the master said that it was not suitable for burial a few days ago, they moved it to today.

Aobai, like Mo Bai, is a native of BJ.

He is also an only child.

The white-haired parents of both parents gave away the black-haired ones. At the memorial service, there were miserable cries.

Gu Jingnian also attended the memorial service.

He was dressed in black and black trousers, standing straight at the door of the memorial service, with dark sword eyebrows, and behind him, the huge rain and fog from the black and blue sky drenched his back.

Later, the two families decided to bury her and move the coffin to the outskirts.

Gu Jingnian was going to follow, but Zhang Ziqian forcibly stopped him.

The rain was heavy, and Zhang Ziqian stood behind him.

"Captain, even if it's for Wuyuan, you can't go. The wound will only become inflamed if it is poured with rainwater!"

The man's dark suit was straightened, in a vast world of rain and fog, he stood with his back to him, only his side face, which was getting thinner due to taking anti-inflammatory drugs all day long, was a desolate blue.

"Ziqian, my heart hurts..." the man murmured.

Stretching his hand into the heavy rain and mist, bean-sized raindrops splashed heavily on his palm with clear lines, and quickly melted and fell down.

In no time, the whole hand was wet.

Zhang Ziqian suddenly felt a throbbing pain in his heart.

The corners of his eyes swelled sourly, and he couldn't speak a single word at this moment, his throat, mouth and nose seemed to be stuffed with a piece of pig iron.

It hurts so much, it's so hard, it makes people want to cry.

He secretly lowered his head and wiped the corners of his eyes.

Gu Jingnian definitely can't let Gu Jingnian see such a fragile woman's side of himself, especially this person is an existence that he especially admires and looks up to.

Absolutely not!

He struggled to half open his mouth, opened his eyes wide, and turned his head to blink away all the tears.

When he turned around, he was surprised.

The rain was heavy, and there was only a square of pale white dark gray shadows flickering sparsely in the distance, and there were not even a single bird in the sky.

And the man covered in pitch-black lowered his head halfway at some point, the suppressed whimpering sound broke through the wet rain and hit him, the wind was blowing the moisture of green grass and soil, Zhang Ziqian felt that his upright body was as tall as The loose back is like the swaying shadow of the bamboo forest under the rain outside, it is the gray color of the figure.

It is said that men don't flick their tears lightly, but they haven't reached the point of sadness.

Bamboo leaves fall, but new ones will grow.

And the man's wings fell off, and there was no more.

There is no alternative.

 Compared with Wang Changling's "Out of the Fortress One", I like his iron drums on the top of the city still shaking, and the golden knife in the box is still bloody
  Such a heartfelt and majestic cry

  I hope that each of us can be like this in the journey of life.

  Drive, dream and aspiration
  Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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