Forensic without kites

Chapter 356 The code is treacherous

Chapter 356 The code is treacherous (25)

Head heavy, a little heavy, really heavy.

When Wuyuan opened her eyes, the dazzling light made her eyelids sore and unbearable.

Close your eyes again.

In the darkness, she heard a "buzzing" sound coming from the depths of her head, and her inside seemed to be a mess.

She finally realized that she had a cold.

Leaning over to the bedside table, he took out his phone and took a look.

11:50 am.

There are two text messages.

There are dozens of missed calls.

She coughed, her throat was dry and hoarse, she had to push back the quilt and half sit up.

One is from Gu Jingnian.

Light-white fingers tapped the screen.

The text message is very short, only a few words.

- stay at home, don't run around
The tassel-like eyelashes moved, and she nodded to another text message.

——No Kites!See home quickly!Grandma is seriously ill and is in the intensive care unit of the city hospital. I hope you will come to see grandma for the last time!

When she saw the two words, her fingers gripping the phone became extremely cold.

She didn't save the numbers for everyone in that family.

Not saving, doesn't mean she really doesn't care about Wu Yuan at all.

Because she knew how his father, Wei Li, felt ashamed of the old lady before he was alive, so that he had been at odds with Wei Meilin's mother for ten years. After so many years of life and death, finally exhausted, he fell in love with his mother and gave birth to her.

But for so many years, he was also known as a forensic doctor with superb skills, and he was also called a dutiful son who was compassionate and compassionate.

Ever since the avant-garde old lady was unwell, he would go to visit him, even if the old lady didn't appreciate it.

But such a difficult and contradictory father made her heart ache.

The room is bright, and the sun's light shines through the tulle and casts crystal-like teardrops on the original-colored wooden boards.

She immediately lifted the quilt and walked to the closet. Her legs softened, and she knelt down on her knees. She put her hands on the ground, her throat choked, and she cried out, "Dad..."

Gu Jingxing heard a voice coming in from the living room, and saw her with her head down, her whole body lying on the ground with her black hair hanging down, and she couldn't see her face clearly.

As if asleep but not awake.

The quilt on the bed was rolled up in a mess, even the owner got up, but the quilt was not yet folded.

There is also a pillow that fell to the ground. There are so many bacteria on the ground, how dirty should it be?

Climbing down is extremely unpleasant.

After years, that guy called in the middle of the night to remind him to protect such a girl who didn't pay attention to tidiness at all?

I saw that he made a preconceived conclusion about Wuyuan Gai's coffin, and circled his heart.

His eyes gradually became cold.

"When are you going to get up off the floor."

"I don't know if the floor is dirty."

Wuyuan raised her head in great surprise, and saw a man standing at the door who seemed to have come out of the Shura field.

The visitor was all in black, with a suit and leather shoes, from the tie to the leather shoes, all in black.

It seems that except for black, other colors are not allowed to be worn on the upper body.

The tie was firmly tied, so tight that one could imagine whether it would hurt if his Adam's apple got stuck there when he swallowed.


He is really tall and straight.

thin.Pursing his thin lips, he looked at her sternly.

He is handsome, really handsome.

The cold and three-dimensional facial lines are vaguely similar to Gu Jingnian.

She seemed to have heard that there was an older brother who ran a big company in his family before, so she thought it was him.

This is the man...

Why is he here!

She hurriedly climbed up from the ground, her face was a little embarrassed, because her hair was messed up and she was still wearing pajamas.

This person is too rude, doesn't he know that no evil is seen!

"You... who are you..." Unexpectedly, he blurted out and asked Gu Jingnian who his elder brother was.

When it was over, she clasped her fingers together, not knowing what to say.

I also forgot that my military situation is urgent and I need to do something immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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