Forensic without kites

Chapter 352 The code is treacherous

Chapter 352 The code is treacherous (21)

"Didn't you hear me, I said, I want you..." He opened his eyes and talked about dirty jokes in a serious manner.

Unexpectedly, Officer Gu, who is upright and awe-inspiring during the day, is an out-and-out pervert in private!

Why didn't she find out that he was so bad before!
He is so bad!

In that case, how could he say it!
Fortunately, she believed in him so much, thinking that he was the kind of upright and awe-inspiring man, even if he had a passion for blood, he was only swaying in the path of hunting down evil.

Such a man is not so bad.

Who knows... In short, she underestimated and misjudged him!

After wandering around, she still forgot that the man who has been upright for too long became sullen, taller than the sky!
Wuyuan interrupted him before he could speak again, just pulled the quilt to cover her face, and drove him away: "Get out quickly, I'm going to sleep, I'm going to sleep to death!"

Mingming just said that he wasn't sleepy at all, but now he doesn't feel that he will be struck by lightning when he tells a lie.

"Hehe..." He let out a low laugh, she couldn't see his face clearly, but felt that his low laughter almost hooked her soul.

Annoyed, a little annoyed that he was becoming more and more unscrupulous in front of her eyes, so she raised her foot and kicked him.

"Don't leave yet! Has the case been solved! Do you have any ideas? Has the murderer been caught? Does your mother know that you solved the case so well!" She scolded people at this time, but she was merciless at all.

"Hehe, you scolded her really hard." He grabbed her tricky foot, wrapped his fingers around her small and crystal-clear ankle, the corners of his eyes darkened, and when her heart was trembling, he lowered his head and kissed her snow-white skin with blue blood vessels.

"Forgive you this time. Next time, be tighter, just like... how tight you were when you scolded me right now." His deep voice contained a hint of a smile, and when he stood up, he suddenly felt his whole body The fatigue was swept away, and the whole person was refreshed.

Obviously didn't get involved.

He is so energetic.

Turn off the light, close the door, and walk out.

Only then did Wuyuan pull down the quilt, in the dark, looking in the direction of the closed door, listening to the sound of her heart beating, her hot head was thinking of other things.

By this time, there was still no sign of sleep on the other side of her bed.From the incident to the present, he has not fallen asleep.

That's right, she remembered how when he was teasing her just now, how his deep smile couldn't hide his tiredness, and even his normally bright eyes turned black.

The throbbing throbbing in his heart was replaced by heartache.

He is also a person, just like her, how can he continue to function without sleep.

Throwing off the quilt, she got out of bed.

Opening the door, the living room was pitch black, and a faint beam of light was scattered sparsely from the study.

She tiptoed lightly and walked over.

Standing at the door, she looked down and saw a piece of white paper being blown to her feet by the cold wind coming in from the window sill.On the paper are densely written symbols in black ink.

And Gu Jingnian was standing in front of the wall, which was originally used to hang various landscape photo albums, but now he took them all down and threw them in a corner.

I saw yellow, red, orange, green and blue sticky notes plastered all over the wall, and on the sticky notes were his handwriting drawn with golden hooks and irons. It seemed that every time a stroke was made, the man's complexion became heavier.

The photos of the deceased Ai Zhifeng and Bai Xuezhen were enlarged by him and nailed to the center of the wall. He marked them with A and B respectively with a red pen.

With such a large picture, Wu Yuan felt that the dead man's piercing eyes were staring at her.

There was a palpitation in my heart.

All the symbols engraved on the walls of the long alley were also magnified by him and nailed in the middle of the wall.

From this point of view, in the middle of the night, there seemed to be a nervous and weird atmosphere.

The code has a big mouth, and it wants to suck sticky notes in all directions into its mouth.

But Gu Jingnian suddenly moved, stepped forward and tore off the picture of the code, stared at it for a long time, then suddenly turned around and walked towards the computer on the desk.

He was so focused that he didn't notice Wuyuan standing at the door with a completely changed face.

(End of this chapter)

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